Florida bans "The Outsider" by Albert Camus as unsuitable for kids

Books aimed at teaching children about how Hank Aaron and Roberto Clemente overcame racism to become both baseball and American icons were removed from schools in Duvall County, Florida.
You are just a blubbering idiot.

Its been removed from school libraries by Desantis thought police.

Now I read it about 40 years ago and I found it hard work. So I guess that it wouldnt appeal to too many teens. But there will be some who would read it and appreciate what the author was talking about.

But now they will be denied that opportunity.Florida will not be rearing any philosophers any time soon.

It seems that desantis is intent on cultivating a generation of morons.

This is a book written by one of thee major figures of the last century. Le Monde rated it the book of the century. Its been in print since 1942 and translated into every language.

It isnt teaching tots to give blow jobs. The idea that some partisan hack can just cancel it is Maoist in the extreme.

Some day a novel will be written about the Florida book burnings. Ron would ban that on day one.
Guess what Troll?
School libraries have been screening what books are in their schools since always.
But trolling is what you do... so there is that
I just read a summary in Wiki. If that description is accurate, it is a relatively short first person narrative of a man with a seemingly sociopathic personality who helps a friend who beats his (the friend's) girlfriend with no remorse about how the beating affects the woman. Later, the woman's brother attacks his friend and when the hero meets the brother, he shoots the brother multiple times even though the first shot kills him. Then he goes to prison and is executed, still feeling misunderstood.

I think that there are better things for high school librarians to promote. Think of the shelf space. You would have to throw out two or three copies of that book to make room for one copy of Atlas Shrugged, a far more instructive book for high schoolers.
With no evidence other than a Twitter tweet.

For all I know, SBB and that Twiter user are one and the same.

The links in original thread are not Twitter links. (granted there could be more than one thread as people think something must be posted over and over)

Its been removed from school libraries by Desantis thought police.

Now I read it about 40 years ago and I found it hard work. So I guess that it wouldnt appeal to too many teens. But there will be some who would read it and appreciate what the author was talking about.

But now they will be denied that opportunity.Florida will not be rearing any philosophers any time soon.

It seems that desantis is intent on cultivating a generation of morons.

This is a book written by one of thee major figures of the last century. Le Monde rated it the book of the century. Its been in print since 1942 and translated into every language.

It isnt teaching tots to give blow jobs. The idea that some partisan hack can just cancel it is Maoist in the extreme.

Some day a novel will be written about the Florida book burnings. Ron would ban that on day one.
Without looking it up..was this the book that the movie with Rob Lowe was based on?
I think Tommy T got the wrong "Outsider" book. Prolly meant The Outsider by S.E. Hinton.
A great novel written by a fifteen year-old girl, based on her experiences in class conflict among teenagers in Oklahoma. In the movie, Hinton had a cameo as a nurse when Johnny Cade was in the hospital.*

Still, if a local elected school board decided it shouldn't be in the library or in the curriculum, I would respect that decision.

*Sorry, I'm in a phase where I blurt out trivia.
Books aimed at teaching children about how Hank Aaron and Roberto Clemente overcame racism to become both baseball and American icons were removed from schools in Duvall County, Florida.
The last thing we need is more shit about Afro Americans. We get inudated with that vile shit every day so piss on them.
Left wing hysterics seems confused over the word "ban". If a book is removed from a children's library it isn't banned, it's just removed from a children's library.

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