Florida gay club shooters mosque set on fire

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Homophobes May Be Hidden Homosexuals
I call complete bullshit on that one. Social agenda..
Disregard the science if you like, but it's valid.

Why do people hate? IMO it's usually to make themselves feel better. People who are low-life underachievers or otherwise feel like they are failures usually like watching shows like Jerry Springer or align with hate groups so they can feel superior over someone.

What two guys do with each other in San Francisco doesn't affect me one bit in Fort Worth so why should I give a shit?
Its not always about hate, though. That's a pretty broad brush :D
Some people just simply don't agree with homosexual lifestyle. Religious or not.
Some think it goes against nature and they don't agree with that.
It is normal to be sickened by homosexual behavior.
So you are saying the bible is full of shit?
BTW, I am agnostic and don't believe in any man made gods.
I'm saying the Bible is a mixture of allegories, parables, social laws and history. Much (if not all) of what happened before Moses was passed by word of mouth for thousands of years before Moses wrote it down in the first 5 books of the Bible....and even that part is subject to debate.

Still, like all books of ancient wisdom, much can be learned from it. Take the pork dietary rules for example. In the days before refrigeration and modern biology and medicine, trichinosis and other diseases could wipe out an entire tribe. Having a rule against eating pork saved lives much like our seat belt laws are designed. With the advent of science, eating pork can be made safe. That doesn't mean the Bible is "full of shit", just that parts of it are antiquated.

I was an agnostic and, later, an atheist from age 12ish to almost 17...then I had a near-death-experience (NDE). No, I didn't see Jesus or God, but it thoroughly convinced me there is more to existence than what we think there is. Yes, I've read a bunch of studies about brain shutting down and all, I made an extensive exploration into, ahem, "altered states of consciousness" in an attempt to replicate the experience. I've been anesthetized and knocked out cold. Nothing came close to my NDE experience. I think there is wisdom to be learned from ancient writings and from religions, but they are just tools for learning. Not ends unto themselves.
I posted Romans, dummy. That's New Testament. God doesn't change and YES, God does hate fags. You fail.
You're free to your delusions. You're free to believe God is a petty asshole who is not all powerful, all loving and all merciful. In the end, your malicious soul will hurt you.

God is the light. Some people, like you, choose to remain in darkness. Hell is a choice, not a sentence. You put yourself in Hell by hating others instead of accepting God's grace. Your choice.
So you are saying the bible is full of shit?
BTW, I am agnostic and don't believe in any man made gods.
I'm saying the Bible is a mixture of allegories, parables, social laws and history. Much (if not all) of what happened before Moses was passed by word of mouth for thousands of years before Moses wrote it down in the first 5 books of the Bible....and even that part is subject to debate.

Still, like all books of ancient wisdom, much can be learned from it. Take the pork dietary rules for example. In the days before refrigeration and modern biology and medicine, trichinosis and other diseases could wipe out an entire tribe. Having a rule against eating pork saved lives much like our seat belt laws are designed. With the advent of science, eating pork can be made safe. That doesn't mean the Bible is "full of shit", just that parts of it are antiquated.

I was an agnostic and, later, an atheist from age 12ish to almost 17...then I had a near-death-experience (NDE). No, I didn't see Jesus or God, but it thoroughly convinced me there is more to existence than what we think there is. Yes, I've read a bunch of studies about brain shutting down and all, I made an extensive exploration into, ahem, "altered states of consciousness" in an attempt to replicate the experience. I've been anesthetized and knocked out cold. Nothing came close to my NDE experience. I think there is wisdom to be learned from ancient writings and from religions, but they are just tools for learning. Not ends unto themselves.
Yeah, we should listen to your drug-addled opinion. 'Altered states of concious', lmao! You mean you were high on some kind of psychedelic drug. The Bible addresses that as well.
I posted Romans, dummy. That's New Testament. God doesn't change and YES, God does hate fags. You fail.
You're free to your delusions. You're free to believe God is a petty asshole who is not all powerful, all loving and all merciful. In the end, your malicious soul will hurt you.

