Florida Gov. DeSantis Has Just Signed A Bill Into Law That Would Allow Everyday Floridians To Sue Big Tech Platforms For Monetary Damages

I love this solution. It won't matter if Blue states don't follow suit. All the red state lawsuits will bankrupt the Big tech companies.

Lol! Even Dotard’s 6-3 SCOTUS ain’t gonna take away social media’s 1st amendment right to set their own rules.
This baby is DOA. Tell Trumpy Boy in FL to spend his time on something semi-constructive:)

This law does no such thing. It simply requires disclosure and consistent moderation OR pay damages.

Sorry, courts ain’t gonna touch determining even handedness at moderation.
But go ahead - You’ll make a lotta lawyers even richer! :D
Why should big tech get a government liability shield? What interest does that serve?
Because social media websites wouldn’t exist without it.
The Facebook monopoly wouldn't exist, anyway.
Why are you idiots trying to ruin the internet?
You idiots already ruined it, douchebag.
Ruined it? You are trying to turn every website into an unceasing cesspool of anti-semitism, misogyny, racism, harassment and generally disgusting behavior.

And you’re trying to stop websites from being able to do anything about it.
Sorry, turd, but allowing people to have opinions about Covid or the election does not translate to "anti-semitism, misogyny, racism, harassment and generally disgusting behavior."

That's leftwing dogma.
Irrelevant. Getting rid of sedition 230 is going to make it impossible for any platform to effectively moderate anything that I mentioned.
I love this solution. It won't matter if Blue states don't follow suit. All the red state lawsuits will bankrupt the Big tech companies.

Wait until he finds out he has no such powers. Now Facebook, Twitter, and all of the other major platforms need to block all Florida IP addresses. The entertainment value will be to much.

I hope they do block out the entire state of Florida. DO IT!!!


Next? TEXAS!

How many users can Facebook lose over this? I hope it's a billion. Crash that stock!!!

Banning Florida is a GREAT ideal---it will force Florida and atleast one of their billionaires to start up a competition to FB that will be valid in both Florida and the rest of the country. Possibly overtaking FB eventually. PLEASE ban us Zuckerberg...please.
It's a violation of freedom, that's enough for me to oppose it.
No, it is NOT. Social media can ban whomever or whatever, as long as they are transparent and consistent. And even if they are not, its civil liability, not government action.
What? Who says? Which law? Does USMB also have a legal duty to be transparent and consistent in its moderation??
The Florida Law. Read it.

If USMB meets the criteria for being "social media" as defined, it too must disclose what content will be banned and be consistent in so doing or be sued.
Of course, we all know the real reason you oppose this law is that you are a fucking NAZI who likes having the opposition censored and doesn't give a damn about freedom of speech.
This isn’t about free speech. It’s about government forcing industry to serve the interests of a political party.

Which is, wait for it, a little fascist.
They are not forcing anything except requiring them to platform all political candidates. All this does is provide for civil liability.

It just requires social media to be transparent or pay damages.
Wait a minute. There used to be something called equal time, or what was called the fairness doctrine. It required media companies to provide equal time to matters that involved the public's interest, including political candidates. You know who eliminated that provision? The Reagan administration. So piss off. You live by the sword, you die by the sword.

The Fairness Doctrine did not required networks to give equal time to opposing views. Just opposing views,

However it was still a weapon .

This isn't the fairness doctrine, moron.
That's right, it's a fascist move by the GOP that will be declared illegal and unconstitutional in time.

While the fairness doctrine was a good idea at the time, it was still used by both parties as a political weapon against the other. As with all media, including Right Wing Radio, which of course another tangent altogether.
I love this solution. It won't matter if Blue states don't follow suit. All the red state lawsuits will bankrupt the Big tech companies.

JUST IN - Florida Gov. DeSantis has just signed a bill into law that would allow everyday Floridians to sue Big Tech Platforms for monetary damages.
Is Florida going to cover their legal bills when they lose?
We have plenty of lawyers down here in Florida, and no one has to pay unless those lawyers win the case....Just like the big case with Tobacco quite a few years ago, you can bet those hungry lawyers are getting ready for a very big pay day....

At Morgan & Morgan, we believe everyone is entitled to quality legal representation regardless of how much money they make. Our attorneys work on a contingency-fee basis — we dont get paid unless you win — so that you can afford to hire an excellent attorney to protect your interests.

