Florida Pulse gay club attacked

How many Norwegians are mass killing people? Try to think, it's like going to the gym, you get started, stick with it and it gets easier with time.

The last time a Norwegian gunman (Anders Behring Breivik in Norway) opened fire in a mass killing spree (at a youth camp in 2011) ... He killed 84 people.
You don't even have to add the 8 people killed and 209 injured by the car bomb he set off two hours before that.

My math is a little sketchy ... But that's more than the Florida nightclub by any measure.
Your math is very sketchy indeed. You are equating that, in Norway to all the muslim attacks here. Fascinating.

You asked the question ... I answered it ... If the answer doesn't suit your narrative ... Not my problem.

Well for starters he would put a stop to MORE of these animals coming in.
Well......... San Bernardino shooter is an American citizen. Shooter that killed the singer Friday night was considered as domestic terrorism. He is also an American citizen.
How would you stop that?
I have no idea! I would start by clamping down on the people that are committing these horrific barbaric acts, MUSLIMS.
White christians are committing these horrible acts as well. Should we put white christians in concentration camps?
Link it.. Don't tell me, SHOW ME PROOF.

No...Christians are not doing these things...nothing in Christianity allows followers to commit murder...murder is part of Islamic doctrine....

You can't call yourself a vegan then go and eat a steak......if you eat the steak you are not a vegan....
Most all of these shootings happening gun free zones... More laws equal less freedom to protect yourself. Just the facts baby
10,000+ people in the US die of gunshot EVERY YEAR. You folks sure are shit at defending yourselves.
.yawn. How many are suicides? How many use one to save their lives? Or does that matter to you?
I'm just worried that they don't teach self defence enough in the US. having guns everywhere doesn't seem to be working.
You had better address real problems... One could say Having hospitals and doctors everywhere doesn't seem to be working.

2016 Medical Error Death Toll Statistics for USA
Holy Deflection Batman!

What's the matter, can't defend yourself within the topic being discussed? :D
You're the One deflecting... Gun violence is a non-issue in this country we have much bigger fish to fry. Personal behavior needs to be the issue to be addressed, guns have nothing to do with it. Progressives guilt by association is old and tired...
Name one law that wouldve stopped this last mass shooting? And be specific
Here's the warning.

A pro-Isis group has released a hit list with the names of more than 8,000 peoplemostly Americans.

More than 600-people live in Florida, and one security expert believes that many of those targeted live in Palm Beach County and on the Treasure Coast.

The “United Cyber Caliphate” that hacked U.S. Central Command, 54,000 Twitter accounts and threatened President Barack Obama is the same pro-Isis group that’s reportedly created a “kill list” with the names, addresses and emails of thousands of civilian Americans.

Reports of the list came to light online when Vocativ reported the list was shared via the encrypted app, Telegram, and called on supporters to kill.

Former FBI agent-turned lawyer Stuart Kaplan says the threat is especially alarming, because the people on this list are civilians who don’t have the security necessary to protect themselves.

“It’s going to create some hysteria,” he said.

Kaplan believes civilians from our community are on the list.

“I would suspect a head of a hospital or, perhaps, a local community leader. Those are the individuals that may appear on the list–or just a local banker or local school teacher–someone who, for some reason, was in the public eye.”

Kaplan is concerned the list will inspire “lone wolf” style attacks.

“If in fact a sympathizer gets ahold of this list and is readily able to identify you as being his neighbor and, then, decides (because they’re a sympathizer) to go out and do something horrific to you, there is no way to calculate the potential or to prevent that.”

The list has not yet been made public.

We reached out to the FBI, the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office and Martin County Sheriff’s Office to see how credible they view the threat and what action they might be taking.

We are awaiting their response.

According to the Martin County Sheriffs office,the FBI is aware of this and the agency will work closely with the Joint-Terrorism Task Force to keep citizens safe."

