Florida GOP Wants a WAR With Disney - Attempting to Remove the Rights they've had since 1967

Florida GOP lawmakers are seeking to punish Disney by revoking the self-governing charter they’ve had since 1967. Disney has it’s own police, fire, and building codes.

GOPers are MAD that Disney does not support the Don't Say Gay Bill. Disney is one of the LARGEST companies on the planet - this is an unwise war by the GOP, but then again...


Another one of those "parents have no rights above the state" people.
Why in the world should Disneyworld Fla. have a "self governing charter? Are there any other "self governing charters" in the U.S>?
No but how does this compare with the Vatican Catholic protection-racket pedophiles, arrogantly declaring themselves a state?
Disney has fucked up what was once the paradise of Central Florida.

They have brought in all kinds of crime, over population, traffic, smelly Yankees and concrete destruction and now it is the fucking queers.

Piss on them.

The legislature gave them the Reedy Creek enclave and it can take it away.

The bastards need to pack up and go back to commie Kalifornia where they love queers and woke shit.
Yes, having lived at Clearwater the memories do not compute with the schizoid narcissism of today's Florida. Capitalism itself seems to turn everything to shit.
Ever been to Disney in Florida? Their complex is the size of a large county in any other state.
Yes, I have.

Does not really address my statement though. Size is not relevant, every entity in the nation falls under the applicable laws. I do not support carve outs of law anywhere. If there needs to be carve outs then there does not need to be a law in the first place or it needs changes.

Disney should not have special considerations whatsoever. I actually agree with the rescinded order, I disagree with the motivations. The gov should not be pursuing petty political retribution but no company should be getting the carve outs in the first place.

That is the problem with carve outs though, they place the company in a compromised space where it is beholden to governmental retribution. Should the special circumstances not have existed in the first place, there would be no special hammer that DeSantis could wield against them.
No, it really will not. Disney cannot move its resort, that is simply not an option. That gives the state a lot of leeway to pound on them. They have no real recourse.
Didn't say they were going anywhere and not saying they would leave. After all is said and done crazy business unfriendly laws hurt. Florida is being watched. And sued.
I sure did. Thanks for reading. Look at the disruption due to some RW Gov and his "Q" cabinet.
Go on.

I am not going to find proof of your claim. I see nothing causing Florida or DeSantis political career to be 'bitten in the ass.'

Florida as a state will not have any problems. If anything, this will increase DeSantis popularity as the center will have forgotten about this in a week but his base will eat this shit up.

It seems more like 'bite them in the ass' is nothing more than a stand in for you do not like it.
Go on.

I am not going to find proof of your claim. I see nothing causing Florida or DeSantis political career to be 'bitten in the ass.'

Florida as a state will not have any problems. If anything, this will increase DeSantis popularity as the center will have forgotten about this in a week but his base will eat this shit up.

It seems more like 'bite them in the ass' is nothing more than a stand in for you do not like it.
When it turns color politically you well remember it all.

Florida GOP lawmakers are seeking to punish Disney by revoking the self-governing charter they’ve had since 1967. Disney has it’s own police, fire, and building codes.

GOPers are MAD that Disney does not support the Don't Say Gay Bill. Disney is one of the LARGEST companies on the planet - this is an unwise war by the GOP, but then again...


Yeah having cartoons showing that trans, gays and such are fantastic and that micro aggression yeah…that’s what we need. You are mentally ill and refuse to debate honestly.
Why in the world should Disneyworld Fla. have a "self governing charter? Are there any other "self governing charters" in the U.S>?
That would be every city, town, and village in the United States. All the state of Florida did was to provide the same rights to a for-profit corporation that a Municipal Corporation would have. And since the state is sovereign and, the corporation is not, the state can take away those rights anytime they want, no reason necessary. If you have a problem with that take it up with the people of Florida they have the final say.
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Florida GOP lawmakers are seeking to punish Disney by revoking the self-governing charter they’ve had since 1967. Disney has it’s own police, fire, and building codes.

GOPers are MAD that Disney does not support the Don't Say Gay Bill. Disney is one of the LARGEST companies on the planet - this is an unwise war by the GOP, but then again...


Good for the GOP, bringing sanity back. Demscum are idiots.

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