Florida High School Football Player Dies After Collapsing On Field During Game Chance Gainer, 18, An Honors Student

that is a falsehood sir. the numbers of young athletes dying since the shots is off the charts. The number of adults in denial about the harms of the shots is also off the charts.
Show me data, not anecdotes.

The study found:

  • Among 1,102 deaths overall, sudden cardiac death was the most common medical cause of death, being cited in 143 (13%) cases.
  • The incidence rate for sudden cardiac death among NCAA athletes decreased, on average, by 29% every 5 years in the 20-year study period.
  • Black and white NCAA Division 1 male basketball players had the highest incidence of sudden cardiac death in the study — more than 1 in 2,000 over a 4-year career.
  • Male athletes were about four times (1 in 43,348) as likely to have sudden cardiac death than female athletes (1 in 164,504).
  • Black athletes were about three times as likely (1 in 26,704) as white athletes (1 in 74,581) to die from sudden cardiac death.

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