Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis To Sign Bill Banning Social Media ‘Deplatforming’

When the Monopoly acted in restraint of trade to crush Parler which harmed monopoly node Twitter, the federal goons refused to act, because the tech fascists operate as a defacto arm of government.
Still waiting for evidence of that coordination.

You're as stupid as you are dishonest.

You don’t seem to understand what coordination means. Coordination is when people make a plan to do something together.

Your post fails to give any evidence that they planned to do anything together.
republicans strike again. Now they are taking first amendment rights from social media.

They are regulating the internet. And violating the first amendment to do it. They are also violating section 230 of the communications decency act.

What happened to their screaming that business owners have the right to decide who they serve or do business with? That was a lie too.

They are showing that their hate for regulations was all a lie. They love regulating business just not in a responsible way.

Their beliefs are of convenience not real beliefs.

I'm thinking youre a little confused how the 1st A works,,,
Nope. You are.
and yet you failed to explain why I'm wrong,,

the 1st is meant for the people not companies,,

The first amendment applies to government. Government cannot do anything to limit free speech. It does not apply to comanies. You have no free speech rights in regards to companies.
never said it did,,

this isnt a 1st A issue,,

Yes it is a 1st Amendment issue. Twitter and Facebook have 1st Amendment rights as well. In addition this is a illegal seizure of property. This law violates the Constitution and should be overturned.
republicans strike again. Now they are taking first amendment rights from social media.

They are regulating the internet. And violating the first amendment to do it. They are also violating section 230 of the communications decency act.

What happened to their screaming that business owners have the right to decide who they serve or do business with? That was a lie too.

They are showing that their hate for regulations was all a lie. They love regulating business just not in a responsible way.

Their beliefs are of convenience not real beliefs.

I'm thinking youre a little confused how the 1st A works,,,
Nope. You are.
and yet you failed to explain why I'm wrong,,

the 1st is meant for the people not companies,,

The first amendment applies to government. Government cannot do anything to limit free speech. It does not apply to comanies. You have no free speech rights in regards to companies.
never said it did,,

this isnt a 1st A issue,,

Yes it is a 1st Amendment issue. Twitter and Facebook have 1st Amendment rights as well. In addition this is a illegal seizure of property. This law violates the Constitution and should be overturned.
what speech of theirs was restricted??
There is no right to bear false witness to the People.
The public decides what information to accept or reject. Not Nanny Facebook who has its own agenda of what thoughts, experiences and concepts they will permit to be shared. “ Permit to be shared “ is insidious and is rejected by thinking Americans

Yes they have every right to do so. It is their property. Facebook and Twitter have a right to ensure that their platform is not used to spread questionable for false information. Thinking Americans support this garbage shows your stupidity. Americans do not support fascism.
republicans strike again. Now they are taking first amendment rights from social media.

They are regulating the internet. And violating the first amendment to do it. They are also violating section 230 of the communications decency act.

What happened to their screaming that business owners have the right to decide who they serve or do business with? That was a lie too.

They are showing that their hate for regulations was all a lie. They love regulating business just not in a responsible way.

Their beliefs are of convenience not real beliefs.

I'm thinking youre a little confused how the 1st A works,,,
Nope. You are.
and yet you failed to explain why I'm wrong,,

the 1st is meant for the people not companies,,

The first amendment applies to government. Government cannot do anything to limit free speech. It does not apply to comanies. You have no free speech rights in regards to companies.
never said it did,,

this isnt a 1st A issue,,

Yes it is a 1st Amendment issue. Twitter and Facebook have 1st Amendment rights as well. In addition this is a illegal seizure of property. This law violates the Constitution and should be overturned.
what speech of theirs was restricted??

Their right to take down a poster who violates their terms of agreement. Their right to warn other users of questionable posts. Several companies have withdrawn their advertising because they do not want to be associated with the garbage Trump users post.
republicans strike again. Now they are taking first amendment rights from social media.

They are regulating the internet. And violating the first amendment to do it. They are also violating section 230 of the communications decency act.

What happened to their screaming that business owners have the right to decide who they serve or do business with? That was a lie too.

They are showing that their hate for regulations was all a lie. They love regulating business just not in a responsible way.

Their beliefs are of convenience not real beliefs.

I'm thinking youre a little confused how the 1st A works,,,
Nope. You are.
and yet you failed to explain why I'm wrong,,

the 1st is meant for the people not companies,,

The first amendment applies to government. Government cannot do anything to limit free speech. It does not apply to comanies. You have no free speech rights in regards to companies.
never said it did,,

this isnt a 1st A issue,,

Yes it is a 1st Amendment issue. Twitter and Facebook have 1st Amendment rights as well. In addition this is a illegal seizure of property. This law violates the Constitution and should be overturned.
what speech of theirs was restricted??

