Florida Pulse gay club attacked

Omar was born in New York. Parents are from Afghanistan.

He was a practicing muslim and a registered democrat. Did obozo mention either of those facts in his anti-gun rant?

The 2nd amendment is not the problem in this country.

The problems:
1. Radical muslim terrorists
2. liberalism
3. corrupt federal government
4. lying politicians
5. Stupid trade policies
6. stupid welfare policies
7. open borders'
8. drug traffic
9. an ignorant populace, thank the teachers union
10. did I mention liberalism?
...committed by An. American. Citizen. What, exactly, has Trump proposed that would address that?

From Afghanistan. Why do you not mention that particular part of the equation? I am all for people emigrating here from the various shitholes they are leaving. However, once they come here they MUST adhere to our way of life, which is one of tolerance, and acceptance that just because someone doesn't believe in your particular God doesn't give you the right to kill them.

You idiots want every Tom Dick or Harry to come here, but then you allow them to bring their Third World shithole way of life with them, and then, when they do this sort of thing, which is second nature to them, decide that disarming us, who don't behave like these animals, have to be disarmed. It doesn't stop them where they are in the Third World, what makes you think it will prevent them here?
He didn't emigrate here; his parents did. He was born in New York City. I'm pretty sure that's still in the United states. it was the last time I checked, anyway.
His ideology is not American. His motives are straight from our enemies. He pledged his life to isis in front of the police.
Outside of his place of birth NOTHING about this killer is American
Oh, I don't know grampa--Freedom of religion/speech. Right to bear arms. Right to protection from unlawful search.... sounds like the guy was pretty American to me.
Laws do not define us as individuals & certainly not him. Our actions & words do.

He is no American
Because you say so...
Thanks for not disagreeing with me.

You're welcome, now GTFO.
This is congress' fault they had opportunities since Columbine to address the problem and now time's up.
Name one law that would stop these mass shootings? Be specific on how…
I'd outlaw bullets. There's no constitutional protection for bullets, only arms.

They are part of a firearm, just as radio waves, paper and so on are part of free speech… Dumbass
You don't have free speech, you can't yell FIRE! in a crowded room. You can't say on CNN that you want to kill Obama...
Just like the 2nd Amendment isn't absolute, and bullets are not mentioned. Tough luck Charlie, go back to your school of tuna.
Is that a deflection I hear?
Thanks for not disagreeing with me.

You're welcome, now GTFO.
This is congress' fault they had opportunities since Columbine to address the problem and now time's up.
Name one law that would stop these mass shootings? Be specific on how…
I'd outlaw bullets. There's no constitutional protection for bullets, only arms.

They are part of a firearm, just as radio waves, paper and so on are part of free speech… Dumbass
No, they're not. but the terrorist would have gotten his weapon anyway, so let's save it for another day. Dumbass.
I have no idea! I would start by clamping down on the people that are committing these horrific barbaric acts, MUSLIMS.
White christians are committing these horrible acts as well. Should we put white christians in concentration camps?
Link it.. Don't tell me, SHOW ME PROOF.

No...Christians are not doing these things...nothing in Christianity allows followers to commit murder...murder is part of Islamic doctrine....

You can't call yourself a vegan then go and eat a steak......if you eat the steak you are not a vegan....
Both those guys declared themselves christian. You may be uncomfortable with that fact but it doesnt change reality.

Moron.....they can declare anything they want....mirder is not allowed in Christianity....

You can call yourself a vegan all day long...as soon as you eat meat you are not a vegan.....are you...moron?
Thanks for not disagreeing with me.

You're welcome, now GTFO.
This is congress' fault they had opportunities since Columbine to address the problem and now time's up.
Name one law that would stop these mass shootings? Be specific on how…
I'd outlaw bullets. There's no constitutional protection for bullets, only arms.

They are part of a firearm, just as radio waves, paper and so on are part of free speech… Dumbass
No, they're not. but the terrorist would have gotten his weapon anyway, so let's save it for another day. Dumbass.
Another deflection
Thanks for not disagreeing with me.

You're welcome, now GTFO.
This is congress' fault they had opportunities since Columbine to address the problem and now time's up.
Name one law that would stop these mass shootings? Be specific on how…
I'd outlaw bullets. There's no constitutional protection for bullets, only arms.

They are part of a firearm, just as radio waves, paper and so on are part of free speech… Dumbass
You don't have free speech, you can't yell FIRE! in a crowded room. You can't say on CNN that you want to kill Obama...
Just like the 2nd Amendment isn't absolute, and bullets are not mentioned. Tough luck Charlie, go back to your school of tuna.

