Florida gay club shooters mosque set on fire

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I don't hate something I don't believe in.
If none of those stories are real, then how do you know what to believe?
What parts of the bible do you believe?
I believe all of it. Every word.
So you believe there was no disease prior to around 2K BC even though science says that's bullshit?
Where does the bible say there was no disease until 2k BC?
2K BC is the most acceptable guess as to when the flood happened. This si from biblical scholars. The same ones that interpret what you believe. Why do you think people supposedly lived to be 900 years old? Hell man, grapes didn't even ferment till after the flood.
Okay, but that doesn't address my question. I asked where the bible says that...and since you asked your question after I said I believe the word of God entirely, I was asking where in the actual bible does it say that or even hint at it?
I explained the hint. People lived to be 900. Grapes started fermenting. Apparently, physics did a 180.
But you may be right. Maybe it doesn't. This is just my interpretation. But this is why I like to discuss. To learn.
I don't hate something I don't believe in.
If none of those stories are real, then how do you know what to believe?
What parts of the bible do you believe?
First, I think most of the Bible (and Torah) is based on the perceptions of desert nomads. Some based on stories told around campfires for generations and some based on the history of the Hebrews as they moved from Egypt to Israel. The New Testament was written a few to several decades after the Crucifixion. Furthermore, the entire Bible was canonized in 325AD by a group of Christians who hand-picked which books to put in the Bible and which to leave out.

In answer to your question, I take the entire Bible as a book of wisdom. Much more than Aesop's Fables since it also includes social laws akin to Hammurabi's Code and history (even if flawed in the retelling). It's not necessary to believe the entire Bible or even part of it. What's important, IMO, is to understand that there is a lot more to existence than meets the eye.
I don't doubt a supreme being, I just don't believe in man made gods.
Well if that's the case, there's no reason for you to believe in a God period. The only God that you can be aware of is one another man has told you about. Or one you have made up in your own mind.
I don't. "god" is a man made term to describe the higher power you believe in.
I just don't doubt a supreme being. There are too many qiestions of our existence to doubt a supreme being. At least at this point.
'Supreme Being' is also a man made term.
Im just glad I can talk about this and people not freak the fuck out. Thanks divine and offensive!
So is her husband. Meow!
The husband is all yours!....although OffensivelyOpenMinded may get jealous.
Im just glad I can talk about this and people not freak the fuck out. Thanks divine and offensive!
I am glad you take an interest in eternity. I'm not going to bash you for that. You're a smart guy, I just pray you join a church and get back into the bible. I even hope D.W does. It's obvious you both have been exposed to the ultimate truth, you just need time to accept it. Your life and the world around you makes much more sense with faith and clarity you recieve in belief of the Almighty God. The news articles you read begin to mesh with His Words entirely to the point of obviousness.

I don't know you're real name, brother. But I will add you to my prayer list.

Which brings up a personal topic. I have a homosexual uncle and I had a homosexual cousin die of AIDS. I prayed and prayed for them to change, it wasn't until I read the bible cover to cover that I saw reality. Reprobates belong in hell. No matter how much I wished my cousin to change, it was impossible. My uncle has HIV, thanks to medications he is able to function somewhat normally from what I have heard. I disowned my uncle after coming to the realization that he is done in God's eyes, so we do not speak to one another.
So is her husband. Meow!
The husband is all yours!....although OffensivelyOpenMinded may get jealous.

He's from my area as well. lol
How do you know that, MDK?

It isn't exactly a secret that Joe Manganiello is from Pittsburgh. Did you think I was talking about you?! Don't flatter yourself. Iol
I'm in Phoenix, AZ. Originally from the liberal hellhole that is known as Seattle, WA. Never even been to Pittsburgh. I'm a west coaster originally and south westerner currently.
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I don't get jealous over men and women being together. I rejoice in it. Every time I see a married couple with their children, I am joyous.
Since you'be both lied to me and been telling lies about me all morning, I strongly doubt your veracity in this case.

I'm not telling lies about you. You want to dispute that you use narcotics or what?
I'm not telling lies about you. You want to dispute that you use narcotics or what?
You have lied to me and about me multiple times. Denying it just adds another lie.

No, I don't use narcotics. Try to pray your gay away. Maybe this will help:

I'm not telling lies about you. You want to dispute that you use narcotics or what?
You have lied to me and about me multiple times. Denying it just adds another lie.

No, I don't use narcotics. Try to pray your gay away. Maybe this will help:

You keep calling me a closeted faggot, so you're a lying hypocrite yourself. At least I use your actual words to make assumptions.. You just make up stuff and pretend some dumb article about those who oppose being a faggot as actually being closeted faggots as if they prove your claims. You said yourself you alter your 'consciousness'...99.99% of people who use that terminology are drug addicted losers. I hate fags because God hates fags. Not because I am one, but you keep lying about me.

Do everyone a favor and shut up... You want to hold me to a different standard...I'm holding you to the standard you present. Bum.
^ Reply in quote
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I'm not telling lies about you. You want to dispute that you use narcotics or what?
You have lied to me and about me multiple times. Denying it just adds another lie.

No, I don't use narcotics. Try to pray your gay away. Maybe this will help:

Looking for nippledge, not seeing any. Still, if more women looked like that, there wouldn't be any gay men methinks.
I'm not telling lies about you. You want to dispute that you use narcotics or what?
You have lied to me and about me multiple times. Denying it just adds another lie.

No, I don't use narcotics. Try to pray your gay away. Maybe this will help:

Looking for nippledge, not seeing any. Still, if more women looked like that, there wouldn't be any gay men methinks.
She is downright gorgeous. I have no idea why this idiot D.W is making two different arguments on how I must be gay and posting pics of women? No doubt about it, so far every woman he has posted a picture of is pleasing to my eyes..

But I am married and happily so. To a woman. Who looks better than these Hollywood bimbos in my opinion.
Haha....you are losing the debate so you have to resort to falsehoods and personal attacks. Pathetic.
Are you denying you're passionately homophobic?

Finally a brown woman.

I was beginning to think you're a racist.
A beautiful woman is a beautiful woman. My wife is Peruvian, mixed with pretty much all the ethnicities that exist in that country. She's a hot number and I thank God every day she is my wife.
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