FLORIDA NIGHTMARE — Federal Air Traffic Controllers conduct ‘mass sickout’ to protest Vaccine mandate…

No shit!.................pardon the redundancy !!!!:biggrin:

Unfortunately many western peoples don't know the true face of lefts ( dems, commies and another trash )
No chance for leftist cancer in any East European country.
All lefts shall be kicked from all offices and sued for their numerous crimes against humanity committed in the name of their 'god' Marx
Like Nazis in the West Germany after 1945
GOD BLESS all those who fight tyranny everywhere....like these courageous people do!

View attachment 550673

The satanic vaccine gang pushes the 'jabs' in the white christian countries only.
The scamdemic can be renamed as The White Genocide by Syringe
All Whites worldwide shall stand up against satanic anti-whites tyranny.
We as Whites shall be proud of our history and heritage.

Quote you?? Why would I do that? I asked you a question. If the answer is No then say No and tell me the things you are proud of.
The only claims I have made on this thread are whatever you can quote me saying.
Did you watch Southwest Airline's stock plummet?

Joeflation is doing a bangup job with his mandates, and people are resisting as they should.
Oh, thanks for the reminder. I need to talk to my broker. I don't think any of my stocks are likely to be affected, but it doesn't hurt to check.
So air traffic controllers are only an issue for Southwest?

They're a fucked up company.

THAT is the problem

what are you babbling about? Medical staff have walked out in protest, Southwest pilots have refused to work in protest, and flight controllers in Florida have refused to work in protest. You don't understand who the flight controllers work for or what there job is do you.

what are you babbling about? Medical staff have walked out in protest, Southwest pilots have refused to work in protest, and flight controllers in Florida have refused to work in protest. You don't understand who the flight controllers work for or what there job is do you.

So how does this manage to affect only Southwest?
I suppose you are correct that the total lockdowns have ended

Now libs are banning people from the workplace based on vaccination status and its having much the same affect

The left are on the verge of ruining the entire economy in only 15 months
The economy was ruined last year. The left as you like to say is now in power because of that and are trying to built it back. There is much they are doing that I don’t agree with but it is hardly the picture you’re painting. The “right” is certainly doing all they can to try and help them fail. Extremely unpatriotic. But I guess the “they did it so I can do it” logic is in play. Super mature!
Did you watch Southwest Airline's stock plummet?

Joeflation is doing a bangup job with his mandates, and people are resisting as they should.
I saw southwests stocks plummet, yes. I also have seen the stock market hit record high after record high throughout the year. Trump would certainly be bragging about these numbers on the daily, but that isn’t Bidens style thank god
I saw southwests stocks plummet, yes. I also have seen the stock market hit record high after record high throughout the year. Trump would certainly be bragging about these numbers on the daily, but that isn’t Bidens style thank god
It's Trump's Stock Market, correct? The only thing Biden has not screwed up is that he left some of Trump's economic policies in place while trashing others, namely he throttled back domestic oil production, and has shut down and slowed down shipping.

Their goal is to create maximum misery and to keep The US under Martial Law light.

If Joe cared about America, he would work for America instead of China, Russia, Corporations who ship our jobs overseas, Big Pharma and For Profit Healthcare
The economy was ruined last year. The left as you like to say is now in power because of that and are trying to built it back. There is much they are doing that I don’t agree with but it is hardly the picture you’re painting. The “right” is certainly doing all they can to try and help them fail. Extremely unpatriotic. But I guess the “they did it so I can do it” logic is in play. Super mature!
As usual we totally disagree

Liberal democrats in the blue states shut down businesses and want to substitute gov subsidies for work

They cant do it but they keep trying
It's Trump's Stock Market, correct? The only thing Biden has not screwed up is that he left some of Trump's economic policies in place while trashing others, namely he throttled back domestic oil production, and has shut down and slowed down shipping.

Their goal is to create maximum misery and to keep The US under Martial Law light.

If Joe cared about America, he would work for America instead of China, Russia, Corporations who ship our jobs overseas, Big Pharma and For Profit Healthcare
Sorry did Trump call it Obama’s stock market and Obama UE rate during his first year as he bragged and boasted? If so then yes you can call this year Trumps.

There is definitely areas of momentum and spill over that crosses administrations
As usual we totally disagree

Liberal democrats in the blue states shut down businesses and want to substitute gov subsidies for work

They cant do it but they keep trying
You are misinformed. Would you like me to show you a conservative Republican from a red state that also did shit downs?

Southwest Airlines cancel 1000 flights due to crew walk outs​

It could be true, but I'm not seeing any hard evidence that's the reason, just a lot of hearsay on the Internet, mostly on Twitter from people who knows someone who knows someone

It's a shit airline anyway. Hope they go bankrupt.

I wouldn't know, I never fly with them.

All I know is I used to work at a hotel where we had flight crews stay with us regularly. Delta, allegiant, and south west, and a few other smaller ones sometimes or dhl pilots.

South west were the only ones who were consistently nice. Everyone else, especially delta crews, were snooty, rude, entitled assholes. Pilots or the attendants were 90% dicks. But Southwest was mostly nice people to deal with.

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