Florida's Don't Feel Bad Law.

By the way, there were a record number of black voters in many areas where there were voter ID laws...which tells me that Voter ID wasn't much of an obstacle...

However, instead of celebrating high voter turn out -- conservatives like yourselves felt that the laws were not strict enough because of the high voter turn out...

Why is that?

Because the higher turnout was lazy good for nothings that wouldn't have otherwise voted if they had to do it in person.

When you pander to the lazy welfare types, you're going to get more Democrat voters. These are people that don't have a clue how this country runs, what the issues are, or current political events.

If it were up to me, not only would mail-in be exclusive to only those where it was impossible to vote in person, but every voter would have to take a very simple test to demonstrate they know the very least about what they're voting on.
Well, you must understand that blacks do not follow laws...

So they will just find a way to get around voter ID laws...

i have already showed examples of blacks voting illegal despite Voter ID laws on the books...

Just like we have laws against selling drugs on the books but it doesn't stop blacks from selling drugs.....so there must be more done to them to bring them to heel

You can't name me one law that stopped X from happening. We have laws against rape, murder, child molestation, recreational narcotics and so on. But if laws can curb some of the illegal activity, then they are somewhat successful.
Why should anyone living today have to feel bad or remorse for something that happened 200 years before they were born? I am all for teaching history the good the bad and the ugly but let’s get real no one living today born in America has been a slave or slave owner what one or more of your ancestors might have been does not make you the same thing.
Why should anyone living today have to feel bad or remorse for something that happened 200 years before they were born? I am all for teaching history the good the bad and the ugly but let’s get real no one living today born in America has been a slave or slave owner what one or more of your ancestors might have been does not make you the same thing.
This is a fake concept created by liberals. Just barely stops short of being another hoax. Libs don’t live in the here and now and don’t want solutions but do want endless causes.

Can you tell me what political party or political ideology would be more likely to have elements of Justice Jackson's dissent opinion used against their own immigration policies today??

"Fred Korematsu’s conviction was overturned in November of 1983 when government documents were found that indicated the government failed to provide the Supreme Court with information they had that Japanese American citizens were not in fact a national security threat. His case became a symbol for the civil rights struggle in America and has particularly been highlighted following the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the civil liberties infringements that took place against people of Middle Eastern descent."

Will it be Conservatives more likely to claim passing a policy that basically asserts a whole race or religion of people are a national security threat or would Liberals be doing this??
Libs did it
This is a fake concept created by liberals. Just barely stops short of being another hoax. Libs don’t live in the here and now and don’t want solutions but do want endless causes.

They don't want people to be held accountable for their actions but want them accountable for their long dead ancestors.
They don't want people to be held accountable for their actions but want them accountable for their long dead ancestors.
Pretty much blacks aren’t responsible for their illegal acts, illegals aren’t responsible for illegal entry, but 6 year old whites are accountable for 160 years ago
Insane Lib 101
In effect, that's EXACTLY what it does. Now, even slavery can be dropped from history..because it makes white children feel bad....wait, it makes their PARENTS feel bad. :)

Parents have the ability to decipher history from present........at least conservative parents do. But children are different.
what sad is that we need a law like this…why do dems get their rocks off making little kids feel bad about their race?

Because they need a switch from teaching kids about weirdos in dresses and gays. They have to break it up a bit so they don't get board.

Liberals and children have minds like play dough. You can form them into any shape you want. The younger you start them, the more easier to indoctrinate.
If you don’t think it’s inappropriate to make kids of today responsible for any History that ‘s considered racist , well. That’s a DEMOCRAT for you

I hate when people put words in my mouth but when unable to actually address what I do say, it is expected I guess.

I hate when people put words in my mouth but when unable to actually address what I do say, it is expected I guess.

I know exactly how you feel . Your prior post
If you don’t feel bad for what this Country did….well. Maybe you should look in the mirror and stop accusing people of what you’re guilty of
I know exactly how you feel . Your prior post
If you don’t feel bad for what this Country did….well. Maybe you should look in the mirror and stop accusing people of what you’re guilty of

Difficult concepts (this one is not even that difficult) are obviously beyond your reach.
Well aren't you the most ridiculous FuckBoi yet to show up here. What a complete tool you are. Not a single idea in your

1700 posts, none of them with ANY content whatsoever, and all of them saying "leftists are scum". I guess with you limited education, vocabularly, and intellect this was the only job you could get. Hating on people for no reason.

These are the people who would lead you.
Since a low education moron like you worships a dictator wannabe in Turdeau, you best keep your lying trap shut dumbfuck. You do nothing but spout leftard lies daily.
Difficult concepts (this one is not even that difficult) are obviously beyond your reach.
Maybe you should actually think before you accuse others of something that’s not true( However I do realize you are not intellectually capable of it.
Maybe you should actually think before you accuse others of something that’s not true( However I do realize you are not intellectually capable of it.
Of course you would disagree. You have no response or excuses for your racist accusations 🥱

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