The Left Think the World is Overpopulated

You could do your part, if you had the courage.
Yea you and another Republican keep saying that like it's witty, funny, smart or cute. It's none of those things.

Hey, if anyone knows about White Replacement Theory it's JD Vance

That’s your opinion.

And like assholes…..

Meanwhile everyone on earth could comfortably live inside of Texas.
No they couldn't comfortably live inside Texas. You could squeeze us all in. And that doesn't even matter. Look at what we are doing to the planet when you spread us around. We're destroying it.

Maybe we should all move to Texas. Then the rest of the planet will be safe. And Democrats/Liberals would win Texas because we win the popular vote every time. If we were all in Texas guess what would happen? You'd turn into California.

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