Florida gay club shooters mosque set on fire

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Nice cherry-picking to justify your hate but you forget this one:

Matthew 25:40
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Cherry picking? These are full, in context verses. You don't know what you're talking about. Lol
So is Matthew 25:40, Exodus 20:14 and Leviticus 11:7-8. Why do you ignore those verses?
I think you'll find God "hates" the sin of homosexuality, not gays.
I think I've already been through this debate 1,000 times and God hates fags. Yep, Old Freddie Phelps was correct about that. As far as that being the reason soldiers die....that's a whole other debate.
. Well your god must be Allah, because he hates and has a whole religion of followers to do his bidding. God doesn't hate people.
LMFAO The biggest totalitarian genocidal maniac in the history of mankind doesn't hate people.. Except the ones that don't conform to his totalitarian principles.
True and God goes by many names such as Yahweh, Jehovah and Allah, just to name a few.
God's name is NOT Allah! That is a made up God Muslims use to justify murdering people.
You probably think the Bible was handed down from the cross written in English too.
Its amazing how so many Christians know nothing about their religion. Come to TN and try to have an intelligent discussion about religion! LOL
No, you're just a biblical illiterate trying to challenge me on a topic you clearly need to brush up on. And I'm not saying that just to be a jerk, it's just the facts. Not once have I said I need to do anything in regards to the faggots. All I said is they hate God, and God hates them too....hence I hate those who hate God, in this case...it's homo reprobates I hate.
Translation: I only read the Bible where it talks about gays and ignore everything else.

The hate against gays is so strong in you that I feel there must be a psychological component such as either you were assaulted by a gay or you are a latent homosexual.

Study: Homophobes May Be Hidden Homosexuals
Homophobes should consider a little self-reflection, suggests a new study finding those individuals who are most hostile toward gays and hold strong anti-gay views may themselves have same-sex desires, albeit undercover ones.

The prejudice of homophobia may also stem from authoritarian parents, particularly those with homophobic views as well, the researchers added.

"This study shows that if you are feeling that kind of visceral reaction to an out-group, ask yourself, 'Why?'" co-author Richard Ryan, a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, said in a statement. "Those intense emotions should serve as a call to self-reflection."

Sponsored by RekoverrView attachment 89285
The research, published in the April 2012 issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, reveals the nuances of prejudices like homophobia, which can ultimately have dire consequences. [The 10 Most Destructive Human Behaviors]

"Sometimes people are threatened by gays and lesbians because they are fearing their own impulses, in a sense they 'doth protest too much,'" Ryan told LiveScience. "In addition, it appears that sometimes those who would oppress others have been oppressed themselves, and we can have some compassion for them too, they may be unaccepting of others because they cannot be accepting of themselves."

Ryan cautioned, however, that this link is only one source of anti-gay sentiments.

Hidden homosexuality

In four studies, the researchers looked at the discrepancies between what people say about their sexual orientation and their implicitsexual orientation based on a reaction-time test. The studies involved college students from Germany and the United States.

For the implicit measure, students had to categorize words and pictures flashed onto a computer screen into "gay" or "straight" groups. Words included "gay," "straight," "homosexual" and "heterosexual," while the pictures showed straight and gay couples. Before each trial, participants were primed with the word "me" or "others" flashed momentarily onto a computer screen. The researchers said quicker reaction time for "me" and "gay," and a slower association of "me" with "straight" would indicate said an implicit gay orientation. [Why Gay Parents May Be the Best Parents]

In another experiment, the researchers measured implicit sexual orientation by having participants choose to browse same-sex or opposite-sex photos on a computer screen.

Questionnaires also teased out the parenting style the participants were exposed to, with students asked how much they agreed or disagreed with statements such as: "I felt controlled and pressured in certain ways;" and "I felt free to be who I am." To gauge homophobia in a household, students responded to items such as, "It would be upsetting for my mom to find out she was alone with a lesbian" or "My dad avoids gay men whenever possible."

