Florida's Don't Feel Bad Law.

No you dont get to make it up so you can redefine and reinvent dates because you feel and wish it was so
Facts are USA was a minor leaguer and late comer and fast departer from the slave trade. That will raise your emotional hackles but doesn’t change fact

Actually, no, we were one of the last countries to outlaw it... The British Empire ended slavery in 1835. The Spanish Empire ended it in 1811. The US didn't end it until 1865.

But as stated, it's also what happened AFTER slavery was banned that's equally important. While Brazil ended slavery 23 years later, it didn't follow it up with Jim Crow or miscegenation laws to keep the races from mixing.
Actually, no, we were one of the last countries to outlaw it... The British Empire ended slavery in 1835. The Spanish Empire ended it in 1811. The US didn't end it until 1865.

But as stated, it's also what happened AFTER slavery was banned that's equally important. While Brazil ended slavery 23 years later, it didn't follow it up with Jim Crow or miscegenation laws to keep the races from mixing.
We were not one of the last
It’s your crutch for irresponsible conduct from one segment of society. They get themselves into trouble far disproportional to percentage of society and you lying excuse makers put that not on current conduct but rather slavery and you want to try and force that myth onto children
Did we?

Because it seems to me that when you are declaring "All Men Are Created Equal", the first fucking thing you do is abolish slavery.

The real problem was between 1619 and 1776, the colonies were largely autonomous. The only issue came about was when the British asked the colonists to pay for the costs of the French and Indian War (A conflict with France the UK was trying to avoid in the Americas), the rich slave rapists balked at paying them.

Congrats, buddy, you just got put on ignore, as you haven't really added anything to a conversation..
So poor asshole Joe is ignoring me. Victory. Now I can bury him without having to read his bullshit.
And now you are bitter

you should be bitter at the lib teachers who taught you to hate America without appreciating what a wonderful country it really is
I was taught by nuns in the 60s. Lib teachers? :ahole-1:
What I was taught was to read books to further my education.

“An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, does not bear responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex. An individual should not be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race,” the bill states.

So, not little Jonnie is taught that slavery was a real thing, he goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about slavery, and will not be allowed to do so any longer.

Little Suzi learns about what we did to native Americans as we expanded westward, she goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about what we did and will not be allowed to do so any more.
We are told by the woke that wholesale black murder should not be held against blacks, yet they are trying to teach white kids, most of whom had no ancestors that had or supported slavery, that it should be held against them.

Go figger.
We were not one of the last
It’s your crutch for irresponsible conduct from one segment of society. They get themselves into trouble far disproportional to percentage of society and you lying excuse makers put that not on current conduct but rather slavery and you want to try and force that myth onto children

Not at all. It's more the consequences of irresponsibility change.

It's why Rush Limbaugh got drug rehab and some poor kid gets prison for the same offense.

You can't have unequal treatments under the law and then expect to have respect for the law.

Very few veterans put forth the opinion of America that you do.
Veterans acquire respect and discipline. You display neither.

Oh, you'd be amazed how disciplined I am...

And respect is earned. The stupid don't earn my respect.
So poor asshole Joe is ignoring me. Victory. Now I can bury him without having to read his bullshit.

That's what I did about two weeks ago. Since then topics he's involved with are much more enjoyable to participate in. No more lie after lie, repetition, trying to respond to posts broken up in a half-dozen pieces or so. Just much better.
We are told by the woke that wholesale black murder should not be held against blacks, yet they are trying to teach white kids, most of whom had no ancestors that had or supported slavery, that it should be held against them.

Go figger.
It`s not the slavery, but what was done to Blacks for the 100 years that followed. We were cheated out of learning this history. It`s never too late to visit a library and read a book or two. This would be a good place to start.

It`s not the slavery, but what was done to Blacks for the 100 years that followed. We were cheated out of learning this history. It`s never too late to visit a library and read a book or two. This would be a good place to start.

Libraries in Prague don't have Woke sections. Besides, no one wants to read that shit and the ones who think it's important can't read that well anyway.

I've seen enough of the Reverend Al Sharpton version of world history on this site anyway.

That's what I did about two weeks ago. Since then topics he's involved with are much more enjoyable to participate in. No more lie after lie, repetition, trying to respond to posts broken up in a half-dozen pieces or so. Just much better.

Welfare Ray, you took a beating and couldn't take it anymore. .. we get it.
Welfare Ray, you took a beating and couldn't take it anymore. .. we get it.
No you low education coward. You’re just a parrot repeating the same crap post after post. You couldn’t take the beating I was giving you so you ran away. That’s by your standards you just posted.
It`s not the slavery, but what was done to Blacks for the 100 years that followed. We were cheated out of learning this history. It`s never too late to visit a library and read a book or two. This would be a good place to start.

Dude. I remember hearing about that shit in public school in the 70s. You are just lying now.
Our textbooks had one sentence about Jim Crow and one sentence about share cropping. If you`re calling people dude, you weren`t even born in the 70s.
Our textbooks had one sentence about Jim Crow and one sentence about share cropping. If you`re calling people dude, you weren`t even born in the 70s.

I'll go one further. I recently watched a video about the history of debt peonage, a policy mostly used against black people to provide industrial labor in the South. This was NEVER discussed in my history texts. It continued until 1942, and was only brought to an end in WWII because it was a bad look going to war with Nazi Germany to have this still happening.

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