Flooding as bad as Katrina and the government didn't show up for four days

Katrina death toll: 1,833

2016 Louisiana flooding death toll: 13

Enough said.

Katrina was the worse natural disaster to hit the US, that's one difference. Note, in the OP I said flooding. Flooding usually does not mean a lot of deaths per se. The death toll in Katrina was caused mostly by those who did not evacuate. Which of course is all local control.
Not really. Many poor areas in the US, especially the Deep South and Appalachia, simply don't have the resources to move people from old folks home, hospitals, mental facilities, orphanages and so on.
Republicans didn't care about New Orleans. Why do the suddenly care now about BR?

So, could the reason be no one showed up was because it was still pouring rain and it was unsafe to travel?
There is no evidence to support your false accusation, only opinion.

I guess you think Libs, like Hillary 'No Show' Clinton or Barry - who didn't visit La until he was shamed off the golf course, would have done a better job.

Maybe Bush should have appointed Ray 'Chocolate City' Naggin to be in charge of the clean-up / recovery.

Hillary, and any help she might have had, NEVER showed up...just like in Benghazi.

Notice she has a habit of liking BEING in charge but never DOES anything, just leaves Americans to fend for themselves?!

Diane Feinstein couldn't name a Hillary accomplishment...even with Google, but Hillary LOVED being in power.

Hillary LOVED being Sect of State...but she couldn't get the Russian word 'Reset' right, lost $6 BILLION, had no clue what was going on in HER State Dept, & let 4 Americans needlessly die.

Hillary loves the idea of BEING President but demonstrated what kind she would be again by not even giving the Gov of La a PHONE CALL let alone visiting.
OK, now name the "good stuff" on Trump.
He's NOT Crooked Hillary.

'Nuff said.
Katrina death toll: 1,833

2016 Louisiana flooding death toll: 13

Enough said.

Katrina was the worse natural disaster to hit the US, that's one difference. Note, in the OP I said flooding. Flooding usually does not mean a lot of deaths per se. The death toll in Katrina was caused mostly by those who did not evacuate. Which of course is all local control.
Not really. Many poor areas in the US, especially the Deep South and Appalachia, simply don't have the resources to move people from old folks home, hospitals, mental facilities, orphanages and so on.

Whose fault is it if there is piss poor planning? Even is federal help is needed it is still up to the local community to request that help.
Katrina death toll: 1,833

2016 Louisiana flooding death toll: 13

Enough said.
Democrat mayor who had no sufficient plans or adequate provisions and is imprisoned of New Orleans.

Democrat governor who ignored the Army corp of engineers requests to fortify the levees and instead Cyphened money that was suppose to go to the levees.

A 500 mile diameter storm that hit 5 states and you fucking left wing pawns cry about Booooosh and the federal government. More proof that you are not only a fucking pathetic hypocrite, but also ignorant as hell. Amateurs like you always talk about what "should be done. " Fall right in line with the fucking propaganda pushed by your pathetic media.

Meanwhile, the pros always focus on LOGISTICS. As if any pea brain like you would know how to organize the logistics after a devastating storm. Where is central command? Who is in most need of help? How are supply lines going to be set up? Communication is down everywhere. Power is out everywhere. Roads are washed out everywhere.

You, along with every left wing piece of brainwashed shit should just shut the fuck up, turn on your fucking Kardashians show, smoke pot, talk about what you would do, in your pathetic drum circles and in your other echo chambers. Just don't talk or reveal your absurd stupidity in public where WE get to see how stupid the left wing sheep allow themselves to get.

Simplistic, simple minded fool.
They didn't open any centers for at least 8 days. I believe it was actually 11, but don't feel like looking it up again.
The governor of LA told Obama not too. I am sure fema shown up but of course you'd like to stop all funding..Talk about the hypocrite talking out of its ass.

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