Shall not be infringed covers bullets. Idjit.
Thanks for not disagreeing with me.

You're welcome, now GTFO.
This is congress' fault they had opportunities since Columbine to address the problem and now time's up.
Name one law that would stop these mass shootings? Be specific on how…
I'd outlaw bullets. There's no constitutional protection for bullets, only arms.

They are part of a firearm, just as radio waves, paper and so on are part of free speech… Dumbass
No, they're not. but the terrorist would have gotten his weapon anyway, so let's save it for another day. Dumbass.

Yes they are....don't be stupid. Amd they got fully automatic rifles and bullets in France...where all of it is completely illegal, and inaccessible to law abiding people...
You're welcome, now GTFO.
Name one law that would stop these mass shootings? Be specific on how…
I'd outlaw bullets. There's no constitutional protection for bullets, only arms.

They are part of a firearm, just as radio waves, paper and so on are part of free speech… Dumbass
You don't have free speech, you can't yell FIRE! in a crowded room. You can't say on CNN that you want to kill Obama...
Just like the 2nd Amendment isn't absolute, and bullets are not mentioned. Tough luck Charlie, go back to your school of tuna.

Shall not be infringed covers bullets. Idjit.
Never has, never will. Please try again.
You're welcome, now GTFO.
Name one law that would stop these mass shootings? Be specific on how…
I'd outlaw bullets. There's no constitutional protection for bullets, only arms.

They are part of a firearm, just as radio waves, paper and so on are part of free speech… Dumbass
You don't have free speech, you can't yell FIRE! in a crowded room. You can't say on CNN that you want to kill Obama...
Just like the 2nd Amendment isn't absolute, and bullets are not mentioned. Tough luck Charlie, go back to your school of tuna.

Shall not be infringed covers bullets. Idjit.
And I have a right to make my own ammo...
Thanks for not disagreeing with me.

You're welcome, now GTFO.
This is congress' fault they had opportunities since Columbine to address the problem and now time's up.
Name one law that would stop these mass shootings? Be specific on how…
I'd outlaw bullets. There's no constitutional protection for bullets, only arms.

They are part of a firearm, just as radio waves, paper and so on are part of free speech… Dumbass
You don't have free speech, you can't yell FIRE! in a crowded room. You can't say on CNN that you want to kill Obama...
Just like the 2nd Amendment isn't absolute, and bullets are not mentioned. Tough luck Charlie, go back to your school of tuna.

Is stupidity in left wingers genetic or is it learned.....
Yo, libs and dems.

You want a society where only criminals and the government have guns-------------------how would that make you sleep better? Its a serious question, because that is the end result of what you are asking for.
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.

A gun doesn't walk into a bar and commit a horrific act, the gun is a tool used by a human being who is fueled by hate and likely fear. Too often we have seen mass killings by a single individual, and too often we see defenders of guns call for more guns, as if more killing is the solution.

The Congress, The President and the Supreme Court have the power and duty to act in the best interests of the citizens of our nation. That collectively those members of the Congress who do not act, and defend the 2nd A. as if ordained by God, are culpable, as are those single issue voters who support them.

Unless and until the NRA and the gun industry recognize mass murder by gun is a problem, and one which cannot be fixed by adding more guns to the problem, all of us remain at risk - even those who think concealed carry will keep them safe.
You miss the issue by a mile.

Not a surprise actually.

This is an Islam issue. You take away his ar15 and you STILL have dead Americans.

Period, end of discussion

I miss the issue? Consider mass murders which occurred in the US during the past 10 years? How many were committed by followers of Islam? How many by a man with a gun?

A lot. Someone already posted the numbers in this thread.

A lot? Odd response to two questions which require a numerical answer.

Here are two answers to your question:
1. I really don't care if you ignore the truth.
2. It is in this thread and not too far back. Look for it or not, your opinion means nothing.
Most all of these shootings happening gun free zones... More laws equal less freedom to protect yourself. Just the facts baby
10,000+ people in the US die of gunshot EVERY YEAR. You folks sure are shit at defending yourselves.
.yawn. How many are suicides? How many use one to save their lives? Or does that matter to you?
I'm just worried that they don't teach self defence enough in the US. having guns everywhere doesn't seem to be working.
It's working very well. Terrorists can get their weapons illegally so what law would prevent this? Plus, WA State is a shall issue state, no training required for a CCW permit. We don't have a problem with people shooting bystanders due to lack of training.
Mexicans are now leaving the US in droves and going back to Mexico to get away from too much violence :D

And of course they're being replaced by the ones coming here. Either that or the border patrol guys will soon be unemployed.

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