Participants indicated their own level of homophobia, both overt and implicit; in word-completion tasks, students wrote down the first three words that came to mind when prompted with some of the words' letters. Students were primed at some point with the word "gay" to see how that impacted the amount of aggressive words used.

Controlling parents

In all of the studies, participants who reported supportive and accepting parents were more in touch with their implicit sexual orientation, meaning it tended to jibe with their outward sexual orientation. Students who indicated they came from authoritarian homes showed the biggest discrepancy between the two measures of sexual orientation.

"In a predominately heterosexual society, 'know thyself' can be a challenge for many gay individuals," lead author Netta Weinstein, a lecturer at the University of Essex in the United Kingdom,said in a statement. "But in controlling and homophobic homes, embracing a minority sexual orientation can be terrifying." [5 Ways to Foster Self-Compassion in Your Child]

Those participants who reported their heterosexuality despite having hidden same-sex desires were also the most likely to show hostility toward gay individuals, including self-reported anti-gay attitudes, endorsement of anti-gay policies and discrimination such as supporting harsher punishments for homosexuals.

The research may help to explain the underpinnings of anti-gay bullying and hate crimes, the researchers note. People in denial about their own sexual orientation, perhaps a denial fostered by authoritarian and homophobic parents, may feel a threat from other gay and lesbian individuals. Lashing out may ultimately be an indicator of the person's own internal conflict with sexual orientation.

This inner conflict can be seen in some high-profile cases in which anti-gay public figures are caught engaging in same-sex acts, the researchers say. For instance, evangelical preacher and anti-gay-marriage advocate Ted Haggard was caught in a gay sex scandal in 2006. And in 2010, prominent anti-gay activist and co-founder of conservative Family Research Council George Rekers was reportedly spotted in 2010 with a male escort rented from Rentboy.com. According to news reports, the escort confirmed Rekers is gay.

"We laugh at or make fun of such blatant hypocrisy, but in a real way, these people may often themselves be victims of repression and experience exaggerated feelings of threat," Ryan said. "Homophobia is not a laughing matter. It can sometimes have tragic consequences," as was the case in the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard, a gay man.
LMFAO The biggest totalitarian genocidal maniac in the history of mankind doesn't hate people.. Except the ones that don't conform to his totalitarian principles.
God doesn't hate. It's some who claim to be acting in God's name who hate be they Christian or Muslims.
Homophobes May Be Hidden Homosexuals
I call complete bullshit on that one. Social agenda..
Rejection of gays may have nothing whatsoever to do with religion or the gay lifestyle. It may come from the extreme obnoxious behavior of gays themselves in order to promote a perverted and deviant way of life.
LMFAO The biggest totalitarian genocidal maniac in the history of mankind doesn't hate people.. Except the ones that don't conform to his totalitarian principles.
God doesn't hate. It's some who claim to be acting in God's name who hate be they Christian or Muslims.
The flood would be a PERFECT example. That supposedly killed almost everyone and brought about diseases. How many lives have been lost by diseases?
What about God handing over the Canaanites?
Sodom and Gomorrah?
True and God goes by many names such as Yahweh, Jehovah and Allah, just to name a few.
God's name is NOT Allah! That is a made up God Muslims use to justify murdering people.
You probably think the Bible was handed down from the cross written in English too.
Nice cherry-picking to justify your hate but you forget this one:

Matthew 25:40
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Cherry picking? These are full, in context verses. You don't know what you're talking about. Lol
So is Matthew 25:40, Exodus 20:14 and Leviticus 11:7-8. Why do you ignore those verses?
Because I didn't need to post those verses. I posted the most relevant scripture for the discussion.
Homophobes May Be Hidden Homosexuals
I call complete bullshit on that one. Social agenda..
Disregard the science if you like, but it's valid.

Why do people hate? IMO it's usually to make themselves feel better. People who are low-life underachievers or otherwise feel like they are failures usually like watching shows like Jerry Springer or align with hate groups so they can feel superior over someone.

