Florida gay club shooters mosque set on fire

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So you are saying the bible is full of shit?
BTW, I am agnostic and don't believe in any man made gods.
I'm saying the Bible is a mixture of allegories, parables, social laws and history. Much (if not all) of what happened before Moses was passed by word of mouth for thousands of years before Moses wrote it down in the first 5 books of the Bible....and even that part is subject to debate.

Still, like all books of ancient wisdom, much can be learned from it. Take the pork dietary rules for example. In the days before refrigeration and modern biology and medicine, trichinosis and other diseases could wipe out an entire tribe. Having a rule against eating pork saved lives much like our seat belt laws are designed. With the advent of science, eating pork can be made safe. That doesn't mean the Bible is "full of shit", just that parts of it are antiquated.

I was an agnostic and, later, an atheist from age 12ish to almost 17...then I had a near-death-experience (NDE). No, I didn't see Jesus or God, but it thoroughly convinced me there is more to existence than what we think there is. Yes, I've read a bunch of studies about brain shutting down and all, I made an extensive exploration into, ahem, "altered states of consciousness" in an attempt to replicate the experience. I've been anesthetized and knocked out cold. Nothing came close to my NDE experience. I think there is wisdom to be learned from ancient writings and from religions, but they are just tools for learning. Not ends unto themselves.
Well, the bible makes God out to be a murdering tyrant. His acts themselves. If you cant go by his book(which is probably the only reason the religion has lasted this long) then what do you go by to know about God? The only possible answer to that is make stuff up in your head.
It doesn't make him out to be a tyrant or a murderer. If God pours out his wrath on anyone in the bible, it explains why they deserve it...and if God exists, who are you to judge His actions?

Not trying to be a jerk, I'm seriously asking you this.
Technically it does. The ones that died failed to conform, just like with any dictator.
If he gave us free will, why does he kill people, (or for some) spend eternity in hell for exercising it?
I am just one of his supposed creations with free will. Why cant I?
He gives them what they have earned with their free will. While it is true we have free will, that doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want without repercussions.
I mean, I get it. That's just one fo the reasons I could never believe in him. Doesn't make much sense. A lot like how, if something was intelligent enough to make everything, I think narcissism and blind worship wouldn't be their priorities.
I don't necessarily doubt a supreme being, just ones that were made by man.
I do, however, completely respect people for having faith(in some ways, In some ways I don't). Sometimes, it seems like faith is a gift.
I'm saying the Bible is a mixture of allegories, parables, social laws and history. Much (if not all) of what happened before Moses was passed by word of mouth for thousands of years before Moses wrote it down in the first 5 books of the Bible....and even that part is subject to debate.

Still, like all books of ancient wisdom, much can be learned from it. Take the pork dietary rules for example. In the days before refrigeration and modern biology and medicine, trichinosis and other diseases could wipe out an entire tribe. Having a rule against eating pork saved lives much like our seat belt laws are designed. With the advent of science, eating pork can be made safe. That doesn't mean the Bible is "full of shit", just that parts of it are antiquated.

I was an agnostic and, later, an atheist from age 12ish to almost 17...then I had a near-death-experience (NDE). No, I didn't see Jesus or God, but it thoroughly convinced me there is more to existence than what we think there is. Yes, I've read a bunch of studies about brain shutting down and all, I made an extensive exploration into, ahem, "altered states of consciousness" in an attempt to replicate the experience. I've been anesthetized and knocked out cold. Nothing came close to my NDE experience. I think there is wisdom to be learned from ancient writings and from religions, but they are just tools for learning. Not ends unto themselves.
Well, the bible makes God out to be a murdering tyrant. His acts themselves. If you cant go by his book(which is probably the only reason the religion has lasted this long) then what do you go by to know about God? The only possible answer to that is make stuff up in your head.
It doesn't make him out to be a tyrant or a murderer. If God pours out his wrath on anyone in the bible, it explains why they deserve it...and if God exists, who are you to judge His actions?

