Florida Pulse gay club attacked

This is congress' fault they had opportunities since Columbine to address the problem and now time's up.
There is no excusing this atrocity. No matter where he was born, he was a Muslim taught with all the hate and bigotry of that cult.

And why is nobody asking why someone didn't step forward and warn about this guys hate for gays and the fact that an attack on a gay venue was a possibility?

And we all know that Obama will excuse it as a "lone gunman" and state it has nothing to do with Islam.


It's Ramadan and we can expect more!

Americans sometimes have stupid policy.

What's the idea of having someone on the "Watch List" and not seeing them arming themselves and planning on a wild-scale massacre.

This kind of planning doesn't take two days. How could it fly under the radar?
Because you can buy weapons illegally with no problem. Also in the US you cant just arrest people because they are Muslim.
Folks.....open the borders. Stop being bigots.

The shooter was an American citizen, dipshit.
And his mother moved here from Afghanistan (a terrorist hotbed)...

As a matter of fact, if I recall correctly, the Boston Bombers' mother brought them here from Chechnya (which also has a muslim terrorist problem)...

So, are you too stupid to make the connection between letting people from terrorist areas in and having them (or their offspring) continue their traditions here???
Drumpf would take out the parents.
But exactly HOW would Mr. Trump stop this from Happening? What policies of his would have stopped this....?
Well for starters he would put a stop to MORE of these animals coming in.
but that wouldn't stop those who are here already...and are citizens.... it may stop future attacks 20 years from now, when these recent refugee's... having children born here, are all grown up....?
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This was an American citizen. The same way that the attacks in Brussela was done by Belgian citizens and the terrorist attacks were done by French citizens.

The terrorist was a muslim. An ethnic Afghan that no more though of himself as an American as Osama bin Laden did.
He was an American using 2nd Amendment solutions....apparently.
In a gun free zone where the customers got a pat down to make sure no one had a gun. The terrorist was shooting fish in a barrel.
Sad part is this Muslim animal was a registered Democrat.

Orlando: 50 dead in gay nightclub shooting
The conservatives are rejoicing in all the gay people being killed.

Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Wow, what an intelligent comment. A Muslim registered democrat walks into a gay club and kills over 50 people, with more to come, all in the name of Islam. That's what actually happened.
and conservatives rejoice by saying they are happy he killed some gays.
No, he did it in the name of Islam, so it would be you Muslims that became happy.
There is no excusing this atrocity. No matter where he was born, he was a Muslim taught with all the hate and bigotry of that cult.

And why is nobody asking why someone didn't step forward and warn about this guys hate for gays and the fact that an attack on a gay venue was a possibility?

And we all know that Obama will excuse it as a "lone gunman" and state it has nothing to do with Islam.


It's Ramadan and we can expect more!

Americans sometimes have stupid policy.

What's the idea of having someone on the "Watch List" and not seeing them arming themselves and planning on a wild-scale massacre.

This kind of planning doesn't take two days. How could it fly under the radar?
Because you can buy weapons illegally with no problem. Also in the US you cant just arrest people because they are Muslim.

You pretend to be dense?

This guy was on a watch list. He made threats. He was taken seriously by SOMEONE. It's not because of his religious believe, but because he threatened, later ACTED, on killing people in its name.

And I don't see conservative people gloating over this murder.

I see leftists trying to pull a blind eye and put the blame on anything but radical muslims
Now Trump will rail against Islam an inflame further these nuts. Just watch, Trump will play it like a fiddle, cause he is a Fascist.
Sad part is this Muslim animal was a registered Democrat.

Orlando: 50 dead in gay nightclub shooting
The conservatives are rejoicing in all the gay people being killed.

Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Wow, what an intelligent comment. A Muslim registered democrat walks into a gay club and kills over 50 people, with more to come, all in the name of Islam. That's what actually happened.
and conservatives rejoice by saying they are happy he killed some gays.
No, he did it in the name of Islam, so it would be you Muslims that became happy.
No i posted where you conservatives were happy and wished he killed more gays.
But exactly HOW would Mr. Trump stop this from Happening? What policies of his would have stopped this....?
Well for starters he would put a stop to MORE of these animals coming in.
but that wouldn't stop those who are here already...and are citizens.... it may stop future attacks 20 years from now, when the children of these recent refugee's... having children born here, are all grown up....?
I'm not a security expert, but putting a stop to mass migration of people who might possibly be infiltrated with terrorist killers would be a good start. I imagine infiltrating the Muslim community, watching mosques, and other Islamic organizations would also be required.
This was an American citizen. The same way that the attacks in Brussela was done by Belgian citizens and the terrorist attacks were done by French citizens.

The terrorist was a muslim. An ethnic Afghan that no more though of himself as an American as Osama bin Laden did.
He was an American using 2nd Amendment solutions....apparently.

