Book about banned books banned in Florida (honest)

So fucking what. He finds the topic interesting, so he post about it.

There are no rules that says every single fucking post has to be about something that impacts you directly.

Never said there wasn’t. I merely mentioned that he makes a lot of posts, that are always criticism of the right, and host posts are usually snarky and snide in nature, and will never have any affect on him.

I consider that trolling and I’m within my right to point it out and speak to it.

You, on the other hand, are getting all pissy because I dare criticize someone….who dares to criticize people himself and you are getting all upset about it. That’s how it is with you lefty’s. Tommy can make rude posts all day long and you are fine with that’s against the right but if someone pushes back and criticizes them back, suddenly you get angry about it.

At the end of the day, I spoke my mind, if you don’t like it, then you are free to speak yours, but don’t come here and be critical of me being critical of Tommy, when you are doing the exact same thing.
Brainwashing is the exact opposite from independant thinking. Our education system should be about learning facts and then using them to develop opinions. It should be about learning how to think, not being told what to think. Today's liberal education system is like putting our youth on the express train to dipshitsville. MAGA

Yes, it is

But you can't get to independent thinking without brainwashing.

Think about all the different cultural things that exist between countries. It's all a result of brainwashing. You can't expect young kids to independently think without knowledge, and knowledge is going to come from "brainwashing".

Yes, kids should be taught how to develop opinions. But this isn't going to happen for most kids at a young age. It's going to happen, at best, in their high school days.

You think a right wing education is going to be all about independent thinking? Not a chance. It's worse.

Liberals are more likely to push for independent thinking that conservatives.
Post 37 was your answer to “how is he trolling”

Feel free. I believe my first post of this thread was what started this whole chain.

Well then, it was a poor, poor answer that literally didn't answer.

Your first post. And every post since has been trolling, you haven't spoken about this topic once.
Well then, it was a poor, poor answer that literally didn't answer.

Your first post. And every post since has been trolling, you haven't spoken about this topic once.

Sure, if you feel that way, who am I to say otherwise…I just felt his creating this topic..and every other topic he creates, is just a form of trolling, since it’s always 1 sided, always critical of one party, and always snide in nature.

Honestly, I made 1 post pointing it out…that would have been the end of it for me. YOU all decided to attack me for it…and that’s why this has dragged out to multiple pages..

And again, if you want to criticize me for pointing this out about Tommy…then you need to look at yourself, because one could ask the same question to you..”does my making that comment affect you?”

The fact that you all piled on like this is you doing to me exactly what you criticized me for doing to Tommy….

So, looks like we’re all guilty…
Sure, if you feel that way, who am I to say otherwise…I just felt his creating this topic..and every other topic he creates, is just a form of trolling, since it’s always 1 sided, always critical of one party, and always snide in nature.

Honestly, I made 1 post pointing it out…that would have been the end of it for me. YOU all decided to attack me for it…and that’s why this has dragged out to multiple pages..

And again, if you want to criticize me for pointing this out about Tommy…then you need to look at yourself, because one could ask the same question to you..”does my making that comment affect you?”

The fact that you all piled on like this is you doing to me exactly what you criticized me for doing to Tommy….

So, looks like we’re all guilty…

Right, so essentially you think other people shouldn't have opinions. And you should go trolling their threads because.... you want to limit speech, on a thread about limiting free speech.

How fucking ironic.

Now you can go away, this conversation is stupid.
Right, so essentially you think other people shouldn't have opinions. And you should go trolling their threads because.... you want to limit speech, on a thread about limiting free speech.

How fucking ironic.

Now you can go away, this conversation is stupid.

I never said he shouldn’t have opinions, I said I think it’s trolling and misplaced. It would be the same if I found a forum for British people and started going there and making posts criticizing them and their people…it’s just tacky..

Now you can go away, this conversation is stupid.

lol, you go away, I never asked you to respond..nobody twisted your arm to hit that reply button..if you didn’t like my post, you could have ignored it and went on your way, but you chose to hit reply and attack me for criticizing Tommy…so then you criticize me for criticizing you are no different. The fact that you’re here and pissed off in your own fault..

But I get it, don’t criticize the person who’s doing some criticizing of his own, but it’s ok for YOU to do it to me


As I told the other guy, you lefty’s are high strung..
yet you have been freaking out over for the past day....weird
I’m not “freaking out”, I’m just talking here, you all are the ones getting bent out of shape. Yeah, I think his posts are tacky…but I’m not all frazzled here…I’m making a point, if you disagree, that’s totally fine, I’m fine, you’re fine, no need to be upset…
Left wing U.K. subscribers get hysterical about some obscure reference to a Florida obscure school board that might be hostile to the homosexual/pedophile agenda. That's how powerful the international movement is. The lesson is to take care of your sons and daughters and monitor their education because there are international pedophiles who will steal them away from you.
I’m not “freaking out”, I’m just talking here, you all are the ones getting bent out of shape. Yeah, I think his posts are tacky…but I’m not all frazzled here…I’m making a point, if you disagree, that’s totally fine, I’m fine, you’re fine, no need to be upset…
You are freaking out. Why dont you make an argument ?

Book about banned books banned in Florida (honest)​

Left wing foreign posters are hysterical about a book missing in an obscure Florida school library but they are fine with a new law that can jail parents in California for trying to prevent the state from castrating their kids.
It doesn’t, but what does is violate the trolling policy of this forum, because that’s all that Tommy does is post things about our problems that aren’t going to have an affect on him. That’s trolling.
It really isnt. You are out of your depth.

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