Florida GOP Wants a WAR With Disney - Attempting to Remove the Rights they've had since 1967

Florida GOP lawmakers are seeking to punish Disney by revoking the self-governing charter they’ve had since 1967. Disney has it’s own police, fire, and building codes.

GOPers are MAD that Disney does not support the Don't Say Gay Bill. Disney is one of the LARGEST companies on the planet - this is an unwise war by the GOP, but then again...


Any war on wokeness is a wise one.
So Disney might have to live like the people that go to their park how terrible for them.

Did you think Florida Disney was somehow independent? :p
As a matter of fact, they are! Different states, different rules. Disneyland was shut down for months due to California's COVID rules. Florida did not force them to shut down. They scaled back operations because no one was coming to the parks because of COVID, but the state did not shut them down. The parks in Florida are about 10 times the size of Disneyland.

I went late February- early march and there STILL was hardly anyone there. At most of the parks, the outlying parking areas were empty. Traffic getting in the parks took about 3 minutes in line at the gates. The only place full was the Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser because the hotel was filled with Make-A-Wish kids and their families. Even that was designed not to be crowded as all of the guests could be together in the either the atrium or dining room.
What did they expect?

Disney was part of the attack on desantis and his new bill. They called it the don't say gay bill, even when the word gay doesn't appear in the bill. And Disney was part of the pro child perversion parade by actually trying to fight against someone who didn't want kids to be perverted. This is also the company that had corporate meetings talking about how they can put more queerness in Disney shows.

And they were fighting against the governor of the state they are in. Of course you're going to be penalized by the governor.

Fucking Disney is just a fucking travesty of a company that needs to go bankrupt and rebuilt into it once was. Disney in the 90s was the shit.

Conservative Disney employees fear reprisals in ‘Don’t Say Gay’ debate, petition says​

An open letter penned by conservative Disney employees asks the company to remain neutral on issues that have politicized the corporate culture, damaged morale and caused right-wing employees to feel their days working at the Mouse House are numbered.​

Under what conditions could Disney sue the state of Florida over this? This state is entirely within their rights. What the government gives the government can take back. Unless there is a provision in the state constitution that prohibits revoking a charter Disney is just out of luck. The federal constitution prevents the seizure of private property without just compensation so there are limitations on what the state can do. Disney has it’s own police; however, the sheriff, a state official for that county, can take over any investigation in the county he wishes as can the state police.
I didn't say Disney was suing. LBGQT groups are suing with civil rights attorney Roberta Kaplan representing them. It's all related due to the bill.
I didn't say Disney was suing. LBGQT groups are suing with civil rights attorney Roberta Kaplan representing them. It's all related due to the bill.
Disney is part of a huge corporate network of companies. I believe they own ABC and ESPN and many others. And we know what those two broadcasting entities alone have turned into.
Disney is part of a huge corporate network of companies. I believe they own ABC and ESPN and many others. And we know what those two broadcasting entities alone have turned into.
Sure, it's common knowledge who and what Disney is.

Florida GOP lawmakers are seeking to punish Disney by revoking the self-governing charter they’ve had since 1967. Disney has it’s own police, fire, and building codes.

GOPers are MAD that Disney does not support the Don't Say Gay Bill. Disney is one of the LARGEST companies on the planet - this is an unwise war by the GOP, but then again...


Corporations need to be striped of special laws. We need to see less special treatment of this large corporate behemoths. We also need to see the end of corporate welfare as well.

Sick of the traditions treating corporations with kid gloves.
It's creepy how the Right, the GOP, is focused so much on the things that attract children. Yes, I'm looking at you Cancun Cruz with your "Green Eggs & Ham", your Big Bird, etc. Very creepy.


Disney is the one trying to sexualize children...as admitted to in the conference call that was released, you have stories of Disney and their child rape problem with their kid shows,.....then you have the democrat party propaganda wing, hollywood, with an entire infrastructure in place to molest children, and then you have the democrat party medical wing, the American psychiatric association pushing child sex is normal and o.k....and then you have the democrat party education wing, the teachers unions and teachers .......pushing talking about sex with young children.....

And the republicans are passing laws that say....don't talk about sex to small children? And you think the republicans are the problem?
The Democrats are focused on making the US a queer nation Socialist shithole with gas at the pump being $50/gal.

And the democrat party is grooming our children for sex through their allied groups.....
You party is sexualizing children, so fuck off.
Last I checked Rep Madison Cael thorn was talking about orgies in the republic party. How do we know they didn’t include underage girls and mat gaetz?
So size doesn't matter? Is that what your female partners say?
No. But we are talking about government and not dicks.

But if you cannot converse without insults then you had to stick one somewhere I guess.

Disney actually sits in two counties. They assume all of the governmental functions and costs associated with their properties. I am not sure why you use the term "carve out" to describe their independence and self-sufficiency. Why is that a bad thing for the state of Florida and those counties? It was a win-win for both Disney and the state for 55 years, and it continues to be.
Because the carve outs are exactly that, special consideration for one entity under the law.

Laws should apply equally or be revised. No particular entity should be treated in a different manner.
I was at Disney for several days during the last few days of February and the first of March. It was incredible, and there was none of the "woke" attitude I saw in the 3 three parks and the new Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser where we were the first guests ever to stay in the "hotel" and enjoy the 3-day, 2 night "experience". It's like being in a 3-day movie with technology you would not believe.

Nothing to do with anything I have stated.
I don't agree with Disney's position but we know it all centers on a very small group of "woke" employees who didn't read the bill. That just like every libtard crack-pot idea that comes along. Thy misunderstand the issue.
Sure. I do not disagree there.
And the democrat party is grooming our children for sex through their allied groups.....

We don't have Constitutional carry or open carry here in Florida.

The reason is that the filthy ass tourist industry don't want it because in their demented sicko minds it will scare away the tourists. They own politicians of both parties and it is usually blocked.

However, this week Governor DeSantis told the Legislature that he wants Constitutional carry and they need to get off their asses and pass it.

I am hoping this fallout with Disney will have the effect of the Republicans having the courage to tell the tourist lobbyist to shove it where the sun don't shine.

Disney being queer lovers could have the effect of getting us Constitutional carry. Isn't that great?
We don't have Constitutional carry or open carry here in Florida.

The reason is that the filthy ass tourist industry don't want it because in their demented sicko minds it will scare away the tourists. They own politicians of both parties and it is usually blocked.

However, this week Governor DeSantis told the Legislature that he wants Constitutional carry and they need to get off their asses and pass it.

I am hoping this fallout with Disney will have the effect of the Republicans having the courage to tell the tourist lobbyist to shove it where the sun don't shine.

Disney being queer lovers could have the effect of getting us Constitutional carry. Isn't that great?
It's a good thing since Florida will be under water in the next 20-30 years.

Florida guy can open fire..

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