Florida's Don't Feel Bad Law.

I understand you don't feel bad concerning what this country did to some.

No I don't because I played no part in it. If my great grandfather was a serial killer, why should I feel guilty about what he did? It doesn't mean I don't think what he did was awful, but that's not what we are taking about here.
No I don't because I played no part in it. If my great grandfather was a serial killer, why should I feel guilty about what he did? It doesn't mean I don't think what he did was awful, but that's not what we are taking about here.

Did I blame you?

But NONE of the Republicans who voted for the Civil Rights Act, either in the House or the Senate, were Southern Republicans. ALL Southern Republicans voted against the CRA. Some Southern Democrats voted for it, but not one Southern Republican voted in favour of it.

Just make sure you include ALL of the facts when crowing about this one Ray.
No I don't because I played no part in it. If my great grandfather was a serial killer, why should I feel guilty about what he did? It doesn't mean I don't think what he did was awful, but that's not what we are taking about here.

If your grandfather robbed the people he killed, and grew wealthy from his crimes, and you inherited his wealth, then yes, you should feel guilty for the fact that his crimes resulted in your daily comforts, and you should make amends to the families he impoverished.

You play a part in the racist system every single day when you accept your white privilege and then deny the same privileges to black people. You play a part in it when you vote against increasing funding for education, or oppose increases to the minimum wage.

If you acknowledge the system is racist, and you've done NOTHING in your lifetime to change it, then you continue to play a part in it. I can point to things I have done throughout my life to fight racism in my community, Nothing huge or even noteworthy, but when I worked for an employment agency, I would make a point of sending non-white workers out on assignments in companies where all the staff was white. We all did, because we had some really great non-white temps and it was hard to find companies where we could place them. And they knew what we were doing because we told the women before we sent them in there what we were doing. They sent their friends to our company for placement.

The three of us in the temp department cheered every time we integrated another all-white company. And that's just one example I can give you things I've done to help change the status quo.
Not telling them which books was pure genius. They have no interest in the reasons why they simply wish to construct a criticism for political points which of course they cannot do without that information. It's awesome.
So basically, they can make shit up and that is awesome because people can't prove they made shit up...cool...

Kinda like all of the bullshit "the election was stolen" claims

I am learning more and more about how depraved and spineless conservative arguments are everyday...
If you don’t think it’s inappropriate to make kids of today responsible for any History that ‘s considered racist , well. That’s a DEMOCRAT for you

So the next time a black guy does something like a mass shooting....

There is no need to look at other black folks and say "Well, what do you have to say for yourself?" Deal?

So the next time a black guy does something like a mass shooting....

There is no need to look at other black folks and say "Well, what do you have to say for yourself?" Deal?
In New York we had a horrific shooting on a subway ; no fatalities. Am I supposed to blame others for that?? We see on the News rising crime, murders, carjacking, etc and the Majority are minorities. Are individuals who follow the law responsible? No.
Mayor Adams who is NY BLACK MAYOR addressed the number of murders, deaths, against Minorities and how BLACK LIVES MATTER is silent along with everyone else . Please tell us why they are NOT responsible for speaking up
How does one teach slavery or Jim Crow without including race?
Let’s try this ONE more time. Say they teach the Holocaust in Germany starting with the early 1930’s ( Events leading up to it) Should they be taught true history? YES! Should anyone deliberately be made to feel “ racist” because maybe someone in their family might have actually participated in the massacre of the Jewish people? You answer that question 🙋
If your grandfather robbed the people he killed, and grew wealthy from his crimes, and you inherited his wealth, then yes, you should feel guilty for the fact that his crimes resulted in your daily comforts, and you should make amends to the families he impoverished.

You play a part in the racist system every single day when you accept your white privilege and then deny the same privileges to black people. You play a part in it when you vote against increasing funding for education, or oppose increases to the minimum wage.

If you acknowledge the system is racist, and you've done NOTHING in your lifetime to change it, then you continue to play a part in it. I can point to things I have done throughout my life to fight racism in my community, Nothing huge or even noteworthy, but when I worked for an employment agency, I would make a point of sending non-white workers out on assignments in companies where all the staff was white. We all did, because we had some really great non-white temps and it was hard to find companies where we could place them. And they knew what we were doing because we told the women before we sent them in there what we were doing. They sent their friends to our company for placement.

The three of us in the temp department cheered every time we integrated another all-white company. And that's just one example I can give you things I've done to help change the status quo.

Reverse racism is no better than straight racism. White privilege? What is white privilege? Explain how I am privileged over anybody else. Specific examples that you can prove please.

Also tell me how I benefited from slavery when my family wasn't even in this country at the time. Oh, I'm white, so I'm just as guilty as any other white person, right racist?

You self-hating whites disgust me. All liars and thieves do to be honest. Education is a local matter, not a national one like your commie country. If you vote against education, you do so for the local schools in your area. The United States spends more money per capita on education than any other first world country and for you commies, that's not enough. You just can't get enough of other people's money, can you?

How is being against a minimum wage increase racist? Do you racists believe only blacks work for minimum wage or something?
But NONE of the Republicans who voted for the Civil Rights Act, either in the House or the Senate, were Southern Republicans. ALL Southern Republicans voted against the CRA. Some Southern Democrats voted for it, but not one Southern Republican voted in favour of it.

Just make sure you include ALL of the facts when crowing about this one Ray.

What difference does it make where they lived at? The fact is that per capita, the Republicans supported the CRA more than the Democrats.
Black kids are taught a lot of things that make them feel bad about being black. That's what racism is and does to the oppressed class.

White privilege IS a fact. It's been studied and quantified, but you continue to deny it because you're one of the most racist posters on this board.

The oppressed race always turns violence on itself. Black on black violence was very high in Apartheid South Africa as well. You comment only succeeds in proving the USA is a racist nation.

Just the fact that you keep separate sets of data for blacks, whites, and hispanics on EVERYTHING proves the basic racism that is the root of your racial problems.
Black children receive no negative information about themselves, are frequently prohibited from discipline , yet still act out disproportionally
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