Florida Pulse gay club attacked

When the shooting started there were people who couldn't get to an exit and hid in bathrooms.....this is exactly why you have a pistol....if the shooter had entered that bathroom they would have been able to defend themselves...and if not, they would have simply wait d for the police to get them out....

A gun free zone is nuts....it draws murderers....
This was an American citizen. The same way that the attacks in Brussela was done by Belgian citizens and the terrorist attacks were done by French citizens.

The terrorist was a muslim. An ethnic Afghan that no more though of himself as an American as Osama bin Laden did.
He was an American using 2nd Amendment solutions....apparently.

Only in your twisted mind. He was a Muslim terrorist who apparently was under FBI investigation, who decided he wanted to kill gays due to his particular breed of hatred. Had anyone been armed in the nightclub the death toll would most likely be far lower. But no, you attack the very Right that could have saved innocent people. You are one severely fucked up, ignorant, person.

The security quard should have been armed. No one else!

Yeah...like that would have helped.......gun free zones get innocent, unarmed people killed.....lives could have been saved if someone had immediately engaged the Muslim terrorist with a pistol.
But exactly HOW would Mr. Trump stop this from Happening? What policies of his would have stopped this....?
Well for starters he would put a stop to MORE of these animals coming in.
Well......... San Bernardino shooter is an American citizen. Shooter that killed the singer Friday night was considered as domestic terrorism. He is also an American citizen.
How would you stop that?
FEAR NOT LIBERALS!!!!! I feel the same level of pity and remorse for the gays that were gunned down, much similar to the caring and compassion you display every time a law enforcement officer is gunned down.
Have solace in that, assholes.
There is no excusing this atrocity. No matter where he was born, he was a Muslim taught with all the hate and bigotry of that cult.

And why is nobody asking why someone didn't step forward and warn about this guys hate for gays and the fact that an attack on a gay venue was a possibility?

And we all know that Obama will excuse it as a "lone gunman" and state it has nothing to do with Islam.


It's Ramadan and we can expect more!
He was investigated by the FBI
"The senior law enforcement source reports that Mateen became a person of interest in 2013 and again in 2014. The Federal Bureau of Investigation at one point opened an investigation into Mateen but subsequently closed the case when it produced nothing that appeared to warrant further investigation. He’s a known quantity, the source said. “He’s been on the radar before"
WTF? Just like with Hillary, the FBI investigates then does nothing.
Omar Mateen, Terrorist Who Attacked Orlando Gay Club, Had Been Investigated by FBI
I have nearly a dozen gay friends and acquaintances. None of them go to this club. They say it's a dive bar.
Dive or not it still must have been popular. Sounds like it was pretty crowded. I have gay family members;this doesn't make me happy thinking this could happen to them.

I could be that my friends who are gay don't go to gay bars I suppose. I've never been in there but I drive by it every day and it looks bad from the outside.
I'm glad nobody you knew was in there. Unfortunately somebody was. :(

I've heard from all of the gay people I know, except one, all are safe.
I hope the one that you didn't hear from is also safe.

Most of us agree, he doesn't go there anyway. He's probably doing something else.
This isn't a Democratic issue or a Republican issue, a liberal issue or a conservative issue, it is a gun access issue.

A gun doesn't walk into a bar and commit a horrific act, the gun is a tool used by a human being who is fueled by hate and likely fear. Too often we have seen mass killings by a single individual, and too often we see defenders of guns call for more guns, as if more killing is the solution.

The Congress, The President and the Supreme Court have the power and duty to act in the best interests of the citizens of our nation. That collectively those members of the Congress who do not act, and defend the 2nd A. as if ordained by God, are culpable, as are those single issue voters who support them.

Unless and until the NRA and the gun industry recognize mass murder by gun is a problem, and one which cannot be fixed by adding more guns to the problem, all of us remain at risk - even those who think concealed carry will keep them safe.

The mass killing by a Muslim with a gun....didn't end until cops WITH GUNS showed up and ended it. Delete your post.
I approve your new avatar.
Know how (radical) Islamists hate and murder gays? Obama just brought that to America...

