Florida Pulse gay club attacked


...committed by An. American. Citizen. What, exactly, has Trump proposed that would address that?

From Afghanistan. Why do you not mention that particular part of the equation? I am all for people emigrating here from the various shitholes they are leaving. However, once they come here they MUST adhere to our way of life, which is one of tolerance, and acceptance that just because someone doesn't believe in your particular God doesn't give you the right to kill them.

You idiots want every Tom Dick or Harry to come here, but then you allow them to bring their Third World shithole way of life with them, and then, when they do this sort of thing, which is second nature to them, decide that disarming us, who don't behave like these animals, have to be disarmed. It doesn't stop them where they are in the Third World, what makes you think it will prevent them here?
He didn't emigrate here; his parents did. He was born in New York City. I'm pretty sure that's still in the United states. it was the last time I checked, anyway.
His ideology is not American. His motives are straight from our enemies. He pledged his life to isis in front of the police.
Outside of his place of birth NOTHING about this killer is American
Oh, I don't know grampa--Freedom of religion/speech. Right to bear arms. Right to protection from unlawful search.... sounds like the guy was pretty American to me.

Islam despises free speech, freedom and America so not at all American.
Sad part is this Muslim animal was a registered Democrat.

Orlando: 50 dead in gay nightclub shooting

Registered democrat? Link?

I didn't think so.
LOL, His voting number is even on the internet
You dems need to stop with the stupidity.
Democraps are good in the denial department. They think denial is a river in Egypt. PMSNBC is still trying to promote this as a mass shooting which was caused by the pro gun NRA.
Couldn't ask for a more perfect prez than Obama to start establishing cells here in the good ole USA
Obama is partially responsible for the rise of ISIS, what can we expect.
There are no words .... this goddam foolishness has got to stop. 50 souls lost, for absolutely no reason, others probably to follow. For what? An ideology? A lifestyle choice? My heart is on the ground

Inappropriate as always this morning, I see

You do know Muslims don't put a very high-priority at all on getting along… Right?

You celebrate; I'll be sad, thank you very much.
We have to decide what is at fault here. Guns or Muslims. If we weren't helping Muslim terrorists into this country, would the guns have walked to Orlando and killed those people themselves? Then headed for the LA parade? Funny, cause it's Ramadan and yet my guns haven't moved all day. Rest assured that I will be keeping my eye on them though. I know how itchy they get when it's Ramadan.
A white christian could just as easily have done this.
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.

A gun doesn't walk into a bar and commit a horrific act, the gun is a tool used by a human being who is fueled by hate and likely fear. Too often we have seen mass killings by a single individual, and too often we see defenders of guns call for more guns, as if more killing is the solution.

The Congress, The President and the Supreme Court have the power and duty to act in the best interests of the citizens of our nation. That collectively those members of the Congress who do not act, and defend the 2nd A. as if ordained by God, are culpable, as are those single issue voters who support them.

Unless and until the NRA and the gun industry recognize mass murder by gun is a problem, and one which cannot be fixed by adding more guns to the problem, all of us remain at risk - even those who think concealed carry will keep them safe.

The mass killing by a Muslim with a gun....didn't end until cops WITH GUNS showed up and ended it. Delete your post.

You do not know the facts and make up stuff (that is a nice way to say you're a liar). All of the facts are not known by LE. Since you were not on scene, we can presume you, as usual, don't know shit.

And all you irony impaired far left drones know is far left religious narratives not connected to reality.

Word salad ^^^ When were you diagnosed schizophrenic?
...committed by An. American. Citizen. What, exactly, has Trump proposed that would address that?

From Afghanistan. Why do you not mention that particular part of the equation? I am all for people emigrating here from the various shitholes they are leaving. However, once they come here they MUST adhere to our way of life, which is one of tolerance, and acceptance that just because someone doesn't believe in your particular God doesn't give you the right to kill them.

You idiots want every Tom Dick or Harry to come here, but then you allow them to bring their Third World shithole way of life with them, and then, when they do this sort of thing, which is second nature to them, decide that disarming us, who don't behave like these animals, have to be disarmed. It doesn't stop them where they are in the Third World, what makes you think it will prevent them here?
He didn't emigrate here; his parents did. He was born in New York City. I'm pretty sure that's still in the United states. it was the last time I checked, anyway.
His ideology is not American. His motives are straight from our enemies. He pledged his life to isis in front of the police.
Outside of his place of birth NOTHING about this killer is American
Oh, I don't know grampa--Freedom of religion/speech. Right to bear arms. Right to protection from unlawful search.... sounds like the guy was pretty American to me.

Islam despises free speech, freedom and America so not at all American.
True, just like socialism and freedom they are like oil and water they cannot mix…
The left are off and running with gun grabbing. Watch MSNBC.
Funny thing is, more gun laws would not have stopped this...

Boy, are you stupid. If the guns laws are ineffective, we need to reform them and created stricter guide lines on the purchase and sale of firearms in America.
Most all of these shootings happening gun free zones... More laws equal less freedom to protect yourself. Just the facts baby
10,000+ people in the US die of gunshot EVERY YEAR. You folks sure are shit at defending yourselves.
.yawn. How many are suicides? How many use one to save their lives? Or does that matter to you?
I'm just worried that they don't teach self defence enough in the US. having guns everywhere doesn't seem to be working.
Watching Obozo's press conference - "we still don't know the exact motive of the shooter."