Not trying to be a jerk, I'm seriously asking you this.
Technically it does. The ones that died failed to conform, just like with any dictator.
If he gave us free will, why does he kill people, (or for some) spend eternity in hell for exercising it?
I am just one of his supposed creations with free will. Why cant I?
He gives them what they have earned with their free will. While it is true we have free will, that doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want without repercussions.
I mean, I get it. That's just one fo the reasons I could never believe in him. Doesn't make much sense. A lot like how, if something was intelligent enough to make everything, I think narcissism and blind worship wouldn't be their priorities.
I don't necessarily doubt a supreme being, just ones that were made by man.
I do, however, completely respect people for having faith(in some ways, In some ways I don't). Sometimes, it seems like faith is a gift.
Can you give me the best example you can think of of God's tyranny? I might be able to explain better with a more detailed example. Don't get me wrong, I can see how it would appear to someone who hasn't done a lot of bible study that some of what God commanded would seem tyrannical.
Well, the bible makes God out to be a murdering tyrant. His acts themselves. If you cant go by his book(which is probably the only reason the religion has lasted this long) then what do you go by to know about God? The only possible answer to that is make stuff up in your head.
It doesn't make him out to be a tyrant or a murderer. If God pours out his wrath on anyone in the bible, it explains why they deserve it...and if God exists, who are you to judge His actions?

Not trying to be a jerk, I'm seriously asking you this.
Technically it does. The ones that died failed to conform, just like with any dictator.
If he gave us free will, why does he kill people, (or for some) spend eternity in hell for exercising it?
I am just one of his supposed creations with free will. Why cant I?
He gives them what they have earned with their free will. While it is true we have free will, that doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want without repercussions.
I mean, I get it. That's just one fo the reasons I could never believe in him. Doesn't make much sense. A lot like how, if something was intelligent enough to make everything, I think narcissism and blind worship wouldn't be their priorities.
I don't necessarily doubt a supreme being, just ones that were made by man.
I do, however, completely respect people for having faith(in some ways, In some ways I don't). Sometimes, it seems like faith is a gift.
Can you give me the best example you can think of of God's tyranny? I might be able to explain better with a more detailed example. Don't get me wrong, I can see how it would appear to someone who hasn't done a lot of bible study that some of what God commanded would seem tyrannical.
I have done a lot of studying. You shouldn't assume that.
The flood. The world wasn't going his way so he killed everyone and made disease.
Haha....you are losing the debate so you have to resort to falsehoods and personal attacks. Pathetic.
Are you denying you're passionately homophobic?

I have done a lot of studying. You shouldn't assume that.
The flood. The world wasn't going his way so he killed everyone and made disease.
Non Sequitur. If true, then God is not all knowing and all powerful. So either God is limited or the flood story isn't completely true. Given the physics involved, I'm inclined to believe the latter.
I have done a lot of studying. You shouldn't assume that.
The flood. The world wasn't going his way so he killed everyone and made disease.
Non Sequitur. If true, then God is not all knowing and all powerful. So either God is limited or the flood story isn't completely true. Given the physics involved, I'm inclined to believe the latter.
I have stated I don't believe in it. But we are discussing this from a biblical POV.
Im not one to pick and choose what parts of a book I WANT to believe in.
Haha....you are losing the debate so you have to resort to falsehoods and personal attacks. Pathetic.

"you are losing the debate so you have to resort to falsehoods and personal attacks. Pathetic." LOL
D.W impression: "Yahhhh maaaaaan! Like, I totally took some shrooms and now I have divine wisdom, maaaaaaan!"

Gtfoh, clown.
Yeah, we should listen to your drug-addled opinion. 'Altered states of concious', lmao! You mean you were high on some kind of psychedelic drug. The Bible addresses that as well.
The only delusional one here is you, Mr. 'Altered states of consciousness'. Lol
Wrong, you choose darkness. I am walking in the light, and part of that light is the fact God hates reprobates, like faggots for example.
I'm starting see the patterns of autism in Diarrheal Wind here. That's pretty common with libertarians. Lol
Bearing false witness is a mortal sin.....or did you rip that part out of your Bible too? Can you cite the verse or should I school you again in the Bible?

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I have stated I don't believe in it. But we are discussing this from a biblical POV....
As previously stated, not all parts of the Bible are to be taken literal. I know some people do such as Young Earth Creationists who believe the world is only 6000 years old and, as per this thread, the homophobic cherry-pickers who condone adultery, bearing false witness against others and, among other things, hate others contrary to the teachings of Jesus.