Frequently Asked Questions | Morgan & Morgan Law Firm

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You think the EXTREMELY liberal John Morgan is going to take any of this crap on contingency?

Loser cases each and every one.

No responsible and respectable lawyer is going to take these "cases" on contingency. Of course that does leave those great Trump election lawyers. They won lots of those cases didn't they?
Sure they will, once somebody wins one. Then the flood gates will open. Bye Bye Facebook.
This stinking pile never makes it past the first legal test.
Bank it!
I've never seen any convincing evidence that conservatives care about the constitution.

When there's something they want (like a virtually limitless right to carry firearms around almost anywhere they go) they'll talk about the 2nd Amendment.

However, when there's something conservatives don't like (like abortion, or Facebook's right to manage their own platform and sanction people who violate their terms of service) then they're fine with a state passing a law which attempts to usurp federal law even though the constitution prohibits individual states from doing so.

They've VERY flexible that way.

It's the very same reason conservatives felt like they should be able to overturn the 2020 election, regardless of what the constitution states.
Whenever a lefty starts waxing sanctimoniously about the Constitution, I bust out laughing.
I love this solution. It won't matter if Blue states don't follow suit. All the red state lawsuits will bankrupt the Big tech companies.

JUST IN - Florida Gov. DeSantis has just signed a bill into law that would allow everyday Floridians to sue Big Tech Platforms for monetary damages.
Is Florida going to cover their legal bills when they lose?
We have plenty of lawyers down here in Florida, and no one has to pay unless those lawyers win the case....Just like the big case with Tobacco quite a few years ago, you can bet those hungry lawyers are getting ready for a very big pay day....

At Morgan & Morgan, we believe everyone is entitled to quality legal representation regardless of how much money they make. Our attorneys work on a contingency-fee basis — we dont get paid unless you win — so that you can afford to hire an excellent attorney to protect your interests.

Frequently Asked Questions | Morgan & Morgan Law Firm

View attachment 493074
You won’t find anything but a D grade ambulance chaser to take one of these on a contingency.
I love this solution. It won't matter if Blue states don't follow suit. All the red state lawsuits will bankrupt the Big tech companies.

JUST IN - Florida Gov. DeSantis has just signed a bill into law that would allow everyday Floridians to sue Big Tech Platforms for monetary damages.
Is Florida going to cover their legal bills when they lose?
We have plenty of lawyers down here in Florida, and no one has to pay unless those lawyers win the case....Just like the big case with Tobacco quite a few years ago, you can bet those hungry lawyers are getting ready for a very big pay day....

At Morgan & Morgan, we believe everyone is entitled to quality legal representation regardless of how much money they make. Our attorneys work on a contingency-fee basis — we dont get paid unless you win — so that you can afford to hire an excellent attorney to protect your interests.

Frequently Asked Questions | Morgan & Morgan Law Firm

View attachment 493074
You won’t find anything but a D grade ambulance chaser to take one of these on a contingency.
The minute one lawsuit is successful, the floodgates will open.
I love this solution. It won't matter if Blue states don't follow suit. All the red state lawsuits will bankrupt the Big tech companies.

The big tech companies are not basecd in Florida. They cannot enforce it across state lines. It is meaningless.

Another conservative who's a constitutional illiterate.

Another fascist Democrat who ignores the Constitution until it serves you.

I actually agree that the Constitutionality of the law is dubious. But wow, your hypocrisy compared to the left silencing free speech just REEKS

Republicans are the ones silencing free speech.

this is not a Republican or Democrat thing.

Why should big tech get a government liability shield? What interest does that serve?

Big tech fucked up. Big tech should not have been playing the games they were playing. Now they get no liability protection.

I'll be sure to work up some tears and snot on behalf of big tech and their loss of government protection. How sad.

This is very juvenile.. Facebook doesn't want to be a party to lies and slander, character assassination dangerous medical advice.. They have that right. You should start your own platform that admires that sort of garbage.

well that’s not true. they simply want to be a party to the views they agree with and censor others
which is fine and their right

they can publish and edit whatever they want

but they should be treated just like other publishers and not get extra protections and immunities

There's a place for lies, slander, dangerous medical advice, personal attacks and insane conspiracy theories. Maybe Conservative Treehouse or WMD would be appropriate for Trump.

You do realize that Facebook allows slander, lies, conspiracy theories, etc but only if these favor a certain political party. I guess you forgot to mention that part. They are not applying their policy in good faith, as they are required by section 230. Therein lies the problem. Either they equally apply their rules or they lose 230 protection. It is as simple as that.

