Florida GOP Wants a WAR With Disney - Attempting to Remove the Rights they've had since 1967

It's a good thing since Florida will be under water in the next 20-30 years.

Florida guy can open fire..
That is what the stupid lying confused Environmental Wackos said 20 years ago. However, that doesn't stop the ones that can afford it from getting beach front property, does it?
That is what the stupid lying confused Environmental Wackos said 20 years ago. However, that doesn't stop the ones that can afford it from getting beach front property, does it?
How much money has Miami spent on water mitigation in the last decade?
Last I checked Rep Madison Cael thorn was talking about orgies in the republic party. How do we know they didn’t include underage girls and mat gaetz?
If they did they need to be prosecuted. But teaching kindergarten kids about Alex is the low of low.
If they did they need to be prosecuted. But teaching kindergarten kids about Alex is the low of low.
Whose Alex?

And why would they be teaching about him/her?

Does #deathsantis know about this Alex? Shouldn't there be a law about Don't Say Alex?
Walt Disney would be flabbergasted if he saw his company today. And his company will lose bigtime if they choose to fight over their stupid position.
How much money has Miami spent on water mitigation in the last decade?
Look at an overview high resolution photo of Miami near the water. They have built on every square inch. They even made new islands to build homes on. We build on barrier islands and flood zones and there is risk. We over build and it can be more than that. NOLA is several feet below sea level. We spend hundreds of billions of dollars to bring it back after Katrina. Miami in areas needs to build back better about a block from all water everywhere to start. Tear it down. But then again that would be expensive.
No. But we are talking about government and not dicks.

But if you cannot converse without insults then you had to stick one somewhere I guess.

Because the carve outs are exactly that, special consideration for one entity under the law.

Laws should apply equally or be revised. No particular entity should be treated in a different manner.


Nothing to do with anything I have stated.

Sure. I do not disagree there.
You are obviously a thin-skinned curmudgeon. What's the matter? Can't take a joke?
We don't have Constitutional carry or open carry here in Florida.

The reason is that the filthy ass tourist industry don't want it because in their demented sicko minds it will scare away the tourists. They own politicians of both parties and it is usually blocked.

However, this week Governor DeSantis told the Legislature that he wants Constitutional carry and they need to get off their asses and pass it.

I am hoping this fallout with Disney will have the effect of the Republicans having the courage to tell the tourist lobbyist to shove it where the sun don't shine.

Disney being queer lovers could have the effect of getting us Constitutional carry. Isn't that great?
Are you sure open not having open carry, because we sure did when I lived there?

Take the fight to the lefties.

Drop it right on their front door.

Fuck Disney. No one wants to work for them anyway.
Other than the hundred thousand or so they employ right?

Florida is a dumpster swamp. They should move everything to Dallas. Better infrastructure, better environment, much better airport, and better food.
How much money has Miami spent on water mitigation in the last decade?
Miami is on the edge of the flood plain of the biggest swamp in the country and coastal storms always cause erosion so that is a way of life for them with all that idiotic development. Doesn't have a damn thing to do with this stupid man made warming scam.
Are you sure open not having open carry, because we sure did when I lived there?
We have concealed carry but no open carry. There are stipulations for open carry like on your own property and going hunting or fishing but not general open carry. We can thank the goddamn tourist industry lobby for making sure it is never voted on by the legislature.

Hopefully with DeSantis behind it and everybody pissed at Disney we will get it soon.
Miami is on the edge of the flood plain of the biggest swamp in the country and coastal storms always cause erosion so that is a way of life for them with all that idiotic development. Doesn't have a damn thing to do with this stupid man made warming scam.
You don't think much do you.
Miami is on the edge of the flood plain of the biggest swamp in the country and coastal storms always cause erosion so that is a way of life for them with all that idiotic development. Doesn't have a damn thing to do with this stupid man made warming scam.
You are correct. Castles made (on) sand fall into the sea, eventually. Has everyone forgotten that the continents are moving and that we were once one before 7? This is all natural and has gone on for billions of years. The earth has been an Ice ball and void of ice. We're just somewhere in between, and in an Ice Age, though in a short lull, between ice movements encompassing nearly 1/2 the planets surface.

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