Florida Senate, on a 23-16 vote, just passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status

It's like they never look in the mirror.
As you defend the DEFENSELESS..................You can say all you want about you don't agree BUT ......BUT .......BUT.........BUT........

You defend this sickness..........it is a CORE ISSUE and the people are sick of the Woke BS...........does it show............It's time to fire back on leftist tactics.
Disney just found that out..............and I LOVE IT.

How about they stop trying to tell others WHAT TO BELIEVE.........and mind their own business on other people's kids.........Novel idea...........

The people will fight back over their kids............You didn't understand the lesson in Virginia..............did you?

IOW “Let’s use government power to retaliate against those who have differing opinions than us.”

Because that’s what “freedom-loving Americans” do.
Keep your fucking agenda out of the classroom.

No business teaching small children this GARBAGE...........It is GARBAGE......and is A CULT...........If Disney gets destroyed over it........I really don't care.......Time for this Nonsense to end.

You want a wedge issue that will FILLET THE DNC..........you FOUND IT..........

IOW “Let’s use government power to retaliate against those who have differing opinions than us.”

Because that’s what “freedom-loving Americans” do.
Disney promised to fight the bill. The legislature is simply throwing the first punch. It's more than a "difference of opinion".

First y'all lie about "don't say gay", now y'all lie about this.
What happened to Republicans who were for lower taxes? Everyone’s property taxes are going to go up over this.

Republicans also used to be against using government power to retaliate against others. Doesn’t seem to be a problem anymore.

Explain how my taxes will go up, specifically.

Conservatives are also against the schools teaching 5 years olds about transgenderism and not informing the parents.
Absolutely. It's driving many of you insane. And it's going to cost Democrats at the ballot box.
This issue will DESTROY THE DNC..................They are sick and twisted and deserve it..............

Hope they push this even more............The slaughter will be EPIC.............too bad Mickey gonna get squashed with them.........I loved Disney as a kid.........Now they have been INFECTED WITH TOXIC WASTE.
The dissolution of the Reedy Creek Improvement District may have massive ripple effects. The counties of Orange and Osceola, where Disney’s sprawling theme park area sits, may inherit over $1 billion of debt owed by Disney. Residents of those counties may also have to pay an average of $2,200 more per household in local property taxes, according to The Miami Herald.​

Taxes are going to go up because of an issue nobody cared about and a word the frothing Trump base had never heard of six weeks ago.

All because one man’s cynical grab for power.
The dissolution of the Reedy Creek Improvement District may have massive ripple effects. The counties of Orange and Osceola, where Disney’s sprawling theme park area sits, may inherit over $1 billion of debt owed by Disney. Residents of those counties may also have to pay an average of $2,200 more per household in local property taxes, according to The Miami Herald.​

Taxes are going to go up because of an issue nobody cared about and a word the frothing Trump base had never heard of six weeks ago.

All because one man’s cynical grab for power.
Because Mickey Mouse decided to play politics instead of shutting their fucking mouths...................They are opening pandora's box on this issue............and they will NOT LIKE WHAT COMES OUT...........

They will regret this I guarantee it..........and the DNC is going to get slaughtered with this.
Nobody on here really cares about Disney. Disney is not the real topic. The real topic is that the State of Florida is punishing a company solely for saying they were against a law the state passed.

Is this the new norm you would like to have, states passing bills every time a company says something they do not like?

Would you be cool with the state of Illinois passing a bill to punish Chick-fil-a for being against gay marriage?
I would be totally cool with the government regulating FacePlant because they are ROTTEN CORPORATE CITIZENS and they represent things that are completely contrary to Americans and the US Constitution.

YES. Shut the fuckers down.

Goddammit, corporations operate at the pleasure of the US government. That's a fact. It's been a fact FOREVER.

When a Disney Executive opens her remarks with ...

"I am a mother, of two queer children, one transexual and one pansexual ...
I am a leader, and with the LGBT movement ... "

It would require cognitive dissonance to suggest the idea the rank-and-file employees are driving the bus.
You would have to be mentally challenged to even think it, much less believe it ... :auiqs.jpg:

Lunatics running the asylum.
I would be totally cool with the government regulating FacePlant because they are ROTTEN CORPORATE CITIZENS and they represent things that are completely contrary to Americans and the US Constitution.

YES. Shut the fuckers down.

Goddammit, corporations operate at the pleasure of the US government. That's a fact. It's been a fact FOREVER.

Damn, I never took you for a Commie.

Learn something new about people every day
Stop masturbating to your lurid fantasies and pay attention.

This isn't about merits of the law. I actually disagree with Disney on the matter. I don't think it should be repealed. It would be better handled at a local level, rather than mandating a centralized solution through the state - but parents have a right to control what their children are exposed to.

This is about government squashing dissent. And that's flat out wrong.
I disagree.

If Disney has a problem with this, it if it's customers do, they have a Constitutionally protected Right to petition their government for redress.

That's it, that's all

There is no Constitutionally protected Right to be free of the law.
Orange County has $1 billion in municipal debt that is effectively backed by Disney. The removal of their status means that either the county or the state will need to take it over. Orange County doesn’t have the infrastructure to handle the bonds.

Congratulations. Your taxes are going to go up because of The Forever Culture Wars!
You are confused.

Disney World is a money making machine. Now several hundred million dollars that were going into Disney pockets will now be going to Orange and Osceola counties.

No different that any other business in the counties.

What do you want to give Disney special treatment? What is so special about them? They had the Reedy Creek gravy train for over 50 years. Now they are going to be treated like every one else.

I mentioned it earlier but it is worth repeating. The real damage to Disney is that now they will have to adhere to the Water Management District rules. Reedy Creek was its own district and they could do just about anything it wanted. They screwed up the aquifer and wetlands on their property that other companies would never get away with. Having them under SFWMD will go a long way towards protecting the environment.
IOW “Let’s use government power to retaliate against those who have differing opinions than us.”

Because that’s what “freedom-loving Americans” do.
This has nothing to do with OPINIONS.

This has to do with THE LAW.

The LAW now says, you will not sexualize my 5 year old child.

Disney spoke out against that LAW.

That makes them "less than" law abiding corporate citizens.

What if a company said you or I should shoot the president? Is that a freely spoken opinion?
The dissolution of the Reedy Creek Improvement District may have massive ripple effects. The counties of Orange and Osceola, where Disney’s sprawling theme park area sits, may inherit over $1 billion of debt owed by Disney. Residents of those counties may also have to pay an average of $2,200 more per household in local property taxes, according to The Miami Herald.​

Taxes are going to go up because of an issue nobody cared about and a word the frothing Trump base had never heard of six weeks ago.

All because one man’s cynical grab for power.

ROTFLMFAO, they will get the government they deserve.
Because Mickey Mouse decided to play politics instead of shutting their fucking mouths...................They are opening pandora's box on this issue............and they will NOT LIKE WHAT COMES OUT...........

They will regret this I guarantee it..........and the DNC is going to get slaughtered with this.

Yes, thanks. We get it. You support fascism. You love BIG GUBMINT punishing people with differing opinions.

When did you decide you were no longer American?

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