Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

What are you talking about??? Are you saying that one wrong act of government justifies others?
Yep. Same as if you punch me in the face, don't be surprised when I punch back. We are both wrong but such is life. Leftists have imposed their unconstitutional will for two years now. Funny how upset they get when they get a taste of their own medicine.
Seems NetFlix is still struggling to find its footing now that they are not the only game in town.

I still enjoy it and pay for extra screens so my kids can watch it from anywhere. My daughter travels so much that sometimes the only way I know where she is comes via the emails telling me a new log on happened in such and such state.

The foreign shows they are now putting on there are often far better than anything we are making these days.
I know. Their english language original content largely sucks. Stranger things should be starting. I'll reup then.

I really don't watch that much. Maybe if I was retired. There are lots of old movies on TCM. But I generally read.
Funny as irregardless isn't a word

The legislature passed this bill. Are you saying that a legislature can be authoritarian just as much as a single person?
An authoritarian controlling a legislature body is hardly without precedent.

We'll see how a such a grandstanding vendetta against a capitalistic entity over expressing opposition to discriminatory practices plays out.
I think it is unwise to assume that just because something is happening the people wanted it to.

Perhaps they are like you and just have given up on trying to stop it.
His popularity is high and people are moving there in droves. Is it just the weather? Businesses moving there too.

Two of my clients moving to Fla because of the politics there. Not Desantis but its easier to garner permits and such when compared to MA. Their words.
And now adding a $1Bn in bonds to the local county.
^^^Look at the lefties enthusiastically whoring for the billionaire corporations. LOL!
It’s interesting how the right’s bigotry and hate exposes the truth that conservatives are big government authoritarian tyrants who have no problem using the authority of the state to punish and disadvantage those who disobey and refuse to conform.
Again, he was elected so the people presumably that elected him support him doing so. Yes or no? Sound like he is doing what his voters want him to do?

Authoritarians can wee wee up public support, and are ineffectual if they cannot.

Being elected is not a pretext for statist tyranny in the form of political vendettas.

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