In short, by taking the story of the flood and using that to justify hating God seems rather odd to me.
I have stated I don't believe in it. But we are discussing this from a biblical POV....
As previously stated, not all parts of the Bible are to be taken literal. I know some people do such as Young Earth Creationists who believe the world is only 6000 years old and, as per this thread, the homophobic cherry-pickers who condone adultery, bearing false witness against others and, among other things, hate others contrary to the teachings of Jesus.

In short, by taking the story of the flood and using that to justify hating God seems rather odd to me.
I don't hate something I don't believe in.
If none of those stories are real, then how do you know what to believe?
What parts of the bible do you believe?
Rejection of gays may have nothing whatsoever to do with religion or the gay lifestyle. It may come from the extreme obnoxious behavior of gays themselves in order to promote a perverted and deviant way of life.
Obnoxious at times, yes. I've never had a St. Patty's day parade ruined by a bunch of gays provocatively dressed as happened in New York.

That said, the homophobic behavior of some people is waaaaay over the line of simply being irritated about rude behavior.
Another fine product of public education. LOL

A leftist pinhead laughing about the public schools? Hey windy...your Rat party has controlled the public schools for 30 years now, keeping little mush heads like yourself dumb and easily distracted by computer toys. Mocking your leaders' system that ruined you and millions of others is the height of idiocy.
That doesn't say to hate people that eat pork, dumbass. It is talking about the actual animal, not people who eat it. Do you eat pork eaters, Autist?
Haha....you are losing the debate so you have to resort to falsehoods and personal attacks. Pathetic.

"you are losing the debate so you have to resort to falsehoods and personal attacks. Pathetic." LOL
D.W impression: "Yahhhh maaaaaan! Like, I totally took some shrooms and now I have divine wisdom, maaaaaaan!"

Gtfoh, clown.
Yeah, we should listen to your drug-addled opinion. 'Altered states of concious', lmao! You mean you were high on some kind of psychedelic drug. The Bible addresses that as well.
The only delusional one here is you, Mr. 'Altered states of consciousness'. Lol
Wrong, you choose darkness. I am walking in the light, and part of that light is the fact God hates reprobates, like faggots for example.
I'm starting see the patterns of autism in Diarrheal Wind here. That's pretty common with libertarians. Lol
Bearing false witness is a mortal sin.....or did you rip that part out of your Bible too? Can you cite the verse or should I school you again in the Bible?

I just gave you back your own medicine. Quit crying.
It doesn't make him out to be a tyrant or a murderer. If God pours out his wrath on anyone in the bible, it explains why they deserve it...and if God exists, who are you to judge His actions?

Not trying to be a jerk, I'm seriously asking you this.
Technically it does. The ones that died failed to conform, just like with any dictator.
If he gave us free will, why does he kill people, (or for some) spend eternity in hell for exercising it?
I am just one of his supposed creations with free will. Why cant I?
He gives them what they have earned with their free will. While it is true we have free will, that doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want without repercussions.
I mean, I get it. That's just one fo the reasons I could never believe in him. Doesn't make much sense. A lot like how, if something was intelligent enough to make everything, I think narcissism and blind worship wouldn't be their priorities.
I don't necessarily doubt a supreme being, just ones that were made by man.
I do, however, completely respect people for having faith(in some ways, In some ways I don't). Sometimes, it seems like faith is a gift.
Can you give me the best example you can think of of God's tyranny? I might be able to explain better with a more detailed example. Don't get me wrong, I can see how it would appear to someone who hasn't done a lot of bible study that some of what God commanded would seem tyrannical.
I have done a lot of studying. You shouldn't assume that.
The flood. The world wasn't going his way so he killed everyone and made disease.
The world was entirely evil.
I have stated I don't believe in it. But we are discussing this from a biblical POV....
As previously stated, not all parts of the Bible are to be taken literal. I know some people do such as Young Earth Creationists who believe the world is only 6000 years old and, as per this thread, the homophobic cherry-pickers who condone adultery, bearing false witness against others and, among other things, hate others contrary to the teachings of Jesus.