What two guys do with each other in San Francisco doesn't affect me one bit in Fort Worth so why should I give a shit?
The flood would be a PERFECT example. That supposedly killed almost everyone and brought about diseases. How many lives have been lost by diseases?
What about God handing over the Canaanites?
Sodom and Gomorrah?
"The flood"? Do you really believe it rained for 40 days and 40 nights covering the entire planet with water, including Mt. Everest? Do you know how much water that would take? Where did it all go once the flood was over? Magic?
LMFAO The biggest totalitarian genocidal maniac in the history of mankind doesn't hate people.. Except the ones that don't conform to his totalitarian principles.
God doesn't hate. It's some who claim to be acting in God's name who hate be they Christian or Muslims.
Oh yes He does.

“I Loved Jacob, but Esau I Hated”
1 This is a divine revelation. TheLord spoke his word to Israel through Malachi.

2 “I loved you,” says the Lord.

“But you ask, ‘How did you love us?’

“Wasn’t Esau Jacob’s brother?” declares the Lord. “I loved Jacob,3 but Esau I hated. I turned his mountains into a wasteland and left his inheritance to the jackals in the desert."
The flood would be a PERFECT example. That supposedly killed almost everyone and brought about diseases. How many lives have been lost by diseases?
What about God handing over the Canaanites?
Sodom and Gomorrah?
"The flood"? Do you really believe it rained for 40 days and 40 nights covering the entire planet with water, including Mt. Everest? Do you know how much water that would take? Where did it all go once the flood was over? Magic?
So you are saying the bible is full of shit?
BTW, I am agnostic and don't believe in any man made gods.
Homophobes May Be Hidden Homosexuals
I call complete bullshit on that one. Social agenda..
Disregard the science if you like, but it's valid.

Why do people hate? IMO it's usually to make themselves feel better. People who are low-life underachievers or otherwise feel like they are failures usually like watching shows like Jerry Springer or align with hate groups so they can feel superior over someone.

What two guys do with each other in San Francisco doesn't affect me one bit in Fort Worth so why should I give a shit?
Its not always about hate, though. That's a pretty broad brush :D
Some people just simply don't agree with homosexual lifestyle. Religious or not.
Some think it goes against nature and they don't agree with that.
Homophobes May Be Hidden Homosexuals
I call complete bullshit on that one. Social agenda..
It is bull.
Exactly what I'd expect a latent homosexual to say.
Haha....you are losing the debate so you have to resort to falsehoods and personal attacks. Pathetic.
No, you're just a biblical illiterate trying to challenge me on a topic you clearly need to brush up on. And I'm not saying that just to be a jerk, it's just the facts. Not once have I said I need to do anything in regards to the faggots. All I said is they hate God, and God hates them too....hence I hate those who hate God, in this case...it's homo reprobates I hate.
Translation: I only read the Bible where it talks about gays and ignore everything else.

The hate against gays is so strong in you that I feel there must be a psychological component such as either you were assaulted by a gay or you are a latent homosexual.

Study: Homophobes May Be Hidden Homosexuals
Homophobes should consider a little self-reflection, suggests a new study finding those individuals who are most hostile toward gays and hold strong anti-gay views may themselves have same-sex desires, albeit undercover ones.

The prejudice of homophobia may also stem from authoritarian parents, particularly those with homophobic views as well, the researchers added.

"This study shows that if you are feeling that kind of visceral reaction to an out-group, ask yourself, 'Why?'" co-author Richard Ryan, a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, said in a statement. "Those intense emotions should serve as a call to self-reflection."

Sponsored by RekoverrView attachment 89285
The research, published in the April 2012 issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, reveals the nuances of prejudices like homophobia, which can ultimately have dire consequences. [The 10 Most Destructive Human Behaviors]

"Sometimes people are threatened by gays and lesbians because they are fearing their own impulses, in a sense they 'doth protest too much,'" Ryan told LiveScience. "In addition, it appears that sometimes those who would oppress others have been oppressed themselves, and we can have some compassion for them too, they may be unaccepting of others because they cannot be accepting of themselves."

