Florida bans "The Outsider" by Albert Camus as unsuitable for kids

lol do audiobooks count? i listen to audiobooks more than actual reading. it's easier, though it's kind of like cheating
But you can listen while driving, or doing other work, like chores. With the right narrator; it can be as good as a theatric experience. Remember “Balky” from the show “Perfect Strangers”? He is a prolific, and highly sought after audio book narrator, and among the very best in the business.
The KKK were the good guys that saved the pretty White girls's life from being raped and murdered by the Negroes. The Negroes were the shitheads. A movie that was a reflection of real life. What is not to like?

If Negroes were depicted real in the movies and TV now now most of them would be criminals, welfare queens and low IQ ghetto shitheads.
A movie for racist cowards like you, I hate to tell you this many white girls love black men. There is no need to rape or murder anyone, you are just mad that white women love black men.

Its been removed from school libraries by Desantis thought police.

Now I read it about 40 years ago and I found it hard work. So I guess that it wouldnt appeal to too many teens. But there will be some who would read it and appreciate what the author was talking about.

But now they will be denied that opportunity.Florida will not be rearing any philosophers any time soon.

It seems that desantis is intent on cultivating a generation of morons.

This is a book written by one of thee major figures of the last century. Le Monde rated it the book of the century. Its been in print since 1942 and translated into every language.

It isnt teaching tots to give blow jobs. The idea that some partisan hack can just cancel it is Maoist in the extreme.

Some day a novel will be written about the Florida book burnings. Ron would ban that on day one.
No doubt you whined like a little bitch when liberals banned Huck Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird, right? I'll wait on confirmation on that.
The KKK were the good guys that saved the pretty White girls's life from being raped and murdered by the Negroes. The Negroes were the shitheads. A movie that was a reflection of real life. What is not to like?

If Negroes were depicted real in the movies and TV now now most of them would be criminals, welfare queens and low IQ ghetto shitheads.
This is an example of the racism, fear, and hate that motivates the racist right to ban books by authors of color and ban books that document the fact of America’s racist past and why that racism continues to flourish among conservatives today.
This is an example of the racism, fear, and hate that motivates the racist right to ban books by authors of color and ban books that document the fact of America’s racist past and why that racism continues to flourish among conservatives today.
The person on this thread that spews racial hatred and fear is Superbadbro. Everything he says has Negro entitlement hate in it.

He will enjoy the Super Bowl tonight. Espically when the goddman Negros kneel with their hands over their vile little hearts during the Black National Anthem. He is too full of hate and fear to know how disgusting that is.
do you mean “The Stanger” by Camus?

That one’s a classic. I read it in the original French. I can’t imagine why it would be banned. Nothing racy.
A movie for racist cowards like you, I hate to tell you this many white girls love black men. There is no need to rape or murder anyone, you are just mad that white women love black men.

Its been removed from school libraries by Desantis thought police.

Now I read it about 40 years ago and I found it hard work. So I guess that it wouldnt appeal to too many teens. But there will be some who would read it and appreciate what the author was talking about.

But now they will be denied that opportunity.Florida will not be rearing any philosophers any time soon.

It seems that desantis is intent on cultivating a generation of morons.

This is a book written by one of thee major figures of the last century. Le Monde rated it the book of the century. Its been in print since 1942 and translated into every language.

It isnt teaching tots to give blow jobs. The idea that some partisan hack can just cancel it is Maoist in the extreme.

Some day a novel will be written about the Florida book burnings. Ron would ban that on day one.
The DeSantis regime also banned The Kite Runner.


Its been removed from school libraries by Desantis thought police.

Now I read it about 40 years ago and I found it hard work. So I guess that it wouldnt appeal to too many teens. But there will be some who would read it and appreciate what the author was talking about.

But now they will be denied that opportunity.Florida will not be rearing any philosophers any time soon.

It seems that desantis is intent on cultivating a generation of morons.

This is a book written by one of thee major figures of the last century. Le Monde rated it the book of the century. Its been in print since 1942 and translated into every language.

It isnt teaching tots to give blow jobs. The idea that some partisan hack can just cancel it is Maoist in the extreme.

Some day a novel will be written about the Florida book burnings. Ron would ban that on day one.

Imagine if a liberal had removed this book. They'd be called "woke".

It's funny how they do the same thing that they complain about, but don't see the problem when they do it.
It is because it unfairly depicts Muslims as child rapists.

So there are no Muslim child rapists? We should never talk about child rape because it will "unfairly depict" any group as "child rapists"?

I've not read the book, though it does talk about sexual assault on the main character's friend. I'd assume this is why they banned it.
The question here is, should kids be aware of what sexual assault is, should they know if someone is doing it to them or not?
I'd say yes.
However the right have a tendency of wanting to protect kids from the real world, happens in most religions on the right. They think these kids will be protected.... same as when they don't want sex ed classes. All that happens is more cases of teenage pregnancies, more cases of teenage STDs and the like. But the right don't care. They're "Protecting" these kids..... apparently.

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