Exactly and libbies are desperately trying to dance around that and failing.
Facebook invites you in, presenting itself as a communication platform. Nowhere does it require you to acknowledge that fact or opinion shares are subject to censure.
Then, when you begin to post pro Trump commentary you are suddenly censored or removed

thats the problem, that’s the illegality, that’s the one way street of communication, and that’s the silly and outrageous babying that Facebook is trying to impose .

Ever read the terms before you click, I Agree? I don't.

That’s the typical boilerplate. There is nothing that stipulates their right or even ability to remove political posts that are conservative in content
They practice deceit.
I love this solution. It won't matter if Blue states don't follow suit. All the red state lawsuits will bankrupt the Big tech companies.

Lol! Even Dotard’s 6-3 SCOTUS ain’t gonna take away social media’s 1st amendment right to set their own rules.
This baby is DOA. Tell Trumpy Boy in FL to spend his time on something semi-constructive:)

This law does no such thing. It simply requires disclosure and consistent moderation OR pay damages.

Sorry, courts ain’t gonna touch determining even handedness at moderation.
But go ahead - You’ll make a lotta lawyers even richer! :D

Courts won't need to touch determining even-handedness. Juries will.

And yes. It will make lawyers rich. Spread some of that wealth around, Facebook.
Social media need rebooting anyway
It became mostly anti social media and never achieved anything near its potential to be a discussion of various topics with input exchange of ideas. Instead it has been mostly a name calling forum with very selective censorship of who gets to say what.
There's no way that government can force it to be what you want.
Florida is starting that process. It’s not a matter of what I want, it’s a matter that social media in general is false advertising and very discriminatory as to what type of customer it will permit. Again, private does not mean do whatever you want to.

Gov. DeSantis’s Proposed Law Penalizing Social Media Companies for De-Platforming Politicians Is ‘Hilariously Unconstitutional’

That 1974 case, Miami Herald v. Tornillo, was cited by all three experts Law&Crime contacted.

“The Supreme Court struck down the law, ruling that it violated the newspapers’ First Amendment right to choose which content to run or not run,” Cohn said. “In invalidating that law, the Court expressly rejected the very same argument people make for regulating content moderation today: that concentration of ownership and ‘monopoly of the means of communication’ justifies forcing private parties to carry certain speech. But the Court found it unconstitutional then, and it remains unconstitutional now.”

Professor Daxton “Chip” Stewart, a media law expert who referred to the proposal as “hilariously unconstitutional,” said that DeSantis exhibited a fundamental misunderstanding of corporations’ rights.

“Basically, DeSantis seems to forget that private companies like Facebook and Twitter have First Amendment rights, too,” Stewart noted. “The government can’t force them to host speech they don’t want to, or threaten punishment like these absurd fines for refusing to give platforms to people they find intolerable. Just as a platform can remove accounts of terrorists or the KKK or a cabal that conspires to violently overthrow the government, they can remove accounts of any other individual.”
Pretty soon these loons will be demanding that WaPo print their 2,000 word op-ed.
That’ll get a lot of laughs! :lol:
Only of politicians running for office.
Doesn’t matter. It’s compelling speech.
To some extent. However, I don't have a problem with it since Facebook is nothing more than a propaganda organ now, and it's a monopoly.
Ah, so you’re okay with violating the constitution as long as it supports your politicians?

Kinda sounds a little fascist.
It's a government protected monopoly. It should have been split up long ago.
It’s not a government protected monopoly.

But you do have a justification for acting a little like a fascist.
Of course it's a government protected monopoly. That's irrefutable. Rule 230 is a federal regulation that protects it, and it's clearly a monopoly. It's far more of a monopoly than Standard Oil ever was.
Section 230 applies to every other website too. Hard to say government protects a monopoly when it extends that protection to literally every one of their competitors.

Speaking of section 230, this law attempts to break it, however the supremacy clause would prevent that.

Man, Floridians really don’t understand how government works.
It doesn't apply to publishers. It claims to apply only to "platforms." Facebook is operating like a publisher, not a platform.

I've already explained this to you at least 1000 times.

Facebook has no competitors, moron.

No they are not. Publishers pay people to write things. Social media does not.
Paying isn't what makes you a publisher, moron. Publishing is what makes you a publisher. Facebook is a publisher.

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