God is the light. Some people, like you, choose to remain in darkness. Hell is a choice, not a sentence. You put yourself in Hell by hating others instead of accepting God's grace. Your choice.
The only delusional one here is you, Mr. 'Altered states of consciousness'. Lol
So you are saying the bible is full of shit?
BTW, I am agnostic and don't believe in any man made gods.
I'm saying the Bible is a mixture of allegories, parables, social laws and history. Much (if not all) of what happened before Moses was passed by word of mouth for thousands of years before Moses wrote it down in the first 5 books of the Bible....and even that part is subject to debate.

Still, like all books of ancient wisdom, much can be learned from it. Take the pork dietary rules for example. In the days before refrigeration and modern biology and medicine, trichinosis and other diseases could wipe out an entire tribe. Having a rule against eating pork saved lives much like our seat belt laws are designed. With the advent of science, eating pork can be made safe. That doesn't mean the Bible is "full of shit", just that parts of it are antiquated.

I was an agnostic and, later, an atheist from age 12ish to almost 17...then I had a near-death-experience (NDE). No, I didn't see Jesus or God, but it thoroughly convinced me there is more to existence than what we think there is. Yes, I've read a bunch of studies about brain shutting down and all, I made an extensive exploration into, ahem, "altered states of consciousness" in an attempt to replicate the experience. I've been anesthetized and knocked out cold. Nothing came close to my NDE experience. I think there is wisdom to be learned from ancient writings and from religions, but they are just tools for learning. Not ends unto themselves.
Well, the bible makes God out to be a murdering tyrant. His acts themselves. If you cant go by his book(which is probably the only reason the religion has lasted this long) then what do you go by to know about God? The only possible answer to that is make stuff up in your head.
It is normal to be sickened by homosexual behavior.
Some people are sickened by the thought of sex and a woman's vagina. Fortunately, I'm not one of those people.

What I do find both very odd and curious is a person who puts so much effort into hating homosexuals, but never talks about banging a good looking woman with big tits. Such behavior give weight to my opinion such people are latent homosexuals.

I'm sure you're sickened of this picture too
I posted Romans, dummy. That's New Testament. God doesn't change and YES, God does hate fags. You fail.
You're free to your delusions. You're free to believe God is a petty asshole who is not all powerful, all loving and all merciful. In the end, your malicious soul will hurt you.

God is the light. Some people, like you, choose to remain in darkness. Hell is a choice, not a sentence. You put yourself in Hell by hating others instead of accepting God's grace. Your choice.
Wrong, you choose darkness. I am walking in the light, and part of that light is the fact God hates reprobates, like faggots for example.
It is normal to be sickened by homosexual behavior.
Some people are sickened by the thought of sex and a woman's vagina. Fortunately, I'm not one of those people.

What I do find both very odd and curious is a person who puts so much effort into hating homosexuals, but never talks about banging a good looking woman with big tits. Such behavior give weight to my opinion such people are latent homosexuals.

I'm sure you're sickened of this picture too
You are a goofball. I'm just responding to you with the truth. God hates homos. Deal with it.
So you are saying the bible is full of shit?
BTW, I am agnostic and don't believe in any man made gods.
I'm saying the Bible is a mixture of allegories, parables, social laws and history. Much (if not all) of what happened before Moses was passed by word of mouth for thousands of years before Moses wrote it down in the first 5 books of the Bible....and even that part is subject to debate.

Still, like all books of ancient wisdom, much can be learned from it. Take the pork dietary rules for example. In the days before refrigeration and modern biology and medicine, trichinosis and other diseases could wipe out an entire tribe. Having a rule against eating pork saved lives much like our seat belt laws are designed. With the advent of science, eating pork can be made safe. That doesn't mean the Bible is "full of shit", just that parts of it are antiquated.

I was an agnostic and, later, an atheist from age 12ish to almost 17...then I had a near-death-experience (NDE). No, I didn't see Jesus or God, but it thoroughly convinced me there is more to existence than what we think there is. Yes, I've read a bunch of studies about brain shutting down and all, I made an extensive exploration into, ahem, "altered states of consciousness" in an attempt to replicate the experience. I've been anesthetized and knocked out cold. Nothing came close to my NDE experience. I think there is wisdom to be learned from ancient writings and from religions, but they are just tools for learning. Not ends unto themselves.
Well, the bible makes God out to be a murdering tyrant. His acts themselves. If you cant go by his book(which is probably the only reason the religion has lasted this long) then what do you go by to know about God? The only possible answer to that is make stuff up in your head.
It doesn't make him out to be a tyrant or a murderer. If God pours out his wrath on anyone in the bible, it explains why they deserve it...and if God exists, who are you to judge His actions?

