Florida Pulse gay club attacked

It was a domestic gun. Ain't the 2nd Amendment grand? :clap2:

It was a gun free zone asshole.....

357,000,000 guns in private hands.....

1,500,000 times a year guns are used to stop violent criminal attack and when they are allowed in public spaces they can also stop these mass shootings...unless nuts like you make those places gun free zones......
A country where you need to be packing at all times is a country not worth living in.

Thanks for not disagreeing with me.

You're welcome, now GTFO.
This is congress' fault they had opportunities since Columbine to address the problem and now time's up.
Name one law that would stop these mass shootings? Be specific on how…
I'd outlaw bullets. There's no constitutional protection for bullets, only arms.

Why are isis supporters allowed to roam the streets....they should be rounded up. War on terror enemy combatant.........
McConnell said that this morning. Wants it to be part of the Democrat's platform. Arrest 'em for admitting it, not waiting until people are dead. I agree.
Against FL Law I believe to carry into establishment serving

Every time I see a "NO GUN ZONE," I ensure I am carrying. Thanks for pointing out the applicable laws, however. Don't forget to drive the speed limit 24/7 too.

knowing the law is dumb...........cause when ya get arrested and claim not to know that helps so much
Funny thing is, more gun laws would not have stopped this...

Boy, are you stupid. If the guns laws are ineffective, we need to reform them and created stricter guide lines on the purchase and sale of firearms in America.
Most all of these shootings happening gun free zones... More laws equal less freedom to protect yourself. Just the facts baby
10,000+ people in the US die of gunshot EVERY YEAR. You folks sure are shit at defending yourselves.
.yawn. How many are suicides? How many use one to save their lives? Or does that matter to you?
I'm just worried that they don't teach self defence enough in the US. having guns everywhere doesn't seem to be working.
You had better address real problems... One could say Having hospitals and doctors everywhere doesn't seem to be working.

2016 Medical Error Death Toll Statistics for USA
But exactly HOW would Mr. Trump stop this from Happening? What policies of his would have stopped this....?
Well for starters he would put a stop to MORE of these animals coming in.
Well......... San Bernardino shooter is an American citizen. Shooter that killed the singer Friday night was considered as domestic terrorism. He is also an American citizen.
How would you stop that?
I have no idea! I would start by clamping down on the people that are committing these horrific barbaric acts, MUSLIMS.
White christians are committing these horrible acts as well. Should we put white christians in concentration camps?
Link it.. Don't tell me, SHOW ME PROOF.
Funny thing is, more gun laws would not have stopped this...

Boy, are you stupid. If the guns laws are ineffective, we need to reform them and created stricter guide lines on the purchase and sale of firearms in America.
Most all of these shootings happening gun free zones... More laws equal less freedom to protect yourself. Just the facts baby
10,000+ people in the US die of gunshot EVERY YEAR. You folks sure are shit at defending yourselves.
.yawn. How many are suicides? How many use one to save their lives? Or does that matter to you?
I'm just worried that they don't teach self defence enough in the US. having guns everywhere doesn't seem to be working.
It's working very well. Terrorists can get their weapons illegally so what law would prevent this? Plus, WA State is a shall issue state, no training required for a CCW permit. We don't have a problem with people shooting bystanders due to lack of training.
It was a gun free zone asshole.....

357,000,000 guns in private hands.....

1,500,000 times a year guns are used to stop violent criminal attack and when they are allowed in public spaces they can also stop these mass shootings...unless nuts like you make those places gun free zones......
A country where you need to be packing at all times is a country not worth living in.

Thanks for not disagreeing with me.

You're welcome, now GTFO.
This is congress' fault they had opportunities since Columbine to address the problem and now time's up.
Name one law that would stop these mass shootings? Be specific on how…
I'd outlaw bullets. There's no constitutional protection for bullets, only arms.

