Florida Battleground


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
If the Republican leadership thinks I'll rollover and vote for Romney, they are in for a rude awakening. As a conservative, I refuse to take the liberal Romney as a suitable alternative to Obama. Picking between two evils is not going to work for me. We can cause gridlock for another four years and wait for a better Republican.
If the Republican leadership thinks I'll rollover and vote for Romney, they are in for a rude awakening. As a conservative, I refuse to take the liberal Romney as a suitable alternative to Obama. Picking between two evils is not going to work for me. We can cause gridlock for another four years and wait for a better Republican.

Sadly, I don't think we can. Obama has made it clear he's fully willing to and capable of usurping power and simply operating as a dictator, with no regard for Congress or the structure of the government. And it's also pretty obvious that no one in the government will stand up to him and object.

Besides, in another four years, it'll be too late to jettison Obamacare. We can't let that happen.
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If the Republican leadership thinks I'll rollover and vote for Romney, they are in for a rude awakening. As a conservative, I refuse to take the liberal Romney as a suitable alternative to Obama. Picking between two evils is not going to work for me. We can cause gridlock for another four years and wait for a better Republican.

I'm just curious. What liberal positions of Romney's are a problem for you? I find that many of the attributes being ascribed by the media and left wing to the GOP candidates are not exactly as they seem. Articulate if you will exactly what you, as a conservative, find wrong with Romney.
If the Republican leadership thinks I'll rollover and vote for Romney, they are in for a rude awakening. As a conservative, I refuse to take the liberal Romney as a suitable alternative to Obama. Picking between two evils is not going to work for me. We can cause gridlock for another four years and wait for a better Republican.

I agree. Neither of the 'top tier' candidates are worth casting a vote for, regardless of all the hype from the 'Establishment'. My hope is that we have a brokered convention, maybe these big government idiots will realize that their con game is no longer so easily played.
The US Supreme Court will gut Obamacare this summer.

And if Obama gets another 4 years, HE will most likely have the opportunity to appoint 2 new justices.

If he can get them through what is likely to be a Republican controlled Senate.

Oh, yeah, because Republicans are such manly he-men, standing up for their principles like the Rock of Gibraltar. Puhleeze. The entire party doesn't have a complete set of testicles among its members. Just because the media likes to sing Obama's tune of "Republicans are obstructionists" doesn't mean they actually have the guts to really obstruct anything.
Oh, yeah, because Republicans are such manly he-men, standing up for their principles like the Rock of Gibraltar. Puhleeze. The entire party doesn't have a complete set of testicles among its members. Just because the media likes to sing Obama's tune of "Republicans are obstructionists" doesn't mean they actually have the guts to really obstruct anything.

That's unfortunate, as it's at the Congressional level where the Tea Party yields the most power and has the most representation. If they can't stop things at that level, then game's up.
Oh, yeah, because Republicans are such manly he-men, standing up for their principles like the Rock of Gibraltar. Puhleeze. The entire party doesn't have a complete set of testicles among its members. Just because the media likes to sing Obama's tune of "Republicans are obstructionists" doesn't mean they actually have the guts to really obstruct anything.

That's unfortunate, as it's at the Congressional level where the Tea Party yields the most power and has the most representation. If they can't stop things at that level, then game's up.

Oh, I don't doubt that the Tea Partiers would obstruct like a sonofabitch if they had to. However, I don't think there are enough of them, and the establishment Republicans are a bunch of spineless, caving, deal-making jellyfish.

No, sorry, we just can't risk playing politics and letting Obama have another four years while we stomp our feet and pout and refuse to participate because we didn't get the candidate we wanted. Besides, if I must stomach one term of a President I don't particularly care for while waiting for a better candidate, I would prefer to tolerate four years of Romney rather than tolerate four years of Obama.
If the Republican leadership thinks I'll rollover and vote for Romney, they are in for a rude awakening. As a conservative, I refuse to take the liberal Romney as a suitable alternative to Obama. Picking between two evils is not going to work for me. We can cause gridlock for another four years and wait for a better Republican.

I'm just curious. What liberal positions of Romney's are a problem for you? I find that many of the attributes being ascribed by the media and left wing to the GOP candidates are not exactly as they seem. Articulate if you will exactly what you, as a conservative, find wrong with Romney.

Romney is an elitist and social engineer with his own brand of healthcare entitlements. You can find more similarities with Obama than differences. Problem is, with Romney in office he will get Republicans to agree with his liberal views and Democrats too. It is actually worse than Obama.
Oh, I don't doubt that the Tea Partiers would obstruct like a sonofabitch if they had to. However, I don't think there are enough of them, and the establishment Republicans are a bunch of spineless, caving, deal-making jellyfish.

No, sorry, we just can't risk playing politics and letting Obama have another four years while we stomp our feet and pout and refuse to participate because we didn't get the candidate we wanted. Besides, if I must stomach one term of a President I don't particularly care for while waiting for a better candidate, I would prefer to tolerate four years of Romney rather than tolerate four years of Obama.

Then send a better person to do the job.
The US Supreme Court will gut Obamacare this summer.

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that it will. Nor should we be trusting our lives to 9 unelected judges.

So if you dont want Romney, who do you want? You're a Paulite right?
If the Republican leadership thinks I'll rollover and vote for Romney, they are in for a rude awakening. As a conservative, I refuse to take the liberal Romney as a suitable alternative to Obama. Picking between two evils is not going to work for me. We can cause gridlock for another four years and wait for a better Republican.

I'm sure the Republican leadership has had some long discussions about who saveliberty will vote for.
I don't like the way the RNC is playing to Romney. Also the press and the way they talk about him, it's a foregone conclusion that he has the nomination. Romney is BAD news just waiting to happen. Newt is NOT a perfect candidate but I would rather have him run against Obama than Romney.
If the Republican leadership thinks I'll rollover and vote for Romney, they are in for a rude awakening. As a conservative, I refuse to take the liberal Romney as a suitable alternative to Obama. Picking between two evils is not going to work for me. We can cause gridlock for another four years and wait for a better Republican.

Sadly, I don't think we can. Obama has made it clear he's fully willing to and capable of usurping power and simply operating as a dictator, with no regard for Congress or the structure of the government. And it's also pretty obvious that no one in the government will stand up to him and object.

Besides, in another four years, it'll be too late to jettison Obamacare. We can't let that happen.

obama is running a trillion dollars a quarter in increased debt. Are you ready for a 30% increase in taxes in a second term? CBO: Taxes Will

The web of offices and czars taking the power from the legislature will continue until elections are meaningless because the power will still vest absolutely with the king and only with the king.
I don't like the way the RNC is playing to Romney. Also the press and the way they talk about him, it's a foregone conclusion that he has the nomination. Romney is BAD news just waiting to happen. Newt is NOT a perfect candidate but I would rather have him run against Obama than Romney.

Based on what exactly? Every flaw Romney has, Newt has ten fold and more.
If the Republican leadership thinks I'll rollover and vote for Romney, they are in for a rude awakening. As a conservative, I refuse to take the liberal Romney as a suitable alternative to Obama. Picking between two evils is not going to work for me. We can cause gridlock for another four years and wait for a better Republican.

I'm sure the Republican leadership has had some long discussions about who saveliberty will vote for.

Probably not saveliberty specifically, but the independent voter absolutely. Electability, which is the word they keep using, means moderate. Do I have to draw a picture for ya xotoxi?

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