Florida School District Being Sued Over Banned Books

Publishers have no standing here.

Schools have a limited budget for books so someone is ALWAYS deciding which books they will have available.

So these parents are idiots who I imagine want perversity on the shelves of a school library and replace other books.
Degenerate crap like this has no place in K-12.

"This Book Is Gay" was ranked ninth among the most banned books in the U.S. according to Vanderbilt University. The book includes information on hookup apps and explaining various fetishes and kinks.
And idiot parents who demand such perverted and degenerate books be in school libraries, you want your child to read that shit, buy it for their personal use then.
No 1st Amendment violation here ... the parents can purchase the books themselves and have their kids read them ... in other words ... the public school library ban is 1] restricted in scope, 2] reasonable and 3] NOT onerous the the right of Free Press (or Speech or whatever) ...

It's just school grounds folks ... not censorship ...
No 1st Amendment violation here ... the parents can purchase the books themselves and have their kids read them ... in other words ... the public school library ban is 1] restricted in scope, 2] reasonable and 3] NOT onerous the the right of Free Press (or Speech or whatever) ...

It's just school grounds folks ... not censorship ...

I have to agree, this is not a 1st Amendment issue.
I love the RW claim that all these books are about Homosexuality. According to the linked article one book in four had anything to do with that category. So why were the other 75% banned?

That’s the problem. The elephant in the room. The RW can’t admit they are banning books because Blacks or other minorities are painted in a positive light. It undermines the propaganda the parents are feeding the children at home. The idea that Whites are superior.

Why was the book removed? No gay or trans. No sex at all. Just a Black Woman who dared to stand up the the Superior Whites. Or should I say Whites with a delusion that they were superior.

The truth is that the fools who are doing this are wrapping their prejudice in the flag of protecting children.
What kind of parents are these?

Florida is so ridiculous, banning books on sexual identity or about gays? I actually think reading a book about what it is like for a boy growing up gay different from everyone else could be a good thing for kids. It teaches kids to respect people's differences and gives you a viewpoint of how it is for someone very different from you to grow up. Often times we only see life from our own perspective and got to look at life from the perspective of others much different than us. We have to understand their hardships and life. Should we also ban books giving kids the perspective of what is like for a Muslim to grow up in Iran because we are afraid of people who are different than us? Are we afraid of stepping into someone else's shoes who is so much different than us?

Sometimes you need to remove those rose-colored glasses and see life for what it really is. It help's wearing someone else's glasses once in a while to see how they see life. Books do a great job of this. Banning books showing kids what life is like for someone so different than them is just limiting them from having a good quality education.
I have a relative who is gay. He grew up a reader, and he said being exposed to heteronormative sexual behavior did not make him want to be straight.

People, this is a non-issue.

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