Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Ok, I see what you mean. But I guess there is really no need on having someone on a watchlist, if you're not watching them.

And you won't change the problem for where it really lies. Radical Islam. Let American conservatives celebrate all night long. At the end of the day, the killing was by a Muslim, not a rightwinger white dude.
There is no excusing this atrocity. No matter where he was born, he was a Muslim taught with all the hate and bigotry of that cult.

And why is nobody asking why someone didn't step forward and warn about this guys hate for gays and the fact that an attack on a gay venue was a possibility?

And we all know that Obama will excuse it as a "lone gunman" and state it has nothing to do with Islam.


It's Ramadan and we can expect more!

Americans sometimes have stupid policy.

What's the idea of having someone on the "Watch List" and not seeing them arming themselves and planning on a wild-scale massacre.

This kind of planning doesn't take two days. How could it fly under the radar?
Because you can buy weapons illegally with no problem. Also in the US you cant just arrest people because they are Muslim.

You pretend to be dense?

This guy was on a watch list. He made threats. He was taken seriously by SOMEONE. It's not because of his religious believe, but because he threatened, later ACTED, on killing people in its name.

And I don't see conservative people gloating over this murder.

I see leftists trying to pull a blind eye and put the blame on anything but radical muslims
People make threats all the time. You cant be that dense to not know they probably deal with millions of threats. Just becuase you are on a watch list that doesnt mean someone took you that seriously. It just means you bear watching hence the name "watch list".

Here is one of your fellow conservatives celebrating.

Florida Pulse gay club attacked

"Let's hope he wiped as many disease ridden sodomites out as he could!. This is today's feel good story."
Hold your horses Achmed the Democrat, another Muslim just got arrested at gay pride event in Los Angeles. Looks like a preplanned multi location Muslim terrorist event.
This was an American citizen. The same way that the attacks in Brussela was done by Belgian citizens and the terrorist attacks were done by French citizens.

The terrorist was a muslim. An ethnic Afghan that no more though of himself as an American as Osama bin Laden did.
He was an American using 2nd Amendment solutions....apparently.

Only in your twisted mind. He was a Muslim terrorist who apparently was under FBI investigation, who decided he wanted to kill gays due to his particular breed of hatred. Had anyone been armed in the nightclub the death toll would most likely be far lower. But no, you attack the very Right that could have saved innocent people. You are one severely fucked up, ignorant, person.

The security quard should have been armed. No one else!
A man in LA has just been arrested with rifles heading to the gay pride festival according to reuters.
'Radical Muslim' is an invention of the West as is 'radical Islam'. Neither exists. Both are used to promote the 'good Islam' fantasy, and this is part of why we've been unable to identify the enemy. We keep insisting on a good Islam. Islam isn't good. It never was nor will it ever be. There are good people who have made the bad decision to become, or to remain Moslem (I use the other sp), but the doctrine they support is evil. The root enemy is doctrinal Islam and by extension the Moslems who follow it faithfully. Islam has been at war with the infidel since it's creation.
Todays attack is not about gun laws. It's about fighting these sand monkeys on their own turf. If we refuse to do that, like Obama has refused in pulling out of Iraq and Affy, we fight them in Orlando.

Stupid Florida senator is talking about gun reform laws. Stupid bitch. Shes talking about buying guns without a background check. BITCH THIS GUY HAD A GUN PERMIT.

One more example of pathological anger ^^^, one strike against anyone who should be allowed to own, possess or have in his custody or control a gun
This was an American citizen. The same way that the attacks in Brussela was done by Belgian citizens and the terrorist attacks were done by French citizens.

The terrorist was a muslim. An ethnic Afghan that no more though of himself as an American as Osama bin Laden did.
He was an American using 2nd Amendment solutions....apparently.

No..the 2nd Amendment doesn't allow criminal acts....moron.
This was an American citizen. The same way that the attacks in Brussela was done by Belgian citizens and the terrorist attacks were done by French citizens.

The terrorist was a muslim. An ethnic Afghan that no more though of himself as an American as Osama bin Laden did.
He was an American using 2nd Amendment solutions....apparently.

Only in your twisted mind. He was a Muslim terrorist who apparently was under FBI investigation, who decided he wanted to kill gays due to his particular breed of hatred. Had anyone been armed in the nightclub the death toll would most likely be far lower. But no, you attack the very Right that could have saved innocent people. You are one severely fucked up, ignorant, person.

The security quard should have been armed. No one else!

And after killing the very obvious only person who is armed you are right back to a asshole shooting fish in a barrel. You truly are one of the stupidest people on the planet.
Law enforcement is now stating he was yelling allah hu akbar when engaging with police officers.
This was an American citizen. The same way that the attacks in Brussela was done by Belgian citizens and the terrorist attacks were done by French citizens.

The terrorist was a muslim. An ethnic Afghan that no more though of himself as an American as Osama bin Laden did.
He was an American using 2nd Amendment solutions....apparently.

Only in your twisted mind. He was a Muslim terrorist who apparently was under FBI investigation, who decided he wanted to kill gays due to his particular breed of hatred. Had anyone been armed in the nightclub the death toll would most likely be far lower. But no, you attack the very Right that could have saved innocent people. You are one severely fucked up, ignorant, person.

The security quard should have been armed. No one else!
Everybody should be armed. Then shit like this doesn't happen.

Muslims target fags...but they also target those least likely to be armed. The sheep that believe in gumdrops and rainbows.
Well...he yelled Allahu ackbar when he confronted police...Obama speech writers are now really working hard to ignore the actual Islamic terrorism and trying to make it even more about guns than before......
This is just the beginning of Americans finding out what Obama and the Democrats have done to this country and the world.
LA Times- he also had explosives in his car, the guy arrested on way to gay pride parade.
The POTUS is expected to be speaking in the next 10 minutes or so. Hmm bet Islam has nothing to do with today's incident but we need more gun control because he's sick of having to have these kind of discussions.

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