Their right to take down a poster who violates their terms of agreement. Their right to warn other users of questionable posts. Several companies have withdrawn their advertising because they do not want to be associated with the garbage Trump users post.
so they werent restricted from saying anything,, got it,,
What you're asking for is a legal requirement for social media companies to host government propaganda. That's about as anti-First-Amendment as you can get.
That is EXACTLY what social media has been doing. Say the wrong thing about masking or COVID vax and you get shit on...FOR GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA!!!

The reality is that you are no different than anyone else. You love your government shit just like everyone else. You are NOT a libertarian, by any stretch. You don't give a FUCK about liberty when it comes to anyone you label a "Trumpster." Principles...you ain't got none.

You are the one SPREADING PROPAGANDA. There is no valid evidence that says that the vax should not be taken. I have received it and I am still here.

You qare no different. You want big government as long as it does what you want. You support right wing fascists taking away people's right to vote. Now they are coming after your free speech rights. THAT IS BIG GOVERNMENT. YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT LIBERTY IS. YOU WANT ANARCHY.
republicans strike again. Now they are taking first amendment rights from social media.

They are regulating the internet. And violating the first amendment to do it. They are also violating section 230 of the communications decency act.

What happened to their screaming that business owners have the right to decide who they serve or do business with? That was a lie too.

They are showing that their hate for regulations was all a lie. They love regulating business just not in a responsible way.

Their beliefs are of convenience not real beliefs.

I'm thinking youre a little confused how the 1st A works,,,
Nope. You are.
and yet you failed to explain why I'm wrong,,

the 1st is meant for the people not companies,,

The first amendment applies to government. Government cannot do anything to limit free speech. It does not apply to comanies. You have no free speech rights in regards to companies.
never said it did,,

this isnt a 1st A issue,,

Yes it is a 1st Amendment issue. Twitter and Facebook have 1st Amendment rights as well. In addition this is a illegal seizure of property. This law violates the Constitution and should be overturned.
what speech of theirs was restricted??

Their right to take down a poster who violates their terms of agreement. Their right to warn other users of questionable posts. Several companies have withdrawn their advertising because they do not want to be associated with the garbage Trump users post.
so they werent restricted from saying anything,, got it,,

Their right to police their platform is free speech.
Stunning support for censorship
Only weak knee, weak willed insecure people need differing views removed and people banished. It’s endorsing discrimination. Extreme libbie pretzel twisting to justify amounts to shrieking children.
LOL - keep chirping.

It's not support for censorship. It's a rejection of state regulated media. The government has no business dictating to social media companies. Private companies have no obligation to host your political propaganda.

A real libertarian would actually sit back and ponder why Internet social media companies are able to silence Trump and shut down their competitor Parlor. Obviously free markets are not working.

Here's the thing you don't understand about libertarians while you pretend to be one. We actually believe in actually free markets. Not just the theory of them. If it's not working, that's a problem. I mean for us, not you since you're a fake libertarian. This is working for you since you get to claim to be libertarian while actually helping the left who you don't grasp is completely not libertarian.

Keep telling yourself that, as you follow your dear leader off a statist cliff.

LOL, a Democrat calling me a statist. That's classic

I call 'em as I see.

Like most Trumpsters, you're in denial. You've been sold a bill of goods and just can't bring yourself to admit it.

Fortunately you have the Democrat Party to show you the enlightened path, fascist. Like leftist companies policing the internet and shutting down anyone who defies them, like Parlor.

If Google hadn't shut down Parlor, you'd have an argument. And I was fine with Twitter booting Trump and Parlor picking him up for all the reasons you claim you support.

But when Google said I got this, Twitter, and shut down Parlor, it was clear it was NOT a free market. And you didn't care because you're a racist and a socialist who talks about free markets with a glass of sherry and some Weiner appetizers
republicans strike again. Now they are taking first amendment rights from social media.

They are regulating the internet. And violating the first amendment to do it. They are also violating section 230 of the communications decency act.

What happened to their screaming that business owners have the right to decide who they serve or do business with? That was a lie too.

They are showing that their hate for regulations was all a lie. They love regulating business just not in a responsible way.

Their beliefs are of convenience not real beliefs.

