Florida's Don't Feel Bad Law.

"The Florida education department has rejected 54 mathematics textbooks for its K-12 curriculum, citing reasons spanning the inclusion of critical race theory to Common Core learning concepts. The rejected books make up a record 41% of the 132 books submitted for review, the Florida Department of Education said in a statement. Of them, 28 were rejected because they "incorporate prohibited topics or unsolicited strategies, including [critical race theory]," the statement said. The names of the rejected books were not included."

The libs are triggered because the Florida DOE didn't name the books that were banned or offer any examples of the offensive material being banned -- but who cares, we know that teachers are pushing CRT in math and Physics and they need to be stopped. Woke politics and all of that tranny LBGQ stuff has no place in math...it's bad enough we gotta still use radical islamic arabic numerals instead of good ole American Christian numbers -- so there has to be a line drawn somewhere...

People care about inflation, gas prices, jobs; healthcare costs -- so banning these mathbooks will definitely help to address these issues. It is a win-win for the GOP and the Dems will be forced to have to explain why they are creating textbooks to teach white kids they are guilty for slavery via math. Obviously, none of this is actually being taught - but it feels like it is, and feelings are fun...

Good. That is why people are fleeing shit holes all over the country there....................Hmmm...Ever wonder why you big Dummy?

If Leroy had 30 grams of coke. He cut it with 10 grams of Isitol. Leroy wants 100 dollars per gram. How much would Leroy make if he sold all 40 grams? If Leroy bought the coke for 1000 dollars. How much would Leroy make in profit?
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You don't have any facts. Just because you had black people ascend to positions of power doesn't mean that the USA isn't racist. Not to mention that your statement that neither one of these black leaders "likes whites much" is a prime example of your stupidity. I guess you didn't notice that Judge Brown Jackson is married to a white man.

Then you go into into white idiot mode with you "leftist lunacy".

You're just a monkey in the zoo throwing shit at the humans passing by.
Deflecting again, lefty dimwit?

I proved you wrong, so now you're back to the spew?

I can keep proving you wrong. Forever. Cause you're just .. wrong.

Mostly I can ignore you though. Your drivel is getting old. Everyone knows you now.

And, people like me, have done our jobs. We've done the work. And we'll keep doing it. As needed.

Because you dimwitted shit for brains leftist fucktards threaten children.

You trampled on a sacred boundary multiple ways. You're toast. No one's going to listen to your agitation anymore.

I hope you enjoyed your 15 minutes of fame and power. Now it looks like you're headed for the penalty box. :p

"The Florida education department has rejected 54 mathematics textbooks for its K-12 curriculum, citing reasons spanning the inclusion of critical race theory to Common Core learning concepts. The rejected books make up a record 41% of the 132 books submitted for review, the Florida Department of Education said in a statement. Of them, 28 were rejected because they "incorporate prohibited topics or unsolicited strategies, including [critical race theory]," the statement said. The names of the rejected books were not included."

The libs are triggered because the Florida DOE didn't name the books that were banned or offer any examples of the offensive material being banned -- but who cares, we know that teachers are pushing CRT in math and Physics and they need to be stopped. Woke politics and all of that tranny LBGQ stuff has no place in math...it's bad enough we gotta still use radical islamic arabic numerals instead of good ole American Christian numbers -- so there has to be a line drawn somewhere...

People care about inflation, gas prices, jobs; healthcare costs -- so banning these mathbooks will definitely help to address these issues. It is a win-win for the GOP and the Dems will be forced to have to explain why they are creating textbooks to teach white kids they are guilty for slavery via math. Obviously, none of this is actually being taught - but it feels like it is, and feelings are fun...

Here was part of the curriculum democrats were teaching children in Florida

1 cracker plus 2 crackers equals a KKK rally.
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Good. That is why people are fleeing shit holes all over the country there....................Hmmm...Ever wonder why you big Dummy?

If Leroy had 30 grams of coke. He cut it with 10 grams of Isitol. Leroy wants 100 dollars per gram. How much would Leroy make if he sold all 50 grams? If Leroy bought the coke for 1000 dollars. How much would Leroy make in profit?

What book did that math problem come from....

Post the link...
Good. That is why people are fleeing shit holes all over the country there....................Hmmm...Ever wonder why you big Dummy?

If Leroy had 30 grams of coke. He cut it with 10 grams of Isitol. Leroy wants 100 dollars per gram. How much would Leroy make if he sold all 50 grams? If Leroy bought the coke for 1000 dollars. How much would Leroy make in profit?

Ohhh, I know!

Leroy got shot in the head for being short - cuz he cut 30 grams of coke with 10 grams of Isitol which didn't make the 50 grams he needed to keep breathing...

What book did that math problem come from....

Post the link...
Here is the math book


Black power!
What facts have you posted Ray? None. You've haven't quoted a single study or report. Other than an OP ed piece in the NY Post, I couldn't fine a single article saying white privilege doesn't exist.

When was the last time you heard about an unarmed white man being shot and killed by police in a routine traffic stop, Ray????

Just as many whites get shot and killed by police as blacks, but being a hypnotized MSM viewer, you think it doesn't happen because they don't report it.

If anybody makes a threatening move in front of a police officer, yes, they will get shot. All police shootings justified and questionable all have on thing in common: the suspect didn't listen to the orders of the officer. That's it. It has nothing to do with race. If it is found that the officer was in no threat, he or she will be held on charges as always.

What book did that come from....

Post the link....
Not telling them which books was pure genius. They have no interest in the reasons why they simply wish to construct a criticism for political points which of course they cannot do without that information. It's awesome.

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