Florida Bill Would Jail Minors for Posting Pictures of Guns...land of the free? LAND OF THE FREE?

I doubt it would withstand a First Amendment challenge, but it won't pass anyway
This statist nonsense will be laughed out of court before the ink drys.
The world sure is different than when I was a kid. We used to make paper guns and paper holsters and keep them on our hips and play war at recess.

Or shoot the girls.

If we would draw our weapons in class and shoot someone we'd get our name written on the board. Not because it was a gun, but because going "KA-POW!!!" in class tended to disturb the teacher.
Wow, they make it sound like sharing gun pictures is the worst thing that anyone could ever be guilty of.

God bless you always!!!

Chronic case of Cranium Rectalitis...


Florida state senator and Democrat Jason W. B. Pizzo.

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