Not trying to be a jerk, I'm seriously asking you this.
Well, the bible makes God out to be a murdering tyrant. His acts themselves. If you cant go by his book(which is probably the only reason the religion has lasted this long) then what do you go by to know about God? The only possible answer to that is make stuff up in your head.
The Bible written by Moses and other human beings? Yes, it does. Lots of very smart men in the past have tried to answer the question about the nature of God. FWIW, I don't accept the modern Christian concept of a "personal God", one who grants magical wishes if one prays hard enough.

Does Mr. Latent Homosexual claim that I'm delusional make me delusional? Of course not. Either I am or I'm not, but his claim that I am doesn't make it so.

The only delusional one here is you, Mr. 'Altered states of consciousness'. Lol
Well, the bible makes God out to be a murdering tyrant. His acts themselves. If you cant go by his book(which is probably the only reason the religion has lasted this long) then what do you go by to know about God? The only possible answer to that is make stuff up in your head.
The Bible written by Moses and other human beings? Yes, it does. Lots of very smart men in the past have tried to answer the question about the nature of God. FWIW, I don't accept the modern Christian concept of a "personal God", one who grants magical wishes if one prays hard enough.

Does Mr. Latent Homosexual claim that I'm delusional make me delusional? Of course not. Either I am or I'm not, but his claim that I am doesn't make it so.

The only delusional one here is you, Mr. 'Altered states of consciousness'. Lol
You're a delusional drug-addled goofball that thinks he knows things,but doesn't know squat.
You are a goofball. I'm just responding to you with the truth. God hates homos. Deal with it.
You're the self-loathing homosexual who is sickened by the sight of a beautiful woman with large breasts. At least I backed up my opinion with science. All you have is hate.

Are Homophobes Really Gay?
Is a homophobic individual like Putin along with his supporters, possibly harboring same-sex attractions? Is expressed hatred or revulsion toward gay people a situation about which Shakespeare would say: “Methinks he doth protest too much?"

There is some evidence to suggest as much. In a 1993 study, levels of homophobia were assessed among 64 men along with their sexual arousal (measured by increases in penile circumference) in response to erotic videos of heterosexual, same-sex female, and same-sex male encounters. Those who scored high on homophobia were more likely to also manifest sexual arousal in response to the videos of male homosexual encounters.* In a more recent study it was found that men raised in authoritative households were more likely to repress same-sex attractions and to exhibit more hostility to gay people.**

You are a goofball. I'm just responding to you with the truth. God hates homos. Deal with it.
You're the self-loathing homosexual who is sickened by the sight of a beautiful woman with large breasts. At least I backed up my opinion with science. All you have is hate.

Are Homophobes Really Gay?
Is a homophobic individual like Putin along with his supporters, possibly harboring same-sex attractions? Is expressed hatred or revulsion toward gay people a situation about which Shakespeare would say: “Methinks he doth protest too much?"

There is some evidence to suggest as much. In a 1993 study, levels of homophobia were assessed among 64 men along with their sexual arousal (measured by increases in penile circumference) in response to erotic videos of heterosexual, same-sex female, and same-sex male encounters. Those who scored high on homophobia were more likely to also manifest sexual arousal in response to the videos of male homosexual encounters.* In a more recent study it was found that men raised in authoritative households were more likely to repress same-sex attractions and to exhibit more hostility to gay people.**

D.W impression: "Yahhhh maaaaaan! Like, I totally took some shrooms and now I have divine wisdom, maaaaaaan!"

Gtfoh, clown.
You're a delusional drug-addled goofball that thinks he knows things,but doesn't know squat.
Go smoke some pot or suck on your Vape, lolbertarian. Lol
LOL. It appears you've reached your intellectual limit.

Let's hope you get some help before you hurt yourself in a closet like David Carradine with auto-erotic asphyxia masturbating to gay sex magazines.

You're a delusional drug-addled goofball that thinks he knows things,but doesn't know squat.
Go smoke some pot or suck on your Vape, lolbertarian. Lol
LOL. It appears you've reached your intellectual limit.