The man is inept and totally unfit for his position.
Why are isis supporters allowed to roam the streets....they should be rounded up. War on terror enemy combatant.........
McConnell said that this morning. Wants it to be part of the Democrat's platform. Arrest 'em for admitting it, not waiting until people are dead. I agree.
Against FL Law I believe to carry into establishment serving

Every time I see a "NO GUN ZONE," I ensure I am carrying. Thanks for pointing out the applicable laws, however. Don't forget to drive the speed limit 24/7 too.

knowing the law is dumb...........cause when ya get arrested and claim not to know that helps so much
But exactly HOW would Mr. Trump stop this from Happening? What policies of his would have stopped this....?
Well for starters he would put a stop to MORE of these animals coming in.
Well......... San Bernardino shooter is an American citizen. Shooter that killed the singer Friday night was considered as domestic terrorism. He is also an American citizen.
How would you stop that?
I have no idea! I would start by clamping down on the people that are committing these horrific barbaric acts, MUSLIMS.
White christians are committing these horrible acts as well. Should we put white christians in concentration camps?
Aw how cute. Yesterday there were shootings in Russia, Fiji and Timbuktu what does that have to do with Islamic terrorism?
We have to decide what is at fault here. Guns or Muslims. If we weren't helping Muslim terrorists into this country, would the guns have walked to Orlando and killed those people themselves? Then headed for the LA parade? Funny, cause it's Ramadan and yet my guns haven't moved all day. Rest assured that I will be keeping my eye on them though. I know how itchy they get when it's Ramadan.
A white christian could just as easily have done this.
Yes, that's what a Moooslem would say.
But exactly HOW would Mr. Trump stop this from Happening? What policies of his would have stopped this....?
Well for starters he would put a stop to MORE of these animals coming in.
Well......... San Bernardino shooter is an American citizen. Shooter that killed the singer Friday night was considered as domestic terrorism. He is also an American citizen.
How would you stop that?
I have no idea! I would start by clamping down on the people that are committing these horrific barbaric acts, MUSLIMS.
White christians are committing these horrible acts as well. Should we put white christians in concentration camps?
Aw how cute. Yesterday there was a shootings in Russia, Fiji and Timbuktu what does that have to do with Islamic terrorism?
The same thing it has to do with christain terrorism.
...committed by An. American. Citizen. What, exactly, has Trump proposed that would address that?

From Afghanistan. Why do you not mention that particular part of the equation? I am all for people emigrating here from the various shitholes they are leaving. However, once they come here they MUST adhere to our way of life, which is one of tolerance, and acceptance that just because someone doesn't believe in your particular God doesn't give you the right to kill them.

You idiots want every Tom Dick or Harry to come here, but then you allow them to bring their Third World shithole way of life with them, and then, when they do this sort of thing, which is second nature to them, decide that disarming us, who don't behave like these animals, have to be disarmed. It doesn't stop them where they are in the Third World, what makes you think it will prevent them here?
He didn't emigrate here; his parents did. He was born in New York City. I'm pretty sure that's still in the United states. it was the last time I checked, anyway.
His ideology is not American. His motives are straight from our enemies. He pledged his life to isis in front of the police.
Outside of his place of birth NOTHING about this killer is American
Oh, I don't know grampa--Freedom of religion/speech. Right to bear arms. Right to protection from unlawful search.... sounds like the guy was pretty American to me.

Islam despises free speech, freedom and America so not at all American.
He took advantage of all America's freedoms to plan and execute a mass shooting. Totally American.
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.

A gun doesn't walk into a bar and commit a horrific act, the gun is a tool used by a human being who is fueled by hate and likely fear. Too often we have seen mass killings by a single individual, and too often we see defenders of guns call for more guns, as if more killing is the solution.

The Congress, The President and the Supreme Court have the power and duty to act in the best interests of the citizens of our nation. That collectively those members of the Congress who do not act, and defend the 2nd A. as if ordained by God, are culpable, as are those single issue voters who support them.

Unless and until the NRA and the gun industry recognize mass murder by gun is a problem, and one which cannot be fixed by adding more guns to the problem, all of us remain at risk - even those who think concealed carry will keep them safe.
You miss the issue by a mile.

Not a surprise actually.

This is an Islam issue. You take away his ar15 and you STILL have dead Americans.

Period, end of discussion

I miss the issue? Consider mass murders which occurred in the US during the past 10 years? How many were committed by followers of Islam? How many by a man with a gun?

A lot. Someone already posted the numbers in this thread.

A lot? Odd response to two questions which require a numerical answer.
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.

A gun doesn't walk into a bar and commit a horrific act, the gun is a tool used by a human being who is fueled by hate and likely fear. Too often we have seen mass killings by a single individual, and too often we see defenders of guns call for more guns, as if more killing is the solution.

The Congress, The President and the Supreme Court have the power and duty to act in the best interests of the citizens of our nation. That collectively those members of the Congress who do not act, and defend the 2nd A. as if ordained by God, are culpable, as are those single issue voters who support them.

Unless and until the NRA and the gun industry recognize mass murder by gun is a problem, and one which cannot be fixed by adding more guns to the problem, all of us remain at risk - even those who think concealed carry will keep them safe.
You miss the issue by a mile.

Not a surprise actually.

This is an Islam issue. You take away his ar15 and you STILL have dead Americans.

Period, end of discussion

I miss the issue? Consider mass murders which occurred in the US during the past 10 years? How many were committed by followers of Islam? How many by a man with a gun?
This thread is about an ISLAMIC KILLER. Try to keep up if you can.

How many Islamics did he kill?

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