There was one mother who said her son texted they hid in the bathroom and then texted "he is coming" and she has not been in touch with him since. I can't imagjne her horror.
When the shooting started there were people who couldn't get to an exit and hid in bathrooms.....this is exactly why you have a pistol....if the shooter had entered that bathroom they would have been able to defend themselves...and if not, they would have simply wait d for the police to get them out....

A gun free zone is nuts....it draws murderers....
But exactly HOW would Mr. Trump stop this from Happening? What policies of his would have stopped this....?
Well for starters he would put a stop to MORE of these animals coming in.
Well......... San Bernardino shooter is an American citizen. Shooter that killed the singer Friday night was considered as domestic terrorism. He is also an American citizen.
How would you stop that?
I have no idea! I would start by clamping down on the people that are committing these horrific barbaric acts, MUSLIMS.
White christians are committing these horrible acts as well. Should we put white christians in concentration camps?
Link it.. Don't tell me, SHOW ME PROOF.

"1. Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, Aug. 5, 2012. The virulent, neocon-fueled Islamophobia that has plagued post-9/11 America has not only posed a threat to Muslims, it has had deadly consequences for people of other faiths, including Sikhs. Sikhs are not Muslims; the traditional Sikh attire, including their turbans, is different from traditional Sunni, Shiite or Sufi attire. But to a racist, a bearded Sikh looks like a Muslim. Only four days after 9/11, Balbir Singh Sodhi, a Sikh immigrant from India who owned a gas station in Mesa, Arizona, was murdered by Frank Silva Roque, a racist who obviously mistook him for a Muslim."
Boy, are you stupid. If the guns laws are ineffective, we need to reform them and created stricter guide lines on the purchase and sale of firearms in America.
Most all of these shootings happening gun free zones... More laws equal less freedom to protect yourself. Just the facts baby
10,000+ people in the US die of gunshot EVERY YEAR. You folks sure are shit at defending yourselves.
.yawn. How many are suicides? How many use one to save their lives? Or does that matter to you?
I'm just worried that they don't teach self defence enough in the US. having guns everywhere doesn't seem to be working.
You had better address real problems... One could say Having hospitals and doctors everywhere doesn't seem to be working.

2016 Medical Error Death Toll Statistics for USA
Holy Deflection Batman!

What's the matter, can't defend yourself within the topic being discussed? :D
Well, Obama didn't let us down. It was the guns, not the Muslims. And yet my guns, in my white house, haven't killed any Americans all day............ huh.

Are you sure....is it possible they sneak out when you are asleep?
But exactly HOW would Mr. Trump stop this from Happening? What policies of his would have stopped this....?
Well for starters he would put a stop to MORE of these animals coming in.
Well......... San Bernardino shooter is an American citizen. Shooter that killed the singer Friday night was considered as domestic terrorism. He is also an American citizen.
How would you stop that?
I have no idea! I would start by clamping down on the people that are committing these horrific barbaric acts, MUSLIMS.
White christians are committing these horrible acts as well. Should we put white christians in concentration camps?
Link it.. Don't tell me, SHOW ME PROOF.
Looks like this guy was pledged to ISIS and mentally deranged. Not your typical peaceful Muslim.
Yep. That's what it is shaping up to look like for sure. He was fundamentally Islamic at least; and his father said he became outraged at the sight of two men kissing in public.
Boy, are you stupid. If the guns laws are ineffective, we need to reform them and created stricter guide lines on the purchase and sale of firearms in America.
Most all of these shootings happening gun free zones... More laws equal less freedom to protect yourself. Just the facts baby
10,000+ people in the US die of gunshot EVERY YEAR. You folks sure are shit at defending yourselves.
.yawn. How many are suicides? How many use one to save their lives? Or does that matter to you?
I'm just worried that they don't teach self defence enough in the US. having guns everywhere doesn't seem to be working.
It's working very well. Terrorists can get their weapons illegally so what law would prevent this? Plus, WA State is a shall issue state, no training required for a CCW permit. We don't have a problem with people shooting bystanders due to lack of training.
Mexicans are now leaving the US in droves and going back to Mexico to get away from too much violence :D

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