Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

That is the opposite of being a Libertarian. A Libertarian would never ask the government to do such a thing, that would be akin to a Christian asking their church for a child sacrifice.

This I agree with, but this is very different than the state saying that Jews are not welcome.
The state ain't doing it. The people of the state are via their votes, right? Sort of like the vaccine mandates, the mask mandates, etc.

Here is the crux of what is happening in Florida. The Dems lie. It is not a "Don't say Gay" bill.

The law in question makes it illegal for public schools to instruct on gender identity or sexuality with young children in kindergarten through third grade. After it passed, Disney promised to work to repeal it and held an in-house townhall in which an executive producer admitted to having a “no-so-secret gay agenda” and boasted about adding “queer” content to children’s entertainment.

So now the people of Florida aren't happy and likely pinged their legislators to do something so their legislators are. This is America!

You do realize Disney is very authoritarian in their hiring practices, don't you?

You can be gay, that's okay.

But you "may not" have facial hair.

Because children don't like facial hair.

That's been their excuse for at least SIXTY years
So, if the people of a state vote someone into office that wants to ban all non-white people form the state you are ok with that since the people asked for it?
WTF are you babbling about? You have gone off the deep end, moron.

Everyone here, except you apparently, knows that would be an obvious violation of the CRA.

You really should STFU. This pushback on your Woke Cult has you losing what little was left of your mind.
Disney will have a larger footprint in Hell than they do in Florida.
Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

What the Florida Senate did by voting to end Disney’s tax privilege sends a clear message that DeSantis will not be manipulated by corporations or their lobbyists. In Washington DC, that is a dangerous power to wield

Disney is not doing the right thing for its shareholders.




The state ain't doing it. The people of the state are via their votes, right? Sort of like the vaccine mandates, the mask mandates, etc.

The state is doing it, even if they are doing it for the people of the state, the state is doing it. just like the Fed Govt did it for vaccine mandates, the mask mandates. A lot of people voted wanting those things. Thus in your view you cannot say they were wrong.
WTF are you babbling about? You have gone off the deep end, moron.

Everyone here, except you apparently, knows that would be an obvious violation of the CRA.

You really should STFU. This pushback on your Woke Cult has you losing what little was left of your mind.

And yet your fellow tribe member just said he would be ok with it.

how odd.
The state is doing it, even if they are doing it for the people of the state, the state is doing it. just like the Fed Govt did it for vaccine mandates, the mask mandates. A lot of people voted wanting those things. Thus in your view you cannot say they were wrong.
I live in MA, where I have been in mask and vaccine mandate hell. I have zero say sans moving out of the Boston area so I DID. People are moving to Florida in droves. Obviously they like the governance.
There is no need for Disney to insert gay agenda into their content any more than it would be for them to push any other agenda.
Because tourism is King in Florida – and anything that benefits tourism benefits Florida.

Of course this isn’t the point – the issue isn’t that Disney got ‘special treatment,’ the issue is that Disney is being punished for opposing the bigotry and hate of DeSantis and state Republicans.
Hate and bigotry is where you go off the rails. The state has no right to punish Disney but it isn't hate and bigotry that spurs this.
And yet your fellow tribe member just said he would be ok with it.

how odd.
I do not belong to a tribe. I am my own person. Funny how you simply cannot understand that. Again it happened here in Boston! Mask mandates and vaccine mandates to attend restaurants. Definitely a rights violation and yet they were in place and lemmings acquiesced. Why? MA is a Leftist state.
No. No it's not. The whole point of Constitutional government is to limit that kind of power. Majority rules doesn't trump individual rights.
Then explain why I was forced to wear masks and to show proof of vaccination to go into a restaurant? Why could not Kyrie Irving play home games for most of the season? Why were my kids wearing masks while playing sports?
Disney might be a better buy than Netflix. I'm a bit confused on netflix's business model. I'd paid extra for years for "two screen view" option so my kid could watch from wherever she lived at the time. I thought that was "ok" with their rules. I cancelled a few mos ago because I had too much to watch as it was with Apple and HBO she requires me to have too. I struggle just to keep up with PBS. I need brit box. Which is sort of the point. Why doesn't netflix have all the Masterpiece and Mystery stuff on PBS? I seem to recall I used to watch older seasons of series and movies that had finished their HBO and Cinemax runs

I am very Libertarian. Now I believe that would break the law so that would never pass but that official 100% may try since they were elected. If you open a restaurant and hang a shingle that says "Jews not welcome", I fully support your right to do so. I'll go elsewhere and you'll likely go out of business. Unless you're in Ilhan Omar's district. Then you may make a killing.
An individual or a business saying "Jews not welcome" is radically different than a government doing so. Our Constitution requires equal protection of the law.
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