Florida: Gay!

The public in America does support marriage equality.
That's what the faggots claim but everyone knows it's a lie.

Every time homo marriage was put on the ballot it was defeated by the voters. ...... :thup:

Not recently, Hadith-boy, but you knew that. The majority of American supports marriage equality, while America overwhelmingly requires Islam to conform to secular law.

One of the Muslim girls at school who left her home because of threatened violence was baptized on Saturday and took on the mantle of Jesus Christ. The father and two uncles are subject to TRO. They have been told privately if they so much as raise an eyebrow or if anyone threatens the girl, thunder will land on them.

That type of zero toleration principle has made Salt Lake City almost violence free toward gays and lesbians as well.
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Your poll has nothing to do with how Americans feel about marriage equality.

The poll and commentary demonstrated that believers and non-believers, that same sex and straight alike believed in the 1st Amendment right of churches not engaged in business to marry or not as they please.

Your lies are now so pathetic.
The public in America does support marriage equality.
That's what the faggots claim but everyone knows it's a lie.

Every time homo marriage was put on the ballot it was defeated by the voters. ...... :thup:

Not recently, Hadith-boy, but you knew that. The majority of American supports marriage equality, while America overwhelmingly requires Islam to conform to secular law.

One of the Muslim girls at school who left her home because of threatened violence was baptized on Saturday and took on the mantle of Jesus Christ. The father and two uncles are subject to TRO. They have been told privately if they so much as raise an eyebrow or if anyone threatens the girl, thunder will land on them.

That type of zero toleration principle has made Salt Lake City almost violence free toward gays and lesbians.
Fake Jake, I have asked you before to please provide with the location and name of the school where this girl attends.

I know people in the ACLU who would be more that happy to see if her and her parent's civil rights have been violated. ..... :cool:
Like I would give the names and location of the people involved to a supporter of ISIS-ISIL.

The parents can certainly go to the ACLU if they wish.
That Muslim men cannot use violence on their daughters disturbs Hadith-boy.
That Muslim men cannot use violence on their daughters disturbs Hadith-boy.
I never said anything about violence.

Just want to see that her Civil Rights are protected.

btw calling me Hadith-boy is actually an honor. (learning the Hadiths takes years of study) ..... :cool:
Actually, it is not. Her CR are protected, as is her body from violence by Muslim men for taking a different path.
Who gives a fuck really?
Trolls, leftists & fags.

Essentially no one that matters

I'm a libertarian and believe in liberty and freedom. I can't really get excited for people who only care about their pet freedoms. You either want liberty and freedom for all, or you are a selfish bastard. Haven't seen gays fighting for my right to bear arms so I can't get to enthusiastic about their pet liberties.
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Same sex marriage is imposed by legislative or judicial action and gays pretend the public wanted it.

How many Florida bakeries no longer make wedding cakes? Gays better stock up on Betty Crocker mix.

Your post isn't true.

Marriage equality was established by the voters of my state. It was the state legislature that passed legislation outlawing marriage equality. Then it was our state supreme court that upheld that discriminating law.

It was the people of my state who stood up and said NO to the homophobes.

A petition was written, enough people signed it to get it on the ballot.

It was on the ballot in 2012. The initiative passed with a good margin. You see, not all people are homophobic. Not all people believe that a person should be discriminated just because they're gay.

In fact most of the people of my state believe that civil rights is for everyone. Not just those you personally like.

Marriage equality has won. You homophobes have lost. Get over it and stop acting like a bunch of spoiled brats throwing a temper tantrum.
Who gives a fuck really?
Trolls, leftists & fags.

Essentially no one that matters

I'm a libertarian and believe in liberty and freedom. I can't really get excited for people who only care about their pet freedoms. You either want liberty and freedom for all, or you are a selfish bastard. Haven't seen gays fighting for my right to bear arms so I can't get to enthusiastic about their pet liberties.
That is one of the lamest posts I've read this year
Who gives a fuck really?
Trolls, leftists & fags.

Essentially no one that matters

I'm a libertarian and believe in liberty and freedom. I can't really get excited for people who only care about their pet freedoms. You either want liberty and freedom for all, or you are a selfish bastard. Haven't seen gays fighting for my right to bear arms so I can't get to enthusiastic about their pet liberties.

uh huh, because you only care about your pet liberties...?
It's amusing to see these laws forcibly imposed and the homosexuals pretend they are supported by the public.

'forcibly imposed'- public accomodation laws- such as the 1964 Civil Rights Act were all put in place through our democratic process.

You don't like them- then get the public to agree that they should be repealed.

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