I'm thinking youre a little confused how the 1st A works,,,
Nope. You are.
and yet you failed to explain why I'm wrong,,

the 1st is meant for the people not companies,,

The first amendment applies to government. Government cannot do anything to limit free speech. It does not apply to comanies. You have no free speech rights in regards to companies.
never said it did,,

this isnt a 1st A issue,,

Yes it is a 1st Amendment issue. Twitter and Facebook have 1st Amendment rights as well. In addition this is a illegal seizure of property. This law violates the Constitution and should be overturned.
what speech of theirs was restricted??

Their right to take down a poster who violates their terms of agreement. Their right to warn other users of questionable posts. Several companies have withdrawn their advertising because they do not want to be associated with the garbage Trump users post.
so they werent restricted from saying anything,, got it,,

Their right to police their platform is free speech.
free speech and the 1st A are two different things,,

and its not their speech thats being restricted,,
Your tangent about “I want state control” has been defeated and is something you made up
This is a lie.

The Florida measure seeking to do exactly that is proof this is a lie.
I do not advocate state control and never so stated. Like all defeated Libs You assigned your characterization on me and presented it as an admission that I made. Fake.
What I am an advocate for is the freedom of each reader to read the presentations and decide for themselves as to the validity. You advocate and endorse Facebook making that decision in advance and censoring even the mere presentation of the printed or spoken word
Why do you all fear other opinions and experiences So Much that you can’t allow them to even see the light of day? Diversity-remember?
Also, try to justify arbitrary political expression as “lies” is just as worn out as cries of “racism” every time things are not going like you feel they should

Facebook and Twitter have a right to control what is said on their property. They are not censoring anyone because they are not a government entity. You talk freedom but you have no clue what it is. Twitter and Facebook have rights as well. If readers don't like what they are doing then readerstop using these platforms.s wil l
Your tangent about “I want state control” has been defeated and is something you made up
This is a lie.

The Florida measure seeking to do exactly that is proof this is a lie.
I do not advocate state control and never so stated. Like all defeated Libs You assigned your characterization on me and presented it as an admission that I made. Fake.
What I am an advocate for is the freedom of each reader to read the presentations and decide for themselves as to the validity. You advocate and endorse Facebook making that decision in advance and censoring even the mere presentation of the printed or spoken word
Why do you all fear other opinions and experiences So Much that you can’t allow them to even see the light of day? Diversity-remember?
Also, try to justify arbitrary political expression as “lies” is just as worn out as cries of “racism” every time things are not going like you feel they should

Facebook and Twitter have a right to control what is said on their property. They are not censoring anyone because they are not a government entity. You talk freedom but you have no clue what it is. Twitter and Facebook have rights as well. If readers don't like what they are doing then readerstop using these platforms.s wil l
supporting free speech is about speech you disagree with,,
Some think DeSantis wants to run for nomination in 2024. We understand why you deviants and commies have to crush free political speech s well as exterminate white Xians.
DeSantis is welcome to host his own speech on his own website at his own cost.

Demanding Facebook (or any other social media company) do as the government bids to support the politicians of the state is exactly the kind of intervention conservatives used to abhor.

This is fascism.
Stunning support for censorship
Only weak knee, weak willed insecure people need differing views removed and people banished. It’s endorsing discrimination. Extreme libbie pretzel twisting to justify amounts to shrieking children.
LOL - keep chirping.

It's not support for censorship. It's a rejection of state regulated media. The government has no business dictating to social media companies. Private companies have no obligation to host your political propaganda.

A real libertarian would actually sit back and ponder why Internet social media companies are able to silence Trump and shut down their competitor Parlor. Obviously free markets are not working.

Here's the thing you don't understand about libertarians while you pretend to be one. We actually believe in actually free markets. Not just the theory of them. If it's not working, that's a problem. I mean for us, not you since you're a fake libertarian. This is working for you since you get to claim to be libertarian while actually helping the left who you don't grasp is completely not libertarian.

Keep telling yourself that, as you follow your dear leader off a statist cliff.

LOL, a Democrat calling me a statist. That's classic

I call 'em as I see.

Like most Trumpsters, you're in denial. You've been sold a bill of goods and just can't bring yourself to admit it.

Fortunately you have the Democrat Party to show you the enlightened path, fascist. Like leftist companies policing the internet and shutting down anyone who defies them, like Parlor.

If Google hadn't shut down Parlor, you'd have an argument. And I was fine with Twitter booting Trump and Parlor picking him up for all the reasons you claim you support.

But when Google said I got this, Twitter, and shut down Parlor, it was clear it was NOT a free market. And you didn't care because you're a racist and a socialist who talks about free markets with a glass of sherry and some Weiner appetizers

How do you get so much wrong in a single post??

