Florida Woman Arrested for Voter Fraud


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Well guess what happened to the 72 year old woman that lives in the Villages senior housing complex?
She was arrested for voter fraud.

She is a registered Republican and Trump supporter.

There's a trump guy in Texas who was giving out $25,000 per proven case of voter fraud.

Only one guy won the award. A Democrat who turned in a Republican who mailed in his recently deceased wife's ballot.
Well guess what happened to the 72 year old woman that lives in the Villages senior housing complex?
She was arrested for voter fraud.

She is a registered Republican and Trump supporter.

Add it to that topic, please.
Well guess what happened to the 72 year old woman that lives in the Villages senior housing complex?
She was arrested for voter fraud.

She is a registered Republican and Trump supporter.

Well guess what happened to the 72 year old woman that lives in the Villages senior housing complex?
She was arrested for voter fraud.

She is a registered Republican and Trump supporter.

These individual Republican voter fraud things are getting to be common enough, that I'm starting to react with OK, here's another one being prosecuted, and usually convicted, next story. It's starting to sound like typical Republican/Trumper crap to keep seeing them doing the same stupid crap that doesn't seem to work for any of the other trumpers that have tried it.
I have never understood why anyone would submit a fraudulent second ballot. It's just stupid. It isn't going to change the outcome, and you are risking jail.

Just dumb, dumb, dumb.
And it cost her $2K to go home.
But I was told voter fraud didn’t occur in the last election. Was I lied to?
No you were not... You were told that voter fraud is so small that there is no way it would change the course of the election...

GOP is trying to amp up voter fraud so they can make it more difficult for Democratic leaning voters to vote... They have lost cases on this and just pretend nobody noticed...

What is wrong with everyone one having the equal chance to vote? I mean real equal, why is it when we see big long lines there seems to be a lot of blacks in those lines...
Why do the GOP want to use ID types not held by all poor people?

US has a history of disenfranchising minority voters. It is in the US History. Ask yourself why they want to repeat it?
Still trying to figure out why Dominion needs "proprietary software" to tell us 1 + 1 = 2.

Any ideas? Sketchy as fuck..... hmm?
You know voting machines had a history of supporting GOP... They have supported them in the past over Democrats...

Read this... It is mainly GOP lobbyists...

Democrats haven't been over whelmed by voting machines for a long time but it wasn't over mass fraud..
IMO voter fraud claims by Trump and his side has just ended up increasing voter fraud by themselves. Trumpers are so convinced the Dems are doing it, they have started doing it themselves.
Well guess what happened to the 72 year old woman that lives in the Villages senior housing complex?
She was arrested for voter fraud.

She is a registered Republican and Trump supporter.

Let me guess....Republican?

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