50 reported dead after Islamic Radical opens fire on crowded gay nightclub floor...

Open Borders...
Protecting violent Illegals...
Importing terrorists who hate us...
Reportedly released an ISIS member caught illegally entering the US...
ISIS reportedly warned terrorist attack was imminent in Fla 3 days ago

ANOTHER successful terrorist attack on US soil under Obama...

Welcome to Obama's fundamental change for America - importing terrorists, terrorism here at home!

50 dead in gay nightclub shooting, worst in US history
You aren't all that informed. Mateen was born here 29 years ago. A bit before Obama's time.
But exactly HOW would Mr. Trump stop this from Happening? What policies of his would have stopped this....?
Well for starters he would put a stop to MORE of these animals coming in.
Well......... San Bernardino shooter is an American citizen. Shooter that killed the singer Friday night was considered as domestic terrorism. He is also an American citizen.
How would you stop that?
Stopping Muslim immigration would be a start.

Trump is spot on.
Dive or not it still must have been popular. Sounds like it was pretty crowded. I have gay family members;this doesn't make me happy thinking this could happen to them.

I could be that my friends who are gay don't go to gay bars I suppose. I've never been in there but I drive by it every day and it looks bad from the outside.
I'm glad nobody you knew was in there. Unfortunately somebody was. :(

I've heard from all of the gay people I know, except one, all are safe.
I hope the one that you didn't hear from is also safe.

Most of us agree, he doesn't go there anyway. He's probably doing something else.
We can only hope...
It's funny how you lefties love to separate people by race or ethnicity until it serves you not to, then you call them Americans no matter what their heritage.
And his heritage matters, because...?

It may not, but I was just making an observation about your Ill conceived post.
My "ill conceived" post?!?! One would think that the ill conceived post cane from the mindless fuck that felt the need to talk about "Sand Ni99ers" third post into the discussion, before anyone even knew who the shooter was. But, you know, maybe that's just me...

Apologies, the insistence on using the label "American Citizen" is the part that I am ridiculing. Not the whole post. I stand corrected.
And how is "American Citizen' not relevant, considering the slanderous, inaccurate slurs the post was referring to?

I also didn't say it was irrelevant. I merely pointed out how you lefties only call people "Americans" when it suits you. Otherwise you call them by their heritage.
Not at all unusual for presidents, even "presidents", to devote their last months in office toward building up their legacy.

Show some friggin' understanding fer Chrissake (oh, shit, sorry, for Allah's sake).
Sad part is this Muslim animal was a registered Democrat.

Orlando: 50 dead in gay nightclub shooting

Registered democrat? Link?

I didn't think so.
LOL, His voting number is even on the internet
You dems need to stop with the stupidity.
Democraps are good in the denial department. They think denial is a river in Egypt. PMSNBC is still trying to promote this as a mass shooting which was caused by the pro gun NRA.
How do you see an analysis opinion as justification? Why leave off my senod paragraphs? I forget. Libs are disingenuous.
Check you out. You are practically creaking in your jeans over this one. Dead gays! Possible Muslim connection! Weeeeeeeeeeee! Win win!
You are one sick fuck. Back off!

Is this not your quote justifying the attack?

Terrible. Somebody may have been pushed too far with the gay agenda being shoved down society's throat. Too much, too fast, too far. First gay marriage, Christian persecution, transgenderism, men allowed in women's restroom which is enforced by this oppressive regime. Some guy must have had enough and fought back.

Or it is an Islamic terrorist. There was an explosion reported after the gunman was shot.
Know how (radical) Islamists hate and murder gays? Obama just brought that to America...

50 reported dead after Islamic Radical opens fire on crowded gay nightclub floor...

Open Borders...
Protecting violent Illegals...
Importing terrorists who hate us...
Reportedly released an ISIS member caught illegally entering the US...
ISIS reportedly warned terrorist attack was imminent in Fla 3 days ago

ANOTHER successful terrorist attack on US soil under Obama...

Welcome to Obama's fundamental change for America - importing terrorists, terrorism here at home!

50 dead in gay nightclub shooting, worst in US history

Obama is killing ISIS fighters almost every day.

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