Florida Pulse gay club attacked

But exactly HOW would Mr. Trump stop this from Happening? What policies of his would have stopped this....?
Well for starters he would put a stop to MORE of these animals coming in.

Bullshit. Some folks spend their entire lives swallowing and following.

So what is your solution? Flood our country with more? Maybe if there were more people like you to hand out hugs and candy, the terrorists would fit right in.
How many Norwegians are mass killing people? Try to think, it's like going to the gym, you get started, stick with it and it gets easier with time.

The last time a Norwegian gunman (Anders Behring Breivik in Norway) opened fire in a mass killing spree (at a youth camp in 2011) ... He killed 84 people.
You don't even have to add the 8 people killed and 209 injured by the car bomb he set off two hours before that.

My math is a little sketchy ... But that's more than the Florida nightclub by any measure.
Your math is very sketchy indeed. You are equating that, in Norway to all the muslim attacks here. Fascinating.
But exactly HOW would Mr. Trump stop this from Happening? What policies of his would have stopped this....?
Well for starters he would put a stop to MORE of these animals coming in.
Well......... San Bernardino shooter is an American citizen. Shooter that killed the singer Friday night was considered as domestic terrorism. He is also an American citizen.
How would you stop that?
I have no idea! I would start by clamping down on the people that are committing these horrific barbaric acts, MUSLIMS.
Know how (radical) Islamists hate and murder gays? Obama just brought that to America...

50 reported dead after Islamic Radical opens fire on crowded gay nightclub floor...

Open Borders...
Protecting violent Illegals...
Importing terrorists who hate us...
Reportedly released an ISIS member caught illegally entering the US...
ISIS reportedly warned terrorist attack was imminent in Fla 3 days ago

ANOTHER successful terrorist attack on US soil under Obama...

Welcome to Obama's fundamental change for America - importing terrorists, terrorism here at home!

50 dead in gay nightclub shooting, worst in US history

Obama imported this shooter? What the fuck is between your ears? A cabbage?
They are already pushing the LA arrest has no link to Orlando.
The POTUS is expected to be speaking in the next 10 minutes or so. Hmm bet Islam has nothing to do with today's incident but we need more gun control because he's sick of having to have these kind of discussions.
There is no excusing this atrocity. No matter where he was born, he was a Muslim taught with all the hate and bigotry of that cult.

And why is nobody asking why someone didn't step forward and warn about this guys hate for gays and the fact that an attack on a gay venue was a possibility?

And we all know that Obama will excuse it as a "lone gunman" and state it has nothing to do with Islam.


It's Ramadan and we can expect more!

Americans sometimes have stupid policy.

What's the idea of having someone on the "Watch List" and not seeing them arming themselves and planning on a wild-scale massacre.

This kind of planning doesn't take two days. How could it fly under the radar?

FBI cannot even stop these animals from buying guns because of NRA.

...committed by An. American. Citizen. What, exactly, has Trump proposed that would address that?

From Afghanistan. Why do you not mention that particular part of the equation? I am all for people emigrating here from the various shitholes they are leaving. However, once they come here they MUST adhere to our way of life, which is one of tolerance, and acceptance that just because someone doesn't believe in your particular God doesn't give you the right to kill them.

You idiots want every Tom Dick or Harry to come here, but then you allow them to bring their Third World shithole way of life with them, and then, when they do this sort of thing, which is second nature to them, decide that disarming us, who don't behave like these animals, have to be disarmed. It doesn't stop them where they are in the Third World, what makes you think it will prevent them here?
He didn't emigrate here; his parents did. He was born in New York City. I'm pretty sure that's still in the United states. it was the last time I checked, anyway.
His ideology is not American. His motives are straight from our enemies. He pledged his life to isis in front of the police.
Outside of his place of birth NOTHING about this killer is American
Oh, I don't know grampa--Freedom of religion/speech. Right to bear arms. Right to protection from unlawful search.... sounds like the guy was pretty American to me.
There is no excusing this atrocity. No matter where he was born, he was a Muslim taught with all the hate and bigotry of that cult.

And why is nobody asking why someone didn't step forward and warn about this guys hate for gays and the fact that an attack on a gay venue was a possibility?

And we all know that Obama will excuse it as a "lone gunman" and state it has nothing to do with Islam.


It's Ramadan and we can expect more!
He was investigated by the FBI
"The senior law enforcement source reports that Mateen became a person of interest in 2013 and again in 2014. The Federal Bureau of Investigation at one point opened an investigation into Mateen but subsequently closed the case when it produced nothing that appeared to warrant further investigation. He’s a known quantity, the source said. “He’s been on the radar before"
WTF? Just like with Hillary, the FBI investigates then does nothing.
Omar Mateen, Terrorist Who Attacked Orlando Gay Club, Had Been Investigated by FBI
This politically incorrect environment created by Obama and the Democraps is causing people to get killed.
Sad part is this Muslim animal was a registered Democrat.

