Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

This has nothing to do with OPINIONS.

This has to do with THE LAW.

The LAW now says, you will not sexualize my 5 year old child.

Disney spoke out against that LAW.

That makes them "less than" law abiding corporate citizens.

What if a company said you or I should shoot the president? Is that a freely spoken opinion?

So you’re against free speech now? You believe nobody should speak out against a law the government proposes?

When did you stop being American?
It's more than semantics. Regardless of how you spin it, this is government attacking (penalizing, punishing, pick your euphemism) its political enemies. It's straight-up fascism, and we better pray the Court strikes it down.
They are equalizing the playing field for other theme parks who do not have the same breaks as Disney. You are a moron of the highest caliber! Everything you post seems to originate between those two neurons in your brain because it does not exist in the real world. The court cannot strike down a law unless someone can find a violation of the Constitution. None of that exists.
Yes, thanks. We get it. You support fascism. You love BIG GUBMINT punishing people with differing opinions.

When did you decide you were no longer American?
You support tax payers paying for the leftist agenda...........By removing the tax breaks Disney has to pay for the lawsuits for WOKENESS.....and those who still go to the park

They pushed the wrong agenda...........so is the far left............and they are going to get their asses .........fitting symbol of the DNC............handed to them.
They don't,. There are 6 other areas like this in Florida. Any corporation was free to try for such an arrangement with the state.
Disney was given special rights and chose to abuse their special right to push gay and mental illness on kids. They got kicked off special status as did the others from what I read.....
Yeah, and as I have stated, im against lobbying and that type of corporate influence, but, in this case, we actually have disney on record stating they are going to work to repeal that law.

I mean, I don't spend a lot of time keeping up with corporate things, but I don't recall someone actually saying they were going tonuse their company to try and reverse legislation.
How to you propose Disney actually do something to overturn the law?

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