Florida gay club shooters mosque set on fire

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I have always hated faggots, I didn't choose to.
Dude, you choose to hate. If you are claiming Martians are shooting hate rays into your brain, I can understand that better (i.e. psychosis) than some lying asshole who claims he hates because he has to hate.

You have nothing but parroting the same old lame buzz words over and over and over again. Pathetic. And, you're supposed to parrot 'Alt Right', and some silly assed crap with '-phobe' pasted on the end, too, or I think they take away some of your Snowflake trophies or something, don't they?
Doesn't matter. I just posted a link to Gays who don't reject God.
Being a faggot is calling God a liar. Fags who say they're christian are liars and the bible details that fact clearly.

If you Google 'does god hate gays', you'll find a mountain of opposing opinions. One thing is clear to me in this discussion is that YOU certainly hate homosexuals and this is the driving factor in YOUR reasoning.
Doesn't matter. I just posted a link to Gays who don't reject God.
Being a faggot is calling God a liar. Fags who say they're christian are liars and the bible details that fact clearly.

If you Google 'does god hate gays', you'll find a mountain of opposing opinions. One thing is clear to me in this discussion is that YOU certainly hate homosexuals and this is the driving factor in YOUR reasoning.
So what? I hate those who hate God, the bible says faggots hate God. There's no argument that can stand up to that fact.
Hahaha...you're a heretic. Telling me I won't receive God's mercy because I can read the bible and it clearly says God hates homos?
. If that's true then God hates men who jackoff and will put them to death for it.

Genesis 38 8-10
Geez, I hope not. I'm sure my 13 year old son jacked off 3 times today.

Then he got up and got ready for school.

I hope your son doesn't frequent this board. Only thousands of people know about his masturbation habits now. You're the worst father ever.
1. What I said was tongue in cheek, something everyone else understands but you because you lack a sense of humor, a symptom of weakness and mental unwellness.

2. I don't actually know when or how often my son jacks off, just that he does, something everyone but you understood. No father does. Nobody with half a brain thought that I did.

3. Thinking masturbation is some dark secret exclusive to my son and not something ALL 13 year old boys do makes you a supreme idiot.

4. Nobody knows who I am or who my family is. Thinking I have destroyed anonymity also makes you a supreme idiot.

5. You are in no way qualified to determine I am the "worst father ever" among the many fathers who abuse, abandon, molest, and even kill their children. Such flatulant hyperbole also makes you a supreme idiot.

Don't bother responding. I already placed you on ignore
To add more to the history of this mosque.

My assistant has lived all of her life in this area. (I have been here about 7 years) she was telling ya today that this is the 3rd member of this mosque who has done something radical. One was a 21 year old white male from fort pierce who went to fight for the Muslims and turned himself into a suicide bomber. The other was another middle easterner but she couldn't remember off hand what he did.

She basically has the opinion that it should be shut down. Says there is too much violence that has come out of there.
Bravo!! I think every mosque in America should be burned to the ground. Now, why OH WHY would I say such a thing? Because, my little droogie woogies, Islam (in case you haven't noticed) is at WAR with the free world. It's at WAR with us.
Disagreed. Fortunately, smarter minds recognize we're not at war with 1.6 billion people.

Yeah we are....the ones not doing jihad are on the sidelines quietly smiling.

I think you'll find God "hates" the sin of homosexuality, not gays.
I think I've already been through this debate 1,000 times and God hates fags. Yep, Old Freddie Phelps was correct about that. As far as that being the reason soldiers die....that's a whole other debate.
. Well your god must be Allah, because he hates and has a whole religion of followers to do his bidding. God doesn't hate people.
I think you'll find God "hates" the sin of homosexuality, not gays.
I think I've already been through this debate 1,000 times and God hates fags. Yep, Old Freddie Phelps was correct about that. As far as that being the reason soldiers die....that's a whole other debate.
. Well your god must be Allah, because he hates and has a whole religion of followers to do his bidding. God doesn't hate people.
No, you're just a biblical illiterate trying to challenge me on a topic you clearly need to brush up on. And I'm not saying that just to be a jerk, it's just the facts. Not once have I said I need to do anything in regards to the faggots. All I said is they hate God, and God hates them too....hence I hate those who hate God, in this case...it's homo reprobates I hate.
It worked well in Germany and Japan. Our government should level every one of those jihadi recruitment centers.
Another fine product of public education. LOL

Dude, it didn't work out well for either Germany or Japan. You should read more history. Spoiler alert! They both lost the war.


The deity of the Old Testament suffered with:
1. Hatred.
2. Jealousy.
3. Rage.
4. Insecurity.
5. Errors in judgment.
Well what the heck.....he seems to have all the traits of.....a human. Perhaps, he was...uh, I dunno, created by humans.
Close. God is God but is interpreted by humans. How humans interpret God and existence is on them.
Jacking off doesn't make one repro
Geez, I hope not. I'm sure my 13 year old son jacked off 3 times today.

Then he got up and got ready for school.
Masturbation does not make one a reprobate. I know you're trying to be funny and all, but at least try to do it intelligently.
Hmmm....hit a little too close to home?
No. It just doesn't make one reprobate
So when AvgGuy rotates his howitzers toward your sacred cow, suddenly God is benevolent and most merciful.
What in the heck are you babbling about?
Let's dumb it down for you...

You whack it, God no whack you.
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