Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

There is no need for Disney to insert gay agenda into their content any more than it would be for them to push any other agenda.

They never had any agendas for decades. Even stuff they created that I didn't like I didn't like just because it didn't appeal to me. Disney was great in the 90s. They had shows for boys and girls and for both but it never felt like an agenda, it felt like they just wanted to tell stories.

I cashed out during the last Jedi when they started saying some woman in it was gay, it was bad enough the movie sucked balls.

Ever since they went hardcore at agendas I won't even buy a box of cereal if it has a Disney promo on it. Few things they do have I'm interested in I pirate it online so they don't make any money.
Yep. Same as if you punch me in the face, don't be surprised when I punch back. We are both wrong but such is life.
We're talking about government overreach here - not schoolyard fights. The idea that one wrong law deserves another is patently insane. Sure you don't want to rethink that?
Leftists have imposed their unconstitutional will for two years now. Funny how upset they get when they get a taste of their own medicine.
I don't think it's funny at all.
Authoritarians can wee wee up public support, and are ineffectual if they cannot.

Being elected is not a pretext for statist tyranny in the form of political vendettas.
You again didn't answer my question. Obviously raised poorly. Vaccine and mask mandates are tyrannical. Yes.
We're talking about government overreach here - not schoolyard antics. The idea that one wrong law deserves another is patently insane. Sure you don't want to rethink that?

I don't think it's funny at all.
I stand by what I said. The schoolyard antics is how our Gov't governs with its media allies.
Does anyone really see a constitutional or civil problem with not allowing private business to discriminate on the basis of race or religion or gender?

I do actually. The Constitution says that the Govt is not allowed to do so. It does not say that we the people cannot in our daily lives.
Yea, the gullible dupes who are falling for DeSantis' little game he's playing to appeal to his idiot base.
DeSantis "little game" is going to cost Disney Groomers, Inc a few hundred million dollars a year so I think they will keep their little queer Libtard mouths shut the next time.
DeSantis "little game" is going to cost Disney Groomers, Inc a few hundred million dollars a year so I think they will keep their little queer Libtard mouths shut the next time.
Everyone should just keep their mouths shut and do what they're told, eh?
Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

What the Florida Senate did by voting to end Disney’s tax privilege sends a clear message that DeSantis will not be manipulated by corporations or their lobbyists. In Washington DC, that is a dangerous power to wield

I do actually. The Constitution says that the Govt is not allowed to do so. It does not say that we the people cannot in our daily lives.

Correct. As long as you're not providing a public accommodation, you can do what you want.

Guess who's coming to dinner? No blacks, jews, or muslims.
And that's perfectly legal.
That kind of nihilism doesn't work for me. It pretty much insures a fucked society.
Dude, the fucked society is here. How do you not see that? My kids were forced to get vaccines and still had to wear masks while playing physical sports. Biological boys who identify as girls are allowed to play against them (I have two daughters). If I speak out, I am called a racist, bigot and transphobic. If I say "All Lives Matter" I am deemed a racist. We elected devout Muslim extremists to Congress and our president is 100% compromised via his son. Lastly, capitalism is not functioning well when a BOD can reject a solid offer to acquire a publicly traded company and not put a vote to its shareholders.

The country is broken.

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