Let's hope you get some help before you hurt yourself in a closet like David Carradine with auto-erotic asphyxia masturbating to gay sex magazines.
Sounds like your cup of tea, not mine. Especially how you are so detailed about it. You sure you aren't projecting, losertarian?
So you are saying the bible is full of shit?
BTW, I am agnostic and don't believe in any man made gods.
I'm saying the Bible is a mixture of allegories, parables, social laws and history. Much (if not all) of what happened before Moses was passed by word of mouth for thousands of years before Moses wrote it down in the first 5 books of the Bible....and even that part is subject to debate.

Still, like all books of ancient wisdom, much can be learned from it. Take the pork dietary rules for example. In the days before refrigeration and modern biology and medicine, trichinosis and other diseases could wipe out an entire tribe. Having a rule against eating pork saved lives much like our seat belt laws are designed. With the advent of science, eating pork can be made safe. That doesn't mean the Bible is "full of shit", just that parts of it are antiquated.

I was an agnostic and, later, an atheist from age 12ish to almost 17...then I had a near-death-experience (NDE). No, I didn't see Jesus or God, but it thoroughly convinced me there is more to existence than what we think there is. Yes, I've read a bunch of studies about brain shutting down and all, I made an extensive exploration into, ahem, "altered states of consciousness" in an attempt to replicate the experience. I've been anesthetized and knocked out cold. Nothing came close to my NDE experience. I think there is wisdom to be learned from ancient writings and from religions, but they are just tools for learning. Not ends unto themselves.
Well, the bible makes God out to be a murdering tyrant. His acts themselves. If you cant go by his book(which is probably the only reason the religion has lasted this long) then what do you go by to know about God? The only possible answer to that is make stuff up in your head.
It doesn't make him out to be a tyrant or a murderer. If God pours out his wrath on anyone in the bible, it explains why they deserve it...and if God exists, who are you to judge His actions?

Not trying to be a jerk, I'm seriously asking you this.
Technically it does. The ones that died failed to conform, just like with any dictator.
If he gave us free will, why does he kill people, (or for some) spend eternity in hell for exercising it?
I am just one of his supposed creations with free will. Why cant I?
So you are saying the bible is full of shit?
BTW, I am agnostic and don't believe in any man made gods.
I'm saying the Bible is a mixture of allegories, parables, social laws and history. Much (if not all) of what happened before Moses was passed by word of mouth for thousands of years before Moses wrote it down in the first 5 books of the Bible....and even that part is subject to debate.

Still, like all books of ancient wisdom, much can be learned from it. Take the pork dietary rules for example. In the days before refrigeration and modern biology and medicine, trichinosis and other diseases could wipe out an entire tribe. Having a rule against eating pork saved lives much like our seat belt laws are designed. With the advent of science, eating pork can be made safe. That doesn't mean the Bible is "full of shit", just that parts of it are antiquated.

I was an agnostic and, later, an atheist from age 12ish to almost 17...then I had a near-death-experience (NDE). No, I didn't see Jesus or God, but it thoroughly convinced me there is more to existence than what we think there is. Yes, I've read a bunch of studies about brain shutting down and all, I made an extensive exploration into, ahem, "altered states of consciousness" in an attempt to replicate the experience. I've been anesthetized and knocked out cold. Nothing came close to my NDE experience. I think there is wisdom to be learned from ancient writings and from religions, but they are just tools for learning. Not ends unto themselves.
Well, the bible makes God out to be a murdering tyrant. His acts themselves. If you cant go by his book(which is probably the only reason the religion has lasted this long) then what do you go by to know about God? The only possible answer to that is make stuff up in your head.
It doesn't make him out to be a tyrant or a murderer. If God pours out his wrath on anyone in the bible, it explains why they deserve it...and if God exists, who are you to judge His actions?

Not trying to be a jerk, I'm seriously asking you this.
Technically it does. The ones that died failed to conform, just like with any dictator.
If he gave us free will, why does he kill people, (or for some) spend eternity in hell for exercising it?
I am just one of his supposed creations with free will. Why cant I?
He gives them what they have earned with their free will. While it is true we have free will, that doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want without repercussions.
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