Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

I do not belong to a tribe. I am my own person. Funny how you simply cannot understand that.

The evidence is against you.

Again it happened here in Boston! Mask mandates and vaccine mandates to attend restaurants. Definitely a rights violation and yet they were in place and lemmings acquiesced. Why? MA is a Leftist state.

We both seem to agree it is a rights violation yet only you also think it is cool for the states to violate your rights as long a the people voted for your rights to be violated.
Disney can make one movie glorifying adult sex with children and make back all the money they lose in Florida
Your interest in movies about adult sex with children is a disparate matter from an authoritarian's vendetta in support of his discrimination against lgbt children
The reprehensible, authoritarian right seeks to compel conformity and silence dissent.

Because Disney opposed Republicans’ hateful, bigoted legislation discriminating against gay and transgender Americans, the company is being punished for doing so.
More Clay lies. Thanks for being a consistent liar.
WTF are you babbling about? You have gone off the deep end, moron.

Everyone here, except you apparently, knows that would be an obvious violation of the CRA.

You really should STFU. This pushback on your Woke Cult has you losing what little was left of your mind.

WTF? Half the republican states passed abortion laws in violation of Roe V Wade.
Disney might be a better buy than Netflix. I'm a bit confused on netflix's business model. I'd paid extra for years for "two screen view" option so my kid could watch from wherever she lived at the time. I thought that was "ok" with their rules. I cancelled a few mos ago because I had too much to watch as it was with Apple and HBO she requires me to have too. I struggle just to keep up with PBS. I need brit box. Which is sort of the point. Why doesn't netflix have all the Masterpiece and Mystery stuff on PBS? I seem to recall I used to watch older seasons of series and movies that had finished their HBO and Cinemax runs

Seems NetFlix is still struggling to find its footing now that they are not the only game in town.

I still enjoy it and pay for extra screens so my kids can watch it from anywhere. My daughter travels so much that sometimes the only way I know where she is comes via the emails telling me a new log on happened in such and such state.

The foreign shows they are now putting on there are often far better than anything we are making these days.
The evidence is against you.

We both seem to agree it is a rights violation yet only you also think it is cool for the states to violate your rights as long a the people voted for your rights to be violated.
I do not think it is "cool" I think that is the new normal. Gov't overstepped and Newsome was not recalled and MA is deep blue. So obviously the voters support such actions and those that do not, move.

What "evidence" is against me? LOL

I am my own person. Period. End of story.
The state ain't doing it. The people of the state are via their votes, right? Sort of like the vaccine mandates, the mask mandates, etc.
I don't get this angle, or why the distinction between the state and the people matters. If it's wrong, it's wrong.

So now the people of Florida aren't happy and likely pinged their legislators to do something so their legislators are. This is America!
Wow - so if someone vows to work to repeal a law, then the state, er... "the people", should be allowed to punish them for stating such an intent. That doesn't seem fucked up to you?
Then explain why I was forced to wear masks and to show proof of vaccination to go into a restaurant? Why could not Kyrie Irving play home games for most of the season? Why were my kids wearing masks while playing sports?

It's the same principle that stops people from just going to the bathroom in the streets.
Because the government overstepped its bounds.
I dunno. I don't think the mask mandates were overstepping. I can't see the CDC's need to keep them now, assuming courts agree that its purpose is to protect Americans from infectious disease outbreaks.

I just don't see Fla's law's rationale. Young kids are curious about what their teachers do outside school. If a maj of parents in a district don't want gay teachers tell kids who ask what they did over a holiday to mention they went to Disney World or some place with a same sex partner/spouse, I guess the district can make that a policy. I don't see some constitutional problem there. But I don't see how the state or parents can object to requiring schools to protect and prevent any harrassment or discrimination against students with gay parents. Xians may not like it, but those folks have every right to be treated just the same as they are treated.
I don't get this angle, or why the distinction between the state and the people matters. If it's wrong, it's wrong.

Wow - so if someone vows to work to repeal a law the state, er... "the people", should be allowed to punish them for stating such an intent. That doesn't seem fucked up to you?
What specifically are you asking me? Right and wrong are subjective. The Govt and the CDC overstepped and created a new precedent IMO. Now we have chaos. This is what the voters wanted obviously.
Yeah - Desantis sure showed them! He should just send a goon squad over there to fuck them up properly.
Funny as irregardless isn't a word. Desantis is popular so he will keep doing what he is doing. Such is life in America these days.
Again, he was elected so the people presumably that elected him support him doing so. Yes or no? Sound like he is doing what his voters want him to do?

The remedy to authoritarian vendettas over opposition to discriminatory mandates is in the courts.

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