Florida's Don't Feel Bad Law.

In that case give equal time to the whites who freed the slaves when they didnt have to

I think that galls many blacks because they were so helpless and could not free themselves

There is no black George Washington heroically crossing the Delaware River to save his people

I think that bothers blacks more than they realize or care to admit even to themselves

That is the dumbest thing you have ever posted. You're blaming blacks for slavery because they didn't do enough to free themselves.

Despite the history of lynching, murders and "race riots" every time black people started to develop personal wealth for themselves - like the Tulsa Massacre and burning of "Black Wall Street".

You're a total and complete idiot.
What do you think is more relevant, some obscure battle or the fact that we have had 400 years of slavery and discrimination in this country?

If you are going to use the time limit, frank. this would go to the top of the pile.
This "country" isn't 400 years old, Joe.

Why do you insist on lying all the time?
It's standard leftist brainwashing. They are told what to think, but not why they should be thinking it. It's like when they were whining about Voter-ID making claim it was racist. When we asked what was racist about it, they had no coherent answer. When we posted links that showed a majority of blacks approved Voter-ID, that ended the conversation.
How many voter IDs does Mark Meadows own? He was registered to vote in 3 states simultaneously. White privilege? :auiqs.jpg:
The issue runs so deep and the fire kept hot so as to be almost institutional.

Obviously the key is to educate this out of future generations so as to negate this type of corruptive political influence. It’s clear who sees a benefit in that not happening.
That would certainly be a positive and constructive longer term approach, but I think a much quicker solution would be to significantly change a political/electoral system that literally incentivizes and rewards the very worst behaviors and impulses of its participants and enablers.

That is the dumbest thing you have ever posted. You're blaming blacks for slavery because they didn't do enough to free themselves.

Despite the history of lynching, murders and "race riots" every time black people started to develop personal wealth for themselves - like the Tulsa Massacre and burning of "Black Wall Street".

You're a total and complete idiot.
I am only referring to blacks in America

which is none of your business

so butt out
That is the dumbest thing you have ever posted. You're blaming blacks for slavery because they didn't do enough to free themselves.

Despite the history of lynching, murders and "race riots" every time black people started to develop personal wealth for themselves - like the Tulsa Massacre and burning of "Black Wall Street".

You're a total and complete idiot.
Legalized and forced vasectomies and tying fallopian tubes will fix the problem in a totalitarian existence.
In that case give equal time to the whites who freed the slaves when they didnt have to

Sure, as long as you point out that ending slavery wasn't an objective at the beginning of the war, and that the first 80 years of our history was appeasing the slave owning states. And that after the war, when the racists in the south were imposing Jim Crow and Debt Peonage, all those noble White people stopped giving a fuck. By all means, let's talk about that.

I think that galls many blacks because they were so helpless and could not free themselves

Okay, let's look at that. Did you know it was against the law to teach a slave how to read. Now, you think that would be a pretty useful skill, but the reason why it was against the law was that after the slaves rose up in Haiti and killed all the white people, Cleetus and Bubba lived in mortal fear that blacks might read about it and do the same to them. There were actually a lot of slave revolts in the South, and the main reason why so many dumb inbreds signed up to wear the Gray was they lived in mortal fear that freed slaves would kill them and rape their sisters.

There is no black George Washington heroically crossing the Delaware River to save his people

I think that bothers blacks more than they realize or care to admit even to themselves

I think what bothers them is that 160 years after slavery ended, THIS still goes on.

Sure, as long as you point out that ending slavery wasn't an objective at the beginning of the war, and that the first 80 years of our history was appeasing the slave owning states. And that after the war, when the racists in the south were imposing Jim Crow and Debt Peonage, all those noble White people stopped giving a fuck. By all means, let's talk about that.

Okay, let's look at that. Did you know it was against the law to teach a slave how to read. Now, you think that would be a pretty useful skill, but the reason why it was against the law was that after the slaves rose up in Haiti and killed all the white people, Cleetus and Bubba lived in mortal fear that blacks might read about it and do the same to them. There were actually a lot of slave revolts in the South, and the main reason why so many dumb inbreds signed up to wear the Gray was they lived in mortal fear that freed slaves would kill them and rape their sisters.

I think what bothers them is that 160 years after slavery ended, THIS still goes on.

View attachment 634451
Floyd contributed to his own death by his criminal activity and resisting arrest
Legalized and forced vasectomies and tying fallopian tubes will fix the problem in a totalitarian existence.

It would help the problem in our system of government. If it were up to me, that's what you would have to do in order to collect on any welfare program. You don't get dime one until you are incapable of having any children once on the system. The problem we have now in this country is we encourage poor people to procreate. The more kids, the larger food stamp card, the more welfare, the larger Section 8 house in the suburbs.

In the meantime, working middle-class people are restricted to family size. Given that in most situations, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, how can we solve poverty when we encourage poor people to have more kids than the working?

Before anybody on the left chimes in with this Hitler talk, what do they think working people do when they can't afford anymore children? That's right, they get themselves fixed in most cases so no accidents happen.
How many voter IDs does Mark Meadows own? He was registered to vote in 3 states simultaneously. White privilege? :auiqs.jpg:

And there you go. Your two sentence link doesn't prove much. When people move, they are not required to remove the registration in their former state. That's why we have voter purges in conservative states. People move, die, become uninterested in voting, and the only way to remove those people is through voter purges. Now if you can show me he voted in all three states, that's a different issue. Why do you think the Communists fight voter purges anyway?
It would help the problem in our system of government. If it were up to me, that's what you would have to do in order to collect on any welfare program. You don't get dime one until you are incapable of having any children once on the system. The problem we have now in this country is we encourage poor people to procreate. The more kids, the larger food stamp card, the more welfare, the larger Section 8 house in the suburbs.

That's awesome, Welfare Ray... So we should slice off your balls before we give you one more dime of disability, right?

Sarcasm about Ray's hypocrisy aside, the reality is, it's the REPUBLICANS who constantly slash family planning services to poor communities. Every time the Republicans get into power, before they get around to inevitably starting a war for oil or wrecking the economy, the first thing they do is cut money to Planned Parenthood. Why? Because in addition to distributing family planning, they also perform abortions.

And the same nuts who scream about poor people having too many kids are the same ones who will Lie about Margaret Sanger being a racist and how PP is a scheme to exterminate black people.

Hypocrisy, they name is Republican.

In the meantime, working middle-class people are restricted to family size. Given that in most situations, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, how can we solve poverty when we encourage poor people to have more kids than the working?

You actually think this is a good thing? White people loving material things more than children?

Before anybody on the left chimes in with this Hitler talk, what do they think working people do when they can't afford anymore children? That's right, they get themselves fixed in most cases so no accidents happen.
Welfare Ray's primary method of birth control is his personality!

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