Florida abortion rights amendment proposal looks likely to appear on ballot

The slaver Founders who didn't believe women, black people or non land owning whites should have a say in government didn't believe in democracy? You don't say! :eek:

No wolves in the slave republic though huh? That's real history.... :lmao:
I'm glad you brought that up, given that the founders of Western Democracy Athenian Greeks had slaves, women couldn't vote and only land owners could hold office.

The US also had a war that killed over 600,000 people and ended slavery you ignorant shit.
I'm glad you brought that up, given that the founders of Western Democracy Athenian Greeks had slaves, women couldn't vote and only land owners could hold office.

The US also had a war that killed over 600,000 people and ended slavery you ignorant shit.
What's ignorant about my comment? Yours was the one to suggest there were no wolves to be found in a Republic. :lmao:
So what part of my comments claimed otherwise ?
Your "Constitutional Republic" Crapline.
You MAGATS use that to excuse Trump and the GOP's ongoing attack on our democracy.

Like Trump, you hate democracy because in a Democracy, when you lose, you lose.
But you hate losing so in your mind, when you lose, look for a way to cheat.
Then blame the other side when you get caught.
The Constitution is the law in the US and nowhere in the document does it mention abortion. Anything that is not in the Constitution falls to the States to decide. If you want to comment on issues in the United States of America do some research first before you look even more ignorant than you already do.
Are you unaware of the 9th amendment?

Because before SCOTUS undid 50 years of precedent, abortion was a constitutional right.

Perhaps it is you who needs to do research?
Are you unaware of the 9th amendment?

Because before SCOTUS undid 50 years of precedent, abortion was a constitutional right.

Perhaps it is you who needs to do research?
"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Nope nowhere is abortion mentioned in the 9th. However...

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Abortion is a 10th Amendment issue. It has never been a Constitutional Right.
"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Nope nowhere is abortion mentioned in the 9th. However...

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Abortion is a 10th Amendment issue. It has never been a Constitutional Right.
It's not there anymore as I explained.

It used to be there until SCOTUS changed that.

Before that, it was located in the 9th amendment between presumption of innocence and the right to travel.

Does that help you or must I elaborate?
It's not there anymore as I explained.

It used to be there until SCOTUS changed that.

Before that, it was located in the 9th amendment between presumption of innocence and the right to travel.

Does that help you or must I elaborate?
No fuck it wasn't it takes 2/3rds of the States voting for a Constitutional Convention or 2/3rds of Congress voting for an amendment. None of these where done. Abortion has never been a Constitutional right. The education system has gone to shit in this country.
Why foreign homosexual activists are interested in abortion legislation in America's Sunshine State is anybody's guess.
It's very relevant you moron you commented on my response to Tommy's claim that the US Constitution was outdated. Reading comprehension doesn't seem to be your thing.
And that is relevant to Florida voting on a constitutional amendment regarding abortion how?
Oh, that's right, NOT AT ALL

You shitbrained dick.

Well it looks like they have the sigs needed. But the GOP is already looking to block this. Not by having a debate and winning the argument.
But by legal technicalities.
Even if they win I would not trust desantis to follow through on the peoples wishes. Maga doesnt respect democracy. Best of luck.
And how does this affect you in good ole England? Again?
No fuck it wasn't it takes 2/3rds of the States voting for a Constitutional Convention or 2/3rds of Congress voting for an amendment. None of these where done. Abortion has never been a Constitutional right. The education system has gone to shit in this country.
Why are you talking about amendments?

I tried to steer you in the right direction hoping you would do some research before continuing to expose your ignorance but evidently I need to help you out a bit more.

The constitution is important. Please read carefully.

Abortion was a constitutional right based on the 9th amendment. Just like presumption of innocence and the right to travel are not "enumerated" in the constitution yet are constitutional rights nonetheless and subsequently are what is known as "unenumerated" rights.

James Madison championed the 9th amendment and ultimately was likely the reason it was agreed upon to submit a bill of rights.

Before this, many founders knew they could not list every possible right and we're concerned because a right wasn't specifically listed in the constitution then it would be subject to govenrment control. Their concerns were well founded based on your arguement alone.

James Madison put it way better then I can though so here are James Madison's thoughts on the bill of rights and how the 9th amendment could be used to assuage their fear of to much government power.

"It has been objected also against a bill of rights, that, by enumerating particular exceptions to the grant of power, it would disparage those rights which were not placed in that enumeration, and it might follow by implication, that those rights which were not singled out, were intended to be assigned into the hands of the general government, and were consequently insecure. This is one of the most plausible arguments I have ever heard urged against the admission of a bill of rights into this system; but, I conceive, that may be guarded against."

Thus the 9th amendment was born.

I hope this helps you better understand how our constitution works. I highly recommend reading the entire link I provided. It is relatively succinct and should clear any questions you may have.

Good luck and have a great weekend!

Well it looks like they have the sigs needed. But the GOP is already looking to block this. Not by having a debate and winning the argument.
But by legal technicalities.
Even if they win I would not trust desantis to follow through on the peoples wishes. Maga doesnt respect democracy. Best of luck.
After tonite's review of abortion laws on ABC tells exactly why abortion laws need to go by the wayside. Hope you watched it. I don't know how these republicans can stay out of prison if they keep this insanity up.
/——/ Democracy does not appear once in the Constitution, but Republican form of government does. Article four, section four.

Section 4​

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.
Ok so if our republic isn't based on democratic principles what do you believe it's based on totalitarian principles ? Fascist ideology ?
The slaver Founders who didn't believe women, black people or non land owning whites should have a say in government didn't believe in democracy? You don't say! :eek:

No wolves in the slave republic though huh? That's real history.... :lmao:
In that mindset it was still considered a democracy. Same thing could be said of Ancient Greece , the birthplace of democracy.

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