Orlando: 50 dead in gay nightclub shooting

Registered democrat? Link?

I didn't think so.
LOL, His voting number is even on the internet
You dems need to stop with the stupidity.
Democraps are good in the denial department. They think denial is a river in Egypt. PMSNBC is still trying to promote this as a mass shooting which was caused by the pro gun NRA.
Couldn't ask for a more perfect prez than Obama to start establishing cells here in the good ole USA
When the shooting started there were people who couldn't get to an exit and hid in bathrooms.....this is exactly why you have a pistol....if the shooter had entered that bathroom they would have been able to defend themselves...and if not, they would have simply wait d for the police to get them out....

A gun free zone is nuts....it draws murderers....
Sarcasm Alert! ***This was a gun free zone! Impossible! Either 50 people weren't shot or criminals and nut jobs don't care about the law and signs that say gun free zones!
Know how (radical) Islamists hate and murder gays? Obama just brought that to America...

50 reported dead after Islamic Radical opens fire on crowded gay nightclub floor...

Open Borders...
Protecting violent Illegals...
Importing terrorists who hate us...
Reportedly released an ISIS member caught illegally entering the US...
ISIS reportedly warned terrorist attack was imminent in Fla 3 days ago

ANOTHER successful terrorist attack on US soil under Obama...

Welcome to Obama's fundamental change for America - importing terrorists, terrorism here at home!

50 dead in gay nightclub shooting, worst in US history

Obama is killing ISIS fighters almost every day.
Isis = Muslims?
We should take a moment for our left wing anti gun friends.......for a brief time their dreams came true....an AR-15 used to murder 50 gay people........they had visions of anti gun, anti Christian news coverage all week long with a speech by an outraged Obama cursing out Trump, the NRA and the republican congress....and calling for renewed gun control and an assault weapon ban.....

Now.....a Muslim murdered 50 gay people.......while Obama is importing Muslim Syrians at a breakneck pace........

A sad day for anti gunners all around.....

...committed by An. American. Citizen. What, exactly, has Trump proposed that would address that?

From Afghanistan. Why do you not mention that particular part of the equation? I am all for people emigrating here from the various shitholes they are leaving. However, once they come here they MUST adhere to our way of life, which is one of tolerance, and acceptance that just because someone doesn't believe in your particular God doesn't give you the right to kill them.

You idiots want every Tom Dick or Harry to come here, but then you allow them to bring their Third World shithole way of life with them, and then, when they do this sort of thing, which is second nature to them, decide that disarming us, who don't behave like these animals, have to be disarmed. It doesn't stop them where they are in the Third World, what makes you think it will prevent them here?
He didn't emigrate here; his parents did. He was born in New York City. I'm pretty sure that's still in the United states. it was the last time I checked, anyway.
His ideology is not American. His motives are straight from our enemies. He pledged his life to isis in front of the police.
Outside of his place of birth NOTHING about this killer is American
Oh, I don't know grampa--Freedom of religion/speech. Right to bear arms. Right to protection from unlawful search.... sounds like the guy was pretty American to me.
Laws do not define us as individuals & certainly not him. Our actions & words do.

He is no American
Know how (radical) Islamists hate and murder gays? Obama just brought that to America...

50 reported dead after Islamic Radical opens fire on crowded gay nightclub floor...

Open Borders...
Protecting violent Illegals...
Importing terrorists who hate us...
Reportedly released an ISIS member caught illegally entering the US...
ISIS reportedly warned terrorist attack was imminent in Fla 3 days ago

ANOTHER successful terrorist attack on US soil under Obama...

Welcome to Obama's fundamental change for America - importing terrorists, terrorism here at home!

50 dead in gay nightclub shooting, worst in US history

Obama is killing ISIS fighters almost every day.
Or is he having our soldiers killing them?
Because I don't think he's out there himself killing anybody except our freedoms.
We have to decide what is at fault here. Guns or Muslims. If we weren't helping Muslim terrorists into this country, would the guns have walked to Orlando and killed those people themselves? Then headed for the LA parade? Funny, cause it's Ramadan and yet my guns haven't moved all day. Rest assured that I will be keeping my eye on them though. I know how itchy they get when it's Ramadan.
But exactly HOW would Mr. Trump stop this from Happening? What policies of his would have stopped this....?
Well for starters he would put a stop to MORE of these animals coming in.
Well......... San Bernardino shooter is an American citizen. Shooter that killed the singer Friday night was considered as domestic terrorism. He is also an American citizen.
How would you stop that?
I have no idea! I would start by clamping down on the people that are committing these horrific barbaric acts, MUSLIMS.
White christians are committing these horrible acts as well. Should we put white christians in concentration camps?

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