Google didn't shut down Parler, Amazon did.

Parler never picked up Trump as a member of their service.

It's Parler, not Parlor.

And you still haven't shown Amazon is "leftist."

Do you really not recognize yourself making all the same excuses that Democrats have shoveled for years?

The tech fascists are an agent of your party and agents of the state. Just like Hitler, you democrats use pseudo-private monopolies to implement your agenda.

You are a statist, FascistTwat is the tool of the state, hence you defend TwatBook with your life. Seig Heil mein democrat.

More Nazi stuff. Do you think about anything else?

Well, since you like the Democrat Nazis, it's easy for you to say. But we're not like you, we're libertarians and the Nazis want to destroy us. We don't have the back slapping laughs with them that you do pretending you're not one one of them. But we know you are one of them. And they make clear, so do they. The only one you are fooling is yourself


Yes, Democrats became Nazis when you crossed into actually threatening, destroying and attacking your opposition. You just got tired of having to win elections, so you started stealing them.

You're now just Nazis
Your tangent about “I want state control” has been defeated and is something you made up
This is a lie.

The Florida measure seeking to do exactly that is proof this is a lie.
I do not advocate state control and never so stated. Like all defeated Libs You assigned your characterization on me and presented it as an admission that I made. Fake.
What I am an advocate for is the freedom of each reader to read the presentations and decide for themselves as to the validity. You advocate and endorse Facebook making that decision in advance and censoring even the mere presentation of the printed or spoken word
Why do you all fear other opinions and experiences So Much that you can’t allow them to even see the light of day? Diversity-remember?
Also, try to justify arbitrary political expression as “lies” is just as worn out as cries of “racism” every time things are not going like you feel they should

Facebook and Twitter have a right to control what is said on their property. They are not censoring anyone because they are not a government entity. You talk freedom but you have no clue what it is. Twitter and Facebook have rights as well. If readers don't like what they are doing then readerstop using these platforms.s wil l
supporting free speech is about speech you disagree with,,

They are not government entities so free speech is not a issue. They have a right to police their own forum.
first amendment has nothing to do with business regulating their own speech or the speech others are making under their umbrellas.
Not in the case of monopolies

Standard Oil had a constitutional right to exist

But it was too big

The same goes for Facebook which is a totally leftwing suppressor of free speech
Has nothing
republicans strike again. Now they are taking first amendment rights from social media.

They are regulating the internet. And violating the first amendment to do it. They are also violating section 230 of the communications decency act.

What happened to their screaming that business owners have the right to decide who they serve or do business with? That was a lie too.

They are showing that their hate for regulations was all a lie. They love regulating business just not in a responsible way.

Their beliefs are of convenience not real beliefs.

I'm thinking youre a little confused how the 1st A works,,,
Nope. You are.
and yet you failed to explain why I'm wrong,,

the 1st is meant for the people not companies,,

The first amendment applies to government. Government cannot do anything to limit free speech. It does not apply to comanies. You have no free speech rights in regards to companies.
never said it did,,

this isnt a 1st A issue,,

Yes it is a 1st Amendment issue. Twitter and Facebook have 1st Amendment rights as well. In addition this is a illegal seizure of property. This law violates the Constitution and should be overturned.
what speech of theirs was restricted??

Their right to take down a poster who violates their terms of agreement. Their right to warn other users of questionable posts. Several companies have withdrawn their advertising because they do not want to be associated with the garbage Trump users post.
so they werent restricted from saying anything,, got it,,

Their right to police their platform is free speech.
You can lead a tRumpling to reality, but you cannot make him believe in it.

There's also the fact that conservitards don't understand the constitution.
republicans strike again. Now they are taking first amendment rights from social media.

They are regulating the internet. And violating the first amendment to do it. They are also violating section 230 of the communications decency act.

What happened to their screaming that business owners have the right to decide who they serve or do business with? That was a lie too.

They are showing that their hate for regulations was all a lie. They love regulating business just not in a responsible way.

Their beliefs are of convenience not real beliefs.

I'm thinking youre a little confused how the 1st A works,,,
Nope. You are.
and yet you failed to explain why I'm wrong,,

the 1st is meant for the people not companies,,

The first amendment applies to government. Government cannot do anything to limit free speech. It does not apply to comanies. You have no free speech rights in regards to companies.
never said it did,,

this isnt a 1st A issue,,

Yes it is a 1st Amendment issue. Twitter and Facebook have 1st Amendment rights as well. In addition this is a illegal seizure of property. This law violates the Constitution and should be overturned.
what speech of theirs was restricted??

It wasn't "restricted" it was mandated.

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