Florida's Don't Feel Bad Law.

Black kids are taught a lot of things that make them feel bad about being black.

Like what?

Enumerate. Be specific

That's what racism is and does to the oppressed class.

There is no oppressed class, dumbshit.

This country bends over BACKWARDS for immigrants and minorities of all kinds.

We do more for minorities than ANY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. Bar none.

Any statement to the contrary is an outright lie

White privilege IS a fact.
Yeah, sure it is

Studied by who?

Jesse Jackson? Al Sharpton? Maybe Angela Davis?
No offense, but lefties are too stupid to fix anything.

Everything they touch turns to shit in short order.

Do us a favor, don't touch it. Leave it alone.

Really? Because frankly, the last FIVE recessions happened when Republicans were in charge.

When I was growing up, my parents used to say Republicans brought us recessions and Democrats bring us wars.

Well now, Republicans bring us recessions, and wars, and plagues, and massive debts, and riots.

What we do different is that we don’t try to make children feel guilty and responsible for history

"Mommy, I was in school today, and the teacher told us slavery was a thing, and white people benefited!"

Maybe we need to teach little Timmy not to be such a pussy.
Then perhaps look a little harder. From the article:

Then at the start of last school year, he made a pronouncement during a discussion about police shootings that would derail his career. White privilege, he told his nearly all-White class, is “a fact.”

That's not supposed to make whites feel guilty?

Except White privilege is a fact, Welfare Ray. I don't know how anyone can deny it.

Not because of being taught history as the bill clearly outlines. What it's designed to do is stop people like that teacher from making personal comments about what is being taught. White privilege is a fact. That's not a fact, that's a very biased opinion. What if a teacher said over 50% of our murders are conducted by 7% of our population--black males. Should that be taught in school? Would you say that comment was designed to make black kids feel guilty about their race even though it's 100% truth?

Well, no, since that's not history. We are talking about history.
Um, yeah, actually, it's the kind of thing they need to know, so they can recognize injustice when they see it. You do get what a complete injustice this was, right? The use of the legal system to force people into servitude. One can argue it still goes on today, where the Prison-Industrial Complex has 2 million people locked up, 46% of them for non-violent crimes.

Hey, your cardio-pulmonary system is only 12% of your body... but remove it, you don't function.

That 12% of our history is very important, if you HAPPEN to be part of that 12%.
Stealing ---selling drugs etc, you deserve to be locked up. Don't do the crimes.
"theories that distort historical events" -- including "the teaching of Critical Race Theory, meaning the theory that racism is not merely the product of prejudice, but that racism is embedded in American society and its legal systems in order to uphold the supremacy of white persons."

Racism has played a large role in our history. Do they not want it distorted or perhaps not taught at all? Gloss over slavery and Jim Crow laws? Pretend redlining never happened?
STop it. I am tired of the stupid.

You want slavery taught--then teach all of slavery--like how blacks have had slaves for thousands of years and still till this day do. That it was the white man who fought slavery all over the world after ending it here. You want to justify failures of blacks on whites and then do the marxist stunt of redirecting this blame into attacks on others.
Okay, you are a special little retard, aren't you?
What's the matter, don't like facts?

You got nothin.

We had a black President, now we have a black Supreme Court Justice. Neither one of them lines whites very much. You want to tell me about that privilege again?

Lefties are racist, they're constantly dividing people by color, by economic class, by gender, any other way to get division

The leftard lies have come home to roost. Now they're getting called out on their bullshit. And so are you.

Give us an example of white privilege, leftard liar. Put it in print. Let's hear what you:ve got
STop it. I am tired of the stupid.

You want slavery taught--then teach all of slavery--like how blacks have had slaves for thousands of years and still till this day do. That it was the white man who fought slavery all over the world after ending it here. You want to justify failures of blacks on whites and then do the marxist stunt of redirecting this blame into attacks on others.

I have NO problem with everything being taught.
Do you think I conducted the studies or just post them? I know you're a leftist therefore hate facts, but facts are facts and can't be disputed. Only a commie would consider facts as racist.

So what are blacks being taught in school that make them feel bad? I await your evidence and credible links. White privilege is not a fact, it's an opinion by your fellow Communists. No data to support it other than whites do better than blacks, just like Asians and Jewish do better than whites. So is there Asian or Jewish privilege too?

Nobody is oppressed therefore no excuse for leading the country in every category of violence per capita. It's just another cheap leftist excuse to validate evil as your God (Satan) dictates.

What facts have you posted Ray? None. You've haven't quoted a single study or report. Other than an OP ed piece in the NY Post, I couldn't fine a single article saying white privilege doesn't exist.

When was the last time you heard about an unarmed white man being shot and killed by police in a routine traffic stop, Ray????
What facts have you posted Ray? None. You've haven't quoted a single study or report. Other than an OP ed piece in the NY Post, I couldn't fine a single article saying white privilege doesn't exist.

When was the last time you heard about an unarmed white man being shot and killed by police in a routine traffic stop, Ray????

Try to get out of that tunnel vision.

(I know that's a tall order for a brainless lefty, but do try).

Here's a hint: if you remove your head from your butt, you can smell fresh air again

What's the matter, don't like facts?

You got nothin.

We had a black President, now we have a black Supreme Court Justice. Neither one of them lines whites very much. You want to tell me about that privilege again?

Lefties are racist, they're constantly dividing people by color, by economic class, by gender, any other way to get division

The leftard lies have come home to roost. Now they're getting called out on their bullshit. And so are you.

Give us an example of white privilege, leftard liar. Put it in print. Let's hear what you:ve got

You don't have any facts. Just because you had black people ascend to positions of power doesn't mean that the USA isn't racist. Not to mention that your statement that neither one of these black leaders "likes whites much" is a prime example of your stupidity. I guess you didn't notice that Judge Brown Jackson is married to a white man.

Then you go into into white idiot mode with you "leftist lunacy".

You're just a monkey in the zoo throwing shit at the humans passing by.

"The Florida education department has rejected 54 mathematics textbooks for its K-12 curriculum, citing reasons spanning the inclusion of critical race theory to Common Core learning concepts. The rejected books make up a record 41% of the 132 books submitted for review, the Florida Department of Education said in a statement. Of them, 28 were rejected because they "incorporate prohibited topics or unsolicited strategies, including [critical race theory]," the statement said. The names of the rejected books were not included."

The libs are triggered because the Florida DOE didn't name the books that were banned or offer any examples of the offensive material being banned -- but who cares, we know that teachers are pushing CRT in math and Physics and they need to be stopped. Woke politics and all of that tranny LBGQ stuff has no place in math...it's bad enough we gotta still use radical islamic arabic numerals instead of good ole American Christian numbers -- so there has to be a line drawn somewhere...

People care about inflation, gas prices, jobs; healthcare costs -- so banning these mathbooks will definitely help to address these issues. It is a win-win for the GOP and the Dems will be forced to have to explain why they are creating textbooks to teach white kids they are guilty for slavery via math. Obviously, none of this is actually being taught - but it feels like it is, and feelings are fun...

“An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, does not bear responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex. An individual should not be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race,” the bill states.

So, not little Jonnie is taught that slavery was a real thing, he goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about slavery, and will not be allowed to do so any longer.

Little Suzi learns about what we did to native Americans as we expanded westward, she goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about what we did and will not be allowed to do so any more.
The law doesn't say the school can't teach about slavery...that's just silly.

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