Rest at link:

Major Muslim Terrorists Makes This Declaration To All Americans: We Are Coming After You, We Will Attack Florida And Slaughter Americans There

Great post right there.
Well, Obama didn't let us down. It was the guns, not the Muslims. And yet my guns, in my white house, haven't killed any Americans all day............ huh.

Are you sure....is it possible they sneak out when you are asleep?

My guns are very well behaved. They do exactly what mama tells them to do, them being inanimate objects and all... ;)
Most all of these shootings happening gun free zones... More laws equal less freedom to protect yourself. Just the facts baby
10,000+ people in the US die of gunshot EVERY YEAR. You folks sure are shit at defending yourselves.
.yawn. How many are suicides? How many use one to save their lives? Or does that matter to you?
I'm just worried that they don't teach self defence enough in the US. having guns everywhere doesn't seem to be working.
It's working very well. Terrorists can get their weapons illegally so what law would prevent this? Plus, WA State is a shall issue state, no training required for a CCW permit. We don't have a problem with people shooting bystanders due to lack of training.
Mexicans are now leaving the US in droves and going back to Mexico to get away from too much violence :D

Do you realize that Mexico has extreme gun control...and more gun murders than the United States...do you realize that...please...think before you post.
...committed by An. American. Citizen. What, exactly, has Trump proposed that would address that?

From Afghanistan. Why do you not mention that particular part of the equation? I am all for people emigrating here from the various shitholes they are leaving. However, once they come here they MUST adhere to our way of life, which is one of tolerance, and acceptance that just because someone doesn't believe in your particular God doesn't give you the right to kill them.

You idiots want every Tom Dick or Harry to come here, but then you allow them to bring their Third World shithole way of life with them, and then, when they do this sort of thing, which is second nature to them, decide that disarming us, who don't behave like these animals, have to be disarmed. It doesn't stop them where they are in the Third World, what makes you think it will prevent them here?
He didn't emigrate here; his parents did. He was born in New York City. I'm pretty sure that's still in the United states. it was the last time I checked, anyway.
His ideology is not American. His motives are straight from our enemies. He pledged his life to isis in front of the police.
Outside of his place of birth NOTHING about this killer is American
Oh, I don't know grampa--Freedom of religion/speech. Right to bear arms. Right to protection from unlawful search.... sounds like the guy was pretty American to me.
Laws do not define us as individuals & certainly not him. Our actions & words do.

He is no American
But the Planned Parenthood shooter is? The Columbine high school students were? The Newtown shooter was? That's my point. I get what you're saying. The guy is a SHIT and I'm glad he's dead, but the nationalism thing is not going to solve the problem, in my mind, anyway.
A country where you need to be packing at all times is a country not worth living in.

Thanks for not disagreeing with me.

You're welcome, now GTFO.
This is congress' fault they had opportunities since Columbine to address the problem and now time's up.
Name one law that would stop these mass shootings? Be specific on how…
I'd outlaw bullets. There's no constitutional protection for bullets, only arms.

They are part of a firearm, just as radio waves, paper and so on are part of free speech… Dumbass
Looks like this guy was pledged to ISIS and mentally deranged. Not your typical peaceful Muslim.
Yep. That's what it is shaping up to look like for sure. He was fundamentally Islamic at least; and his father said he became outraged at the sight of two men kissing in public.
Sounds like right wing ideology to me.

Islam has more in common with the left wing...they both believe in a powerful central government with the individual subservient to the state...which is why the left defends Islam so much while conservatives address Islamic terrorism accurately.
Well......... San Bernardino shooter is an American citizen. Shooter that killed the singer Friday night was considered as domestic terrorism. He is also an American citizen.
How would you stop that?
I have no idea! I would start by clamping down on the people that are committing these horrific barbaric acts, MUSLIMS.
White christians are committing these horrible acts as well. Should we put white christians in concentration camps?
Link it.. Don't tell me, SHOW ME PROOF.

No...Christians are not doing these things...nothing in Christianity allows followers to commit murder...murder is part of Islamic doctrine....

