Book about banned books banned in Florida (honest)

For real.

No dissent is allowed.
Florida kids are not going to fight the power anytime soon.
This nazi nonsense has gone on long enough..
If you can still buy those books in Florida (you can) they are not banned. If parents want their kids to read those books, they can buy the books and give them to their children. No law is stopping them.
I thought America was founded by questioning authority ?
No, that was insurrection. We will shortly be celebrating said insurrection with fireworks, patriotic speeches and stirring music. Then we'll go back to prosecuting people walking around the capitol building for, you guessed it, "insurrection".

: to antagonize (others) online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content

Seems like all of those fit the description. Especially the “irrelevant” part

How are they irrelevant?

Is it your claim that posting about something that has not affect on our life is irrelevant?

Because I would say that 90% of the post on this forum are about things that have no affect on anyone's life
Well firstly its funny. Idiots being idiots.
But further than that it is an indication of the rise of fascism in the US.
That is worrying. What happens in the US today tends to come over here tomorrow via the likes of the Heritage foundation and other dark forces.
Apart from that just fuck off.

Well firstly its funny. Idiots being idiots.


interesting though. So, the policies of the U.S. , more specifically, the state of Florida affect laws in England? Hmm.

Apart from that just fuck off.

No…I don’t think I will. I’m allowed to point things out. Just as you are allowed to say them
No, that was insurrection. We will shortly be celebrating said insurrection with fireworks, patriotic speeches and stirring music. Then we'll go back to prosecuting people walking around the capitol building for, you guessed it, "insurrection".

insurrections are only celebrated by the side that is victorious.

You might notice that Briton does not celebrate our insurrection
No…I don’t think I will. I’m allowed to point things out. Just as you are allowed to say them

yes, you are allowed to be a troll while hypocritically calling someone else a troll.
insurrections are only celebrated by the side that is victorious.

You might notice that Briton does not celebrate our insurrection
I noticed that, and yes, "insurrectionists" become "Founding Fathers" if they win. It is fairly easy, however, to figure out who among us would have been actively hunting down the revolutionaries to turn them over to the British.
I noticed that, and yes, "insurrectionists" become "Founding Fathers" if they win. It is fairly easy, however, to figure out who among us would have been actively hunting down the revolutionaries to turn them over to the British.

Yep, the MAGA hats. They even choose the same colors.
insurrections are only celebrated by the side that is victorious.

You might notice that Briton does not celebrate our insurrection
Actually many pubs over here have J4 parties. They drag out some bottles of cali wine and hotdogs. Its obviously not is big here as it is there but it isnt really a key part of our history. Who won ?
Yeah, post 37 tells me nothing.

What post did Tommy not talk about the topic?

Because I bet I could find posts from you that would fit you definition of trolling on this thread.
Its just another variant of book banning. An authoritarian trying to control thought and suppress voices.
If you can still buy those books in Florida (you can) they are not banned. If parents want their kids to read those books, they can buy the books and give them to their children. No law is stopping them.
Why have they banned that book ? Because it is critical of the regime ?
Do you see what that is ?
Why have they banned that book ? Because it is critical of the regime ?
Do you see what that is ?
Of course I see what it is. You're saying something's been banned that hasn't been banned. If you can still buy the book in Florida, it's not banned in Florida. If you think not stocking certain books in children's libraries is banning them, you're nuts. There are a lot of books we don't put in easy reach of children, they're not banned.
"brainwashing tool"?

Education is "brainwashing". Until you get to the point where people are "independent thinkers" then everything you give them, all the knowledge, all the opinions etc is "brainwashing".

Now, considered that 90% of this board is incapable of "independent thinking"... you see the problem. You can't education without brainwashing.

Now, a society that is going to be united, is one where people learn the same things. They have the same sense. A society needs to decide where they're going, and if everyone's on board, it works better.
Brainwashing is the exact opposite from independant thinking. Our education system should be about learning facts and then using them to develop opinions. It should be about learning how to think, not being told what to think. Today's liberal education system is like putting our youth on the express train to dipshitsville. MAGA
Yeah, post 37 tells me nothing.

What post did Tommy not talk about the topic?

Because I bet I could find posts from you that would fit you definition of trolling on this thread.
Post 37 was your answer to “how is he trolling”

Because I bet I could find posts from you that would fit you definition of trolling on this thread.

Feel free. I believe my first post of this thread was what started this whole chain.
How are they irrelevant?

Is it your claim that posting about something that has not affect on our life is irrelevant?

Because I would say that 90% of the post on this forum are about things that have no affect on anyone's life
Irrelevant to him in his country. This book banning issue in Florida is not going to make its way to England..
yes, you are allowed to be a troll while hypocritically calling someone else a troll.

I’m not trolling, I’m pointing out a troll.

Also, if you want to really get down to brass tacks…what you’re accusing me of doing to Tommy is exactly what you’re doing to…how do you want to handle that?
Irrelevant to him in his country. This book banning issue in Florida is not going to make its way to England..

So fucking what. He finds the topic interesting, so he post about it.

There are no rules that says every single fucking post has to be about something that impacts you directly.
I’m not trolling, I’m pointing out a troll.

Also, if you want to really get down to brass tacks…what you’re accusing me of doing to Tommy is exactly what you’re doing to…how do you want to handle that?

I do not give a fuck. Report me if it makes you happy

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