In short, by taking the story of the flood and using that to justify hating God seems rather odd to me.
I don't hate something I don't believe in.
If none of those stories are real, then how do you know what to believe?
What parts of the bible do you believe?
I believe all of it. Every word.
Technically it does. The ones that died failed to conform, just like with any dictator.
If he gave us free will, why does he kill people, (or for some) spend eternity in hell for exercising it?
I am just one of his supposed creations with free will. Why cant I?
He gives them what they have earned with their free will. While it is true we have free will, that doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want without repercussions.
I mean, I get it. That's just one fo the reasons I could never believe in him. Doesn't make much sense. A lot like how, if something was intelligent enough to make everything, I think narcissism and blind worship wouldn't be their priorities.
I don't necessarily doubt a supreme being, just ones that were made by man.
I do, however, completely respect people for having faith(in some ways, In some ways I don't). Sometimes, it seems like faith is a gift.
Can you give me the best example you can think of of God's tyranny? I might be able to explain better with a more detailed example. Don't get me wrong, I can see how it would appear to someone who hasn't done a lot of bible study that some of what God commanded would seem tyrannical.
I have done a lot of studying. You shouldn't assume that.
The flood. The world wasn't going his way so he killed everyone and made disease.
The world was entirely evil.
Where is he at now? Where has he been for 2K years?
Weird how back in the age on ignorance God was everywhere. We discover we aren't the center fo the universe and he disappears..
I have stated I don't believe in it. But we are discussing this from a biblical POV....
As previously stated, not all parts of the Bible are to be taken literal. I know some people do such as Young Earth Creationists who believe the world is only 6000 years old and, as per this thread, the homophobic cherry-pickers who condone adultery, bearing false witness against others and, among other things, hate others contrary to the teachings of Jesus.

In short, by taking the story of the flood and using that to justify hating God seems rather odd to me.
I don't hate something I don't believe in.
If none of those stories are real, then how do you know what to believe?
What parts of the bible do you believe?
I believe all of it. Every word.
So you believe there was no disease prior to around 2K BC even though science says that's bullshit?
I don't hate something I don't believe in.
If none of those stories are real, then how do you know what to believe?
What parts of the bible do you believe?
First, I think most of the Bible (and Torah) is based on the perceptions of desert nomads. Some based on stories told around campfires for generations and some based on the history of the Hebrews as they moved from Egypt to Israel. The New Testament was written a few to several decades after the Crucifixion. Furthermore, the entire Bible was canonized in 325AD by a group of Christians who hand-picked which books to put in the Bible and which to leave out.

In answer to your question, I take the entire Bible as a book of wisdom. Much more than Aesop's Fables since it also includes social laws akin to Hammurabi's Code and history (even if flawed in the retelling). It's not necessary to believe the entire Bible or even part of it. What's important, IMO, is to understand that there is a lot more to existence than meets the eye.
The problem with libertarians(the extremely socially liberal ones) and liberal-leftists is they think they're more intelligent than they are.
He gives them what they have earned with their free will. While it is true we have free will, that doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want without repercussions.
I mean, I get it. That's just one fo the reasons I could never believe in him. Doesn't make much sense. A lot like how, if something was intelligent enough to make everything, I think narcissism and blind worship wouldn't be their priorities.
I don't necessarily doubt a supreme being, just ones that were made by man.
I do, however, completely respect people for having faith(in some ways, In some ways I don't). Sometimes, it seems like faith is a gift.
Can you give me the best example you can think of of God's tyranny? I might be able to explain better with a more detailed example. Don't get me wrong, I can see how it would appear to someone who hasn't done a lot of bible study that some of what God commanded would seem tyrannical.
I have done a lot of studying. You shouldn't assume that.
The flood. The world wasn't going his way so he killed everyone and made disease.
The world was entirely evil.
Where is he at now? Where has he been for 2K years?
Weird how back in the age on ignorance God was everywhere. We discover we aren't the center fo the universe and he disappears..
I suggest you read and study Revelations... It'll answer your question better than I. He is preparing for His return.
I have stated I don't believe in it. But we are discussing this from a biblical POV....
As previously stated, not all parts of the Bible are to be taken literal. I know some people do such as Young Earth Creationists who believe the world is only 6000 years old and, as per this thread, the homophobic cherry-pickers who condone adultery, bearing false witness against others and, among other things, hate others contrary to the teachings of Jesus.

In short, by taking the story of the flood and using that to justify hating God seems rather odd to me.
I don't hate something I don't believe in.
If none of those stories are real, then how do you know what to believe?
What parts of the bible do you believe?
I believe all of it. Every word.
So you believe there was no disease prior to around 2K BC even though science says that's bullshit?
Where does the bible say there was no disease until 2k BC?
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