FLORIDA NIGHTMARE — Federal Air Traffic Controllers conduct ‘mass sickout’ to protest Vaccine mandate…

Indeed. It is the only thing commies know how to do. We build the shining city on a hill, and lefties destroy it. They aren't capable of doing anything else, or building the shining city on a hill.
What are three things that America has built that you are the most proud of? Besides Trump Tower and mypillow :)
Couldn’t I use your own logic and say that a person who lost their job for not taking the vaccine did so under an unreasonable fear of an FDA approved vaccine?

But for you are joe biden the danger from the unvaccinated is remote because you got your shots.


For the public that fears vaccinations the danger is immediate
Oops, things aren’t going so well for dingbat lefties trying to force people to take an experimental vaccine.

Of course they lied and tried to blame the cancellations on the ATC and weather.

And not far off from holiday season. This is shaping up to be a total disaster. Angry people who can’t get to their destination won’t accept spending the holiday in the airport terminal.
I guess you don't like Tucker because he states the truth.
I know you don't like him because CNN plays .8 second video bites.
Nah, not real impressed with tucker. He milks it but really stands for nothing, just jacking off his audience for the bucks.
Nah, not real impressed with tucker. He milks it but really stands for nothing, just jacking off his audience for the bucks.
They all milk it which means you're not impressed with any commentator and that may be a good thing.

N o mention of vaccines

Yeah right the weather.....it's absolutely horrible!!!! :omg:

got to be careful with that weather!!!!!:auiqs.jpg:

I swear to God that I get more truth out of my local newspaper, the Las Vegas Review Journal than any interwebz site!
Besides, I'm old fashioned and enjoy the feel of the newspaper in my hands while drinking my morning Cuban coffee.
Local Papers from most all cities most always have more information and are more factual than the big lib propaganda national news sites.
GOD BLESS all those who fight tyranny everywhere....like these courageous people do!


Oops. Could this be another antivax lie? Couldn't be!! :laugh:

The labor union representing Southwest’s pilots, Southwest Pilots Association (SWAPA), released a statement refuting online rumors that the flight cancelations were the result of vaccine mandates.

In the statement, SWAPA president Casey Murray said the massive-scale disruption in Southwest’s services were because of management failures and that there was no organized labor action due to vaccine mandates:

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