Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

No, I don't. If it's wrong, it's wrong. Even after a couple of decades.

If Trump has taught me anything it's that things actually can change.

Why are you opposed to trying?

I guess just don't get the "it's always been that way" excuse.

I suppose it is just too far down on the "this is fucked up" list for me to give it much energy any longer.

Lawsuits are brought every day, by regular old folks like you and me, for a myriad of reasons.

Why do you believe they don't have a standing to legally challenge the law? As a Florida resident, I can challenge it. Why shouldn't Disney be able to?
Without standing it will go nowhere.
I'm still trying to figure out why you were emphasizing that the reps were acting on behalf of voters. Do you think that makes it ok?
Yeah, I do. If I vote for an official who wants to impose mask mandates for life and they do then its OK with me. That is how the system works.
And until they don't get reelected they can be authoritarian.

It was authoritarian of Biden to try and force people to get the vaccine. The fact he was elected does not remove it was an authoritarian act.
And now he likely won't get reelected and his party will get decimated in Nov. However, Desantis remains very popular. So I guess the voter base supports him and the legislators? Again, if you don't like it then move but people are moving TO Florida in droves FROM NY, Cali and such. Why is that when their Governor and legislative branch is such a terror?
Sorry bout that,

1. Disney is that pervert company out of California who ass rapped ole Walt's memory, and rampaged his asshole, queering up his vision, *not to mention the kiddie stuff they are into*?
2. I'm pretty sure I'm right, butt you can correct me if you like, butt ranger lover.

The whole point of this law is to punish the Disney Corp for its members speaking out against the law. If the government of Illinois did this to a company for speaking out against a law you did not agree with you would be calling foul in a second.
First off, I am against government spending any money on businesses, including Disney. So, the government closing in on Disney is fine by me.

Now, the part where I was wrong. The state of Florida has every right to change the rules on Disney, however, this seems like an arbitrary law designed to punish Disney. That is not okay, the government cannot hold American's or their businesses hostage because they government doesn't like their message.

Thank you for the questions.
Oh look, here come the tards.
The reprehensible, authoritarian right seeks to compel conformity and silence dissent.

Because Disney opposed Republicans’ hateful, bigoted legislation discriminating against gay and transgender Americans, the company is being punished for doing so.
Why should Disney gat all that special treatment?
Because tourism is King in Florida – and anything that benefits tourism benefits Florida.

Of course this isn’t the point – the issue isn’t that Disney got ‘special treatment,’ the issue is that Disney is being punished for opposing the bigotry and hate of DeSantis and state Republicans.
Yeah, I do. If I vote for an official who wants to impose mask mandates for life and they do then its OK with me. That is how the system works.

So, if the people of a state vote someone into office that wants to ban all non-white people form the state you are ok with that since the people asked for it?
Because tourism is King in Florida – and anything that benefits tourism benefits Florida.

Of course this isn’t the point – the issue isn’t that Disney got ‘special treatment,’ the issue is that Disney is being punished for opposing the bigotry and hate of DeSantis and state Republicans.
I don;t care why the special treatment was removed just that it was.
So, if the people of a state vote someone into office that wants to ban all non-white people form the state you are ok with that since the people asked for it?

I am very Libertarian. Now I believe that would break the law so that would never pass but that official 100% may try since they were elected. If you open a restaurant and hang a shingle that says "Jews not welcome", I fully support your right to do so. I'll go elsewhere and you'll likely go out of business. Unless you're in Ilhan Omar's district. Then you may make a killing.
First off, I am against government spending any money on businesses, including Disney. So, the government closing in on Disney is fine by me.

I am not even sure this arrangement the state had with Disney was a case of the government spending money on businesses. The state benefited greatly from the arrangement as did Disney. It was a winning arrangement for both sides.

Now, the part where I was wrong. The state of Florida has every right to change the rules on Disney, however, this seems like an arbitrary law designed to punish Disney. That is not okay, the government cannot hold American's or their businesses hostage because they government doesn't like their message.

Thank you. This has been my point all along.

I am very Libertarian.

That is the opposite of being a Libertarian. A Libertarian would never ask the government to do such a thing, that would be akin to a Christian asking their church for a child sacrifice.

If you open a restaurant and hang a shingle that says "Jews not welcome", I fully support your right to do so. I'll go elsewhere and you'll likely go out of business.

This I agree with, but this is very different than the state saying that Jews are not welcome.
Well, that's the question, isn't it. Buying the equipment from Disney is likely faster and cheaper than sourcing new. As far as the personnel, that remains to be seen. Depends on pay and bennies would be my guess. That's still a shit ton of money for the counties to absorb.

And it is still possible that Disney looks at the bottom line and decides they can make that money elsewhere and close the park, cratering Central Florida's economy.
This is indeed a remarkable example of the right’s hypocrisy and duplicity – conservatives are actually in favor of government attacking and disadvantaging a private company because that company dares to oppose the Republican war on gay and transgender Americans.

So much for ‘small government/pro-business’ Republicans.
This is indeed a remarkable example of the right’s hypocrisy and duplicity – conservatives are actually in favor of government attacking and disadvantaging a private company because that company dares to oppose the Republican war on gay and transgender Americans.

So much for ‘small government/pro-business’ Republicans.

^^^Look at the lefties enthusiastically whoring for the billionaire corporations. LOL!
Because tourism is King in Florida – and anything that benefits tourism benefits Florida.

Of course this isn’t the point – the issue isn’t that Disney got ‘special treatment,’ the issue is that Disney is being punished for opposing the bigotry and hate of DeSantis and state Republicans.
What bigotry and hate?

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