Florida is the #9 state with the most rural hospital closures since 2005

I think this is just part of the cost of the ACA Atrocity, which puts priority on failed inner cities getting facilities and money instead of rural areas.

Didn't see this before B. Hussein O. rammed this Abomination past America's sphincter.
Back in the early 70's, there was a federal mandate that states create programs that regulate expansion of healthcare to contain costs. Even though that was repealed in the 80's, many states kept their version of certificate of needs regulations. That has been wielded like a sword by big medical providers to keep competition out and reinforces high healthcare costs. An example might be that a rural hospital wants to add an MRI machine. A nearby hospital that has the only MRI machine in the area can then use the CON regulation process to block the rural hospital from getting one. In my city, the local hospital of horror used this process to block the construction of a new hospital from a group with a much better reputation for service, quality, and price. There are lots of moving parts in healthcare.

Historically, Medicare beneficiaries were rarely required to receive prior authorization. That is still the case for beneficiaries enrolled in traditional Medicare, who are only required to obtain prior authorization for a limited set of services. However, virtually all Medicare Advantage enrollees (99%) were enrolled in a plan that required prior authorization for some services in 2022. Most commonly, higher cost services, such as chemotherapy or skilled nursing facility stays, require prior authorization. Prior authorization may play a role in helping Medicare Advantage plans reduce costs and maintain profits.
Here's the big, dirty secret I learned only by talking to one of these MA pushing bigshots at length on the phone. I asked him, "How do you guys actually pay for all these extras you promise if you don't charge any monthly fees?" He laughed and said, "Oh, hell, the Medicare Trust Fund is enormous!" And he wasn't the only one. The major insurance companies now treat the money (which now includes all Medicare Part B payments) we've collectively socked away like their own private piggy bank.. and they're still getting away with it. It's great to hear that at least some of their stench has finally resulted in some doors being shut in their fat faces.
Brain tumors are hardly within the scope of a primary care physician.They can only refer to a specialist for specific symptoms.In which this case I'm talking about was a family member.
Absolutely wrong 100%.
My father died of brain cancer in 2017.
The tumor was discovered by his primary care physician. He went to the doctor with complaints of more headaches than usual and getting dizzy sometimes. The only reason my Dad lived as long as he did after that was because it was found as early as it was. And it was found by his primary physician.
My father also had colon cancer.
Also found by the same primary care physician 14 years earlier. He had 7 inches of his colon removed and the ONLY reason it didn't kill him was it WAS CAUGHT EARLY. And it was caught early because he went to his primary doctor because of bowel symptoms.
Primary care physicians are where the VAST majority of health problem are first suspected and investigated. If it takes 3-4 months to get to your primary care physician - that can wand WILL result in many-many more deaths from undiagnosed illnesses.
Here's the big, dirty secret I learned only by talking to one of these MA pushing bigshots at length on the phone. I asked him, "How do you guys actually pay for all these extras you promise if you don't charge any monthly fees?" He laughed and said, "Oh, hell, the Medicare Trust Fund is enormous!" And he wasn't the only one. The major insurance companies now treat the money (which now includes all Medicare Part B payments) we've collectively socked away like their own private piggy bank.. and they're still getting away with it. It's great to hear that at least some of their stench has finally resulted in some doors being shut in their fat faces.
Dont worry about me, I'm on Medigap and my husband is too.
Then you should be on your knees , toots, begging that Almighty God doesn't let Sleepy Joe institute "Medicare for All" , which is actually medicare for none and sticking all of us old people into ghetto health clinics.
I'm all for original medicare. Medical for all means private plans. Sander wants it. Joe Biden doesn't want nothing to do with it.
Rural hospitals have long struggled financially and the situation is getting worse. In the mid-1940s, Congress provided funding to build hospitals in rural areas, leading to a rise in their numbers, especially in the South. By the 1980s and 1990s, those hospitals began closing, partly a result of Medicare spending.

With the advent of Advantage Plans, what are you going to do if your hosp closes.
go to a different hospital
Absolutely wrong 100%.
My father died of brain cancer in 2017.
The tumor was discovered by his primary care physician. He went to the doctor with complaints of more headaches than usual and getting dizzy sometimes. The only reason my Dad lived as long as he did after that was because it was found as early as it was. And it was found by his primary physician.
My father also had colon cancer.
Also found by the same primary care physician 14 years earlier. He had 7 inches of his colon removed and the ONLY reason it didn't kill him was it WAS CAUGHT EARLY. And it was caught early because he went to his primary doctor because of bowel symptoms.
Primary care physicians are where the VAST majority of health problem are first suspected and investigated. If it takes 3-4 months to get to your primary care physician - that can wand WILL result in many-many more deaths from undiagnosed illnesses.
Was he referred to specialist?
Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, which are allowed to exclude hospitals from their networks, pay less than traditional Medicare, often negotiating even lower rates for rural hospitals. While a few years ago it was less popular to see MA penetration in rural areas, the trend has since grown, per Hawkins of the Texas Hospital Association. That could threaten reimbursement: “All those little things add up.”

Yeah. Government sure can screw things up bad can't they.
Was he referred to specialist?
Was he referred to specialist?
Absolutely wrong 100%.
My father died of brain cancer in 2017.
The tumor was discovered by his primary care physician. He went to the doctor with complaints of more headaches than usual and getting dizzy sometimes. The only reason my Dad lived as long as he did after that was because it was found as early as it was. And it was found by his primary physician.
My father also had colon cancer.
Also found by the same primary care physician 14 years earlier. He had 7 inches of his colon removed and the ONLY reason it didn't kill him was it WAS CAUGHT EARLY. And it was caught early because he went to his primary doctor because of bowel symptoms.
Primary care physicians are where the VAST majority of health problem are first suspected and investigated. If it takes 3-4 months to get to your primary care physician - that can wand WILL result in many-many more deaths from undiagnosed illnesses.
So the primary diagnosed both and colon cancer right there in his office. With no referrals?
Dont worry about me, I'm on Medigap and my husband is too.
I'll end up there too. Don't know what's going on exactly atm. Still being extended Medicaid even though I never asked to be. Aetna thinks they own my ass and signed up for their MA plan.. No way in hell!
I'm all for original medicare. Medical for all means private plans. Sander wants it. Joe Biden doesn't want nothing to do with it.
Yes, "Medical for all" is gibberish. It's not Medicare4All by any stretch and Sanders knows it. He's just sold out. No one sane cares what Joe Biden wants.
Thanks for admitting it really isn't a Florida or DeSantis problem! Article might mean more if they actually listed the first 8 states!
Let me guess, you saw the word "Florida" and immediately felt you need to run and protect DeSantis?

You are quite a triggered little bitch....seeing as tho, her post is not claiming DeSantis did it...
Obama is the one who killed it.
Yes he did...he was a coward...

He thought trying to appease Republicans into supporting their own "private insurance over Medicare" plan would make them support him more...he was wrong...

Republicans will push their own mother off a cliff if they thought it would own the libs...

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