Florida man gets 15 years prison for breaking windows and leaving bacon at a mosque

Welcome to Police State America. Everyone has a good chance of spending some time in the slammer. The US locks up more of its Citizens than any other nation on earth.

Still think you live in a 'free nation?'... You should think again.
True. but this Ahole deserved it.
Welcome to Police State America. Everyone has a good chance of spending some time in the slammer. The US locks up more of its Citizens than any other nation on earth.

Still think you live in a 'free nation?'... You should think again.
True. but this Ahole deserved it.

15 years? Really? You sure about that? This Police State is becoming very scary.
Welcome to Police State America. Everyone has a good chance of spending some time in the slammer. The US locks up more of its Citizens than any other nation on earth.

Still think you live in a 'free nation?'... You should think again.
True. but this Ahole deserved it.

15 years? Really? You sure about that? This Police State is becoming very scary.
He's the career criminal type. That's why the sentence is so long.
More political BS. As mentioned in the article, if someone had done something similar at a Christian church, the sentence would not be nearly as severe. Hell, they might even walk away without any jail time at all.

You are being redirected...
Go do it to a Christian church and let’s see what happens. It’ll be a fun experiment.

If it is a baptist church they will fry it up and have a social!

He did much more:

Michael Wolfe, 35, was charged with armed burglary of a structure and criminal mischief of a place of worship in connection with the New Year’s Eve break-in and desecration of the Islamic Society of Central Florida Masjid Al-Munin Mosque in Titusville.

Police said the convicted felon
acted alone, broke into the empty mosque with a machete at night, slashing at windows and other property before leaving behind a slab of raw bacon in and around the front door. A surveillance video shows Wolfe, dressed in camouflage pants and carrying a backpack as he stepped into the carport at the mosque.

The attack - one of a several acts of vandalism reported at Islamic centers across the country - drew national attention from advocacy groups like the Council on American-Islamic Relations. The incident left many in fear at the small, 50-member congregation.

Wolfe remains held at the Brevard County Jail Complex without bond and is awaiting trial.
Where is the ‘much more’?
Welcome to Police State America. Everyone has a good chance of spending some time in the slammer. The US locks up more of its Citizens than any other nation on earth.

Still think you live in a 'free nation?'... You should think again.
True. but this Ahole deserved it.

15 years? Really? You sure about that? This Police State is becoming very scary.
He's the career criminal type. That's why the sentence is so long.

Be very careful what you wish for in reference to this Police State. It's locking everyone up these days. You could be next.
Welcome to Police State America. Everyone has a good chance of spending some time in the slammer. The US locks up more of its Citizens than any other nation on earth.

Still think you live in a 'free nation?'... You should think again.
True. but this Ahole deserved it.

15 years? Really? You sure about that? This Police State is becoming very scary.
He's the career criminal type. That's why the sentence is so long.

Be very careful what you wish for in reference to this Police State. It's locking everyone up these days. You could be next.
That's the risk when people make a profit off of locking people up. It's big business not big justice.
Welcome to Police State America. Everyone has a good chance of spending some time in the slammer. The US locks up more of its Citizens than any other nation on earth.

Still think you live in a 'free nation?'... You should think again.
True. but this Ahole deserved it.

15 years? Really? You sure about that? This Police State is becoming very scary.
He's the career criminal type. That's why the sentence is so long.

Be very careful what you wish for in reference to this Police State. It's locking everyone up these days. You could be next.
That's the risk when people make a profit off of locking people up. It's big business not big justice.

Great point. I think this sentence is excessive and an abuse of power. It represents exactly what's wrong with our Justice System. Police States are very dangerous. Americans better start seeing what's going on.
Oooh, if they received 15 years for their criminal act. just imagine how many years that these guys will receive.

The suspects, who are between 14 and 15 years old, were each charged with interfering with a cemetery or burial ground and criminal mischief, both juvenile offenses. Each of the three youths was issued a summons and referred to a juvenile court, according to the Hartford Courant.

The names of the three teens are not being revealed because they are minors.

Police believe that the alleged vandals may have tipped over the headstones while using the sacred burial ground as a shortcut to a nearby park.

The toppled headstones were discovered and reported to police on October 19, but authorities believe the damage had been inflicted beginning October 12 or earlier.

Read more: 3 Connecticut teens arrested 'for destroying nearly 100 gravestones at Jewish cemeteries' | Daily Mail Online
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Vandals destroy 100 headstones at Jewish cemetery
More political BS. As mentioned in the article, if someone had done something similar at a Christian church, the sentence would not be nearly as severe. Hell, they might even walk away without any jail time at all.

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...and yet Hillary walks free and Major Hasan still lives.
More political BS. As mentioned in the article, if someone had done something similar at a Christian church, the sentence would not be nearly as severe. Hell, they might even walk away without any jail time at all.

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Good....hate crimes deserve harsh punishment, he should have kept his hate to himself or simply posted on a republican chat site...
Welcome to Police State America. Everyone has a good chance of spending some time in the slammer. The US locks up more of its Citizens than any other nation on earth.

Still think you live in a 'free nation?'... You should think again.
True. but this Ahole deserved it.

15 years? Really? You sure about that? This Police State is becoming very scary.
He's the career criminal type. That's why the sentence is so long.
It doesn’t matter how much time they give him, he’ll be back, FloridaMan is a freaking legend. He’s even got his own reddit: Florida Man! • r/FloridaMan
Welcome to Police State America. Everyone has a good chance of spending some time in the slammer. The US locks up more of its Citizens than any other nation on earth.

Still think you live in a 'free nation?'... You should think again.
True. but this Ahole deserved it.

15 years? Really? You sure about that? This Police State is becoming very scary.
He's the career criminal type. That's why the sentence is so long.
It doesn’t matter how much time they give him, he’ll be back, FloridaMan is a freaking legend. He’s even got his own reddit: Florida Man! • r/FloridaMan
hate can be very good business.
More political BS. As mentioned in the article, if someone had done something similar at a Christian church, the sentence would not be nearly as severe. Hell, they might even walk away without any jail time at all.

You are being redirected...
Go do it to a Christian church and let’s see what happens. It’ll be a fun experiment.

If it is a baptist church they will fry it up and have a social!

He did much more:

Michael Wolfe, 35, was charged with armed burglary of a structure and criminal mischief of a place of worship in connection with the New Year’s Eve break-in and desecration of the Islamic Society of Central Florida Masjid Al-Munin Mosque in Titusville.

Police said the convicted felon
acted alone, broke into the empty mosque with a machete at night, slashing at windows and other property before leaving behind a slab of raw bacon in and around the front door. A surveillance video shows Wolfe, dressed in camouflage pants and carrying a backpack as he stepped into the carport at the mosque.

The attack - one of a several acts of vandalism reported at Islamic centers across the country - drew national attention from advocacy groups like the Council on American-Islamic Relations. The incident left many in fear at the small, 50-member congregation.

Wolfe remains held at the Brevard County Jail Complex without bond and is awaiting trial.
Where is the ‘much more’?

I bold typed iit, took in a machete, smashed windows, and other church property. He may have gotten more time: As he was already a felon, all priors count on the score sheet. If released it will show his score.
While I disagree with the severity of the punishment, the stupid fuck shouldn’t have done it. If you break the law and leave it up to the government to decide your fate, you’re taking a huge chance.

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