Only in your twisted mind. He was a Muslim terrorist who apparently was under FBI investigation, who decided he wanted to kill gays due to his particular breed of hatred. Had anyone been armed in the nightclub the death toll would most likely be far lower. But no, you attack the very Right that could have saved innocent people. You are one severely fucked up, ignorant, person.
Shooters' Family Had No Knowledge of Extreme Behavior, Attorney Says
I found it
and then family members were arrested
San Bernardino shooter's family members arrested

Wasn't it right after the San Bernardino attack that CAIR also held a news conference to have a family member proclaim it had nothing to do wih religion as well? Or was that after a difrerent attack?
From you link: though they were only speculating.
Time will tell Marxist but we do know he was on the terror watch list... DEAL WITH IT, you terror enabling puke.
Perhaps you shouldn't assume.
lmao I haven't assumed anything dummy.. you said so yourself.. You're not too bright are you?

Now tell me where you read he practice Islam from a reputable source. He may of been an atheist. Or a highly conservative gun packing religious zealot.
He could have been a cow patty too but he's wasn't. He was a Muslim. That why he daddy came out quickly to say " religion has nothing to do with this." Yeah, right.
I cannot remember.
Now Trump will rail against Islam an inflame further these nuts. Just watch, Trump will play it like a fiddle, cause he is a Fascist.

Well, it wasn't a Southern Baptist that carried out this horrible attack now was it moron.
Shooters' Family Had No Knowledge of Extreme Behavior, Attorney Says
I found it
and then family members were arrested
San Bernardino shooter's family members arrested

Wasn't it right after the San Bernardino attack that CAIR also held a news conference to have a family member proclaim it had nothing to do wih religion as well? Or was that after a difrerent attack?
Time will tell Marxist but we do know he was on the terror watch list... DEAL WITH IT, you terror enabling puke.
lmao I haven't assumed anything dummy.. you said so yourself.. You're not too bright are you?

Now tell me where you read he practice Islam from a reputable source. He may of been an atheist. Or a highly conservative gun packing religious zealot.
He could have been a cow patty too but he's wasn't. He was a Muslim. That why he daddy came out quickly to say " religion has nothing to do with this." Yeah, right.
I cannot remember.

They never do...
There is no excusing this atrocity. No matter where he was born, he was a Muslim taught with all the hate and bigotry of that cult.

And why is nobody asking why someone didn't step forward and warn about this guys hate for gays and the fact that an attack on a gay venue was a possibility?

And we all know that Obama will excuse it as a "lone gunman" and state it has nothing to do with Islam.


It's Ramadan and we can expect more!

Americans sometimes have stupid policy.

What's the idea of having someone on the "Watch List" and not seeing them arming themselves and planning on a wild-scale massacre.

This kind of planning doesn't take two days. How could it fly under the radar?
Because you can buy weapons illegally with no problem. Also in the US you cant just arrest people because they are Muslim.

You pretend to be dense?

This guy was on a watch list. He made threats. He was taken seriously by SOMEONE. It's not because of his religious believe, but because he threatened, later ACTED, on killing people in its name.

And I don't see conservative people gloating over this murder.

I see leftists trying to pull a blind eye and put the blame on anything but radical muslims
The moron is a Muslim and a Democrat, what do you expect?
There is no excusing this atrocity. No matter where he was born, he was a Muslim taught with all the hate and bigotry of that cult.

And why is nobody asking why someone didn't step forward and warn about this guys hate for gays and the fact that an attack on a gay venue was a possibility?

And we all know that Obama will excuse it as a "lone gunman" and state it has nothing to do with Islam.


It's Ramadan and we can expect more!

Americans sometimes have stupid policy.

What's the idea of having someone on the "Watch List" and not seeing them arming themselves and planning on a wild-scale massacre.

This kind of planning doesn't take two days. How could it fly under the radar?
Because you can buy weapons illegally with no problem. Also in the US you cant just arrest people because they are Muslim.

You pretend to be dense?

This guy was on a watch list. He made threats. He was taken seriously by SOMEONE. It's not because of his religious believe, but because he threatened, later ACTED, on killing people in its name.

And I don't see conservative people gloating over this murder.

I see leftists trying to pull a blind eye and put the blame on anything but radical muslims
People make threats all the time. You cant be that dense to not know they probably deal with millions of threats. Just becuase you are on a watch list that doesnt mean someone took you that seriously. It just means you bear watching hence the name "watch list".

Here is one of your fellow conservatives celebrating.

Florida Pulse gay club attacked

"Let's hope he wiped as many disease ridden sodomites out as he could!. This is today's feel good story."
There is no excusing this atrocity. No matter where he was born, he was a Muslim taught with all the hate and bigotry of that cult.

And why is nobody asking why someone didn't step forward and warn about this guys hate for gays and the fact that an attack on a gay venue was a possibility?

And we all know that Obama will excuse it as a "lone gunman" and state it has nothing to do with Islam.


It's Ramadan and we can expect more!

Americans sometimes have stupid policy.

What's the idea of having someone on the "Watch List" and not seeing them arming themselves and planning on a wild-scale massacre.

This kind of planning doesn't take two days. How could it fly under the radar?
Because you can buy weapons illegally with no problem. Also in the US you cant just arrest people because they are Muslim.
No weapons in Paris either, didn't stop Muslim animals from mowing down 150 people in a nightclub.

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