Ryan cautioned, however, that this link is only one source of anti-gay sentiments.

Hidden homosexuality

In four studies, the researchers looked at the discrepancies between what people say about their sexual orientation and their implicitsexual orientation based on a reaction-time test. The studies involved college students from Germany and the United States.

For the implicit measure, students had to categorize words and pictures flashed onto a computer screen into "gay" or "straight" groups. Words included "gay," "straight," "homosexual" and "heterosexual," while the pictures showed straight and gay couples. Before each trial, participants were primed with the word "me" or "others" flashed momentarily onto a computer screen. The researchers said quicker reaction time for "me" and "gay," and a slower association of "me" with "straight" would indicate said an implicit gay orientation. [Why Gay Parents May Be the Best Parents]

In another experiment, the researchers measured implicit sexual orientation by having participants choose to browse same-sex or opposite-sex photos on a computer screen.

Questionnaires also teased out the parenting style the participants were exposed to, with students asked how much they agreed or disagreed with statements such as: "I felt controlled and pressured in certain ways;" and "I felt free to be who I am." To gauge homophobia in a household, students responded to items such as, "It would be upsetting for my mom to find out she was alone with a lesbian" or "My dad avoids gay men whenever possible."

Participants indicated their own level of homophobia, both overt and implicit; in word-completion tasks, students wrote down the first three words that came to mind when prompted with some of the words' letters. Students were primed at some point with the word "gay" to see how that impacted the amount of aggressive words used.

Controlling parents

In all of the studies, participants who reported supportive and accepting parents were more in touch with their implicit sexual orientation, meaning it tended to jibe with their outward sexual orientation. Students who indicated they came from authoritarian homes showed the biggest discrepancy between the two measures of sexual orientation.

"In a predominately heterosexual society, 'know thyself' can be a challenge for many gay individuals," lead author Netta Weinstein, a lecturer at the University of Essex in the United Kingdom,said in a statement. "But in controlling and homophobic homes, embracing a minority sexual orientation can be terrifying." [5 Ways to Foster Self-Compassion in Your Child]

Those participants who reported their heterosexuality despite having hidden same-sex desires were also the most likely to show hostility toward gay individuals, including self-reported anti-gay attitudes, endorsement of anti-gay policies and discrimination such as supporting harsher punishments for homosexuals.

The research may help to explain the underpinnings of anti-gay bullying and hate crimes, the researchers note. People in denial about their own sexual orientation, perhaps a denial fostered by authoritarian and homophobic parents, may feel a threat from other gay and lesbian individuals. Lashing out may ultimately be an indicator of the person's own internal conflict with sexual orientation.

This inner conflict can be seen in some high-profile cases in which anti-gay public figures are caught engaging in same-sex acts, the researchers say. For instance, evangelical preacher and anti-gay-marriage advocate Ted Haggard was caught in a gay sex scandal in 2006. And in 2010, prominent anti-gay activist and co-founder of conservative Family Research Council George Rekers was reportedly spotted in 2010 with a male escort rented from Rentboy.com. According to news reports, the escort confirmed Rekers is gay.

"We laugh at or make fun of such blatant hypocrisy, but in a real way, these people may often themselves be victims of repression and experience exaggerated feelings of threat," Ryan said. "Homophobia is not a laughing matter. It can sometimes have tragic consequences," as was the case in the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard, a gay man.
So weak and pathetic. Is this all you've got when you are proven wrong?
Because I didn't need to post those verses. I posted the most relevant scripture for the discussion.
Translation: You're correct, DW. I only care about the Old Testament verses regarding homosexuals and ignore the rest of the Bible.
I posted Romans, dummy. That's New Testament. God doesn't change and YES, God does hate fags. You fail.
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