You can't call yourself a vegan then go and eat a steak......if you eat the steak you are not a vegan....
Try actually reading a bible.
Well......... San Bernardino shooter is an American citizen. Shooter that killed the singer Friday night was considered as domestic terrorism. He is also an American citizen.
How would you stop that?
I have no idea! I would start by clamping down on the people that are committing these horrific barbaric acts, MUSLIMS.
White christians are committing these horrible acts as well. Should we put white christians in concentration camps?
Link it.. Don't tell me, SHOW ME PROOF.

No...Christians are not doing these things...nothing in Christianity allows followers to commit murder...murder is part of Islamic doctrine....

You can't call yourself a vegan then go and eat a steak......if you eat the steak you are not a vegan....
Both those guys declared themselves christian. You may be uncomfortable with that fact but it doesnt change reality.
I have no idea! I would start by clamping down on the people that are committing these horrific barbaric acts, MUSLIMS.
White christians are committing these horrible acts as well. Should we put white christians in concentration camps?
Link it.. Don't tell me, SHOW ME PROOF.

No...Christians are not doing these things...nothing in Christianity allows followers to commit murder...murder is part of Islamic doctrine....

You can't call yourself a vegan then go and eat a steak......if you eat the steak you are not a vegan....
Try actually reading a bible.
Christians do not define Christianity
Muhamed defines Islam
I have no idea! I would start by clamping down on the people that are committing these horrific barbaric acts, MUSLIMS.
White christians are committing these horrible acts as well. Should we put white christians in concentration camps?
Link it.. Don't tell me, SHOW ME PROOF.

No...Christians are not doing these things...nothing in Christianity allows followers to commit murder...murder is part of Islamic doctrine....

You can't call yourself a vegan then go and eat a steak......if you eat the steak you are not a vegan....
Try actually reading a bible.

Asshole...show me the passage where Jesus told his followers to commit murder in his name.....waiting.....
Most all of these shootings happening gun free zones... More laws equal less freedom to protect yourself. Just the facts baby
10,000+ people in the US die of gunshot EVERY YEAR. You folks sure are shit at defending yourselves.
.yawn. How many are suicides? How many use one to save their lives? Or does that matter to you?
I'm just worried that they don't teach self defence enough in the US. having guns everywhere doesn't seem to be working.
It's working very well. Terrorists can get their weapons illegally so what law would prevent this? Plus, WA State is a shall issue state, no training required for a CCW permit. We don't have a problem with people shooting bystanders due to lack of training.
Mexicans are now leaving the US in droves and going back to Mexico to get away from too much violence :D
There's always a silver lining, hey?
Since it was pointed out that CNN live coverage is suitable to post, it should be pointed out that CNN is going to great lengths to remind its viewers that, while the shooter definitely wanted his actions to be associated with ISIS, absolutely no evidence of any direct link between Omar Mateen, and ISIS has been found.

At best, this was a case of passive recruitment - the guy saw a bunch of radical rhetoric, bought into it, and acted. Which means that no proposal, either by Clinton, or by Trump, would have had any chance of preventing this shooting.
Watching Obozo's press conference - "we still don't know the exact motive of the shooter."

The man is inept and totally unfit for his position.

This just show what kind of racist asshole like you.........
The investigation is on going. why would he reveal or have any information at this point?

How is that racist?

You see a black man...we see a left wing, anti American asshole...and we will see another left wing, anti American if Hilary is elected...
Thanks for not disagreeing with me.

You're welcome, now GTFO.
This is congress' fault they had opportunities since Columbine to address the problem and now time's up.
Name one law that would stop these mass shootings? Be specific on how…
I'd outlaw bullets. There's no constitutional protection for bullets, only arms.

They are part of a firearm, just as radio waves, paper and so on are part of free speech… Dumbass
You don't have free speech, you can't yell FIRE! in a crowded room. You can't say on CNN that you want to kill Obama...
Just like the 2nd Amendment isn't absolute, and bullets are not mentioned. Tough luck Charlie, go back to your school of tuna.

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