Florida's Don't Feel Bad Law.

“An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, does not bear responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex. An individual should not be made to feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race,” the bill states.

So, not little Jonnie is taught that slavery was a real thing, he goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about slavery, and will not be allowed to do so any longer.

Little Suzi learns about what we did to native Americans as we expanded westward, she goes home and tells mommy and daddy and BOOM school is now sued for teaching about what we did and will not be allowed to do so any more.

Little DaShawn and all the children are taught that DaShawn’s people were owned beaten raped and hanged by evil whitey….DaShawn and the kids hear that “systemic racism“ lies at the bedrock of the American Way.

Why would you want to teach pure and innocent children that blacks are and have always been inferior?
Libs say shit. They think that makes it real. They are bat shit crazy like that. Watch. He won't be able to even grasp the idea of a supporting argument. You need to teach him the idea, before he can even try it.

That's what makes it difficult to have an honest debate on any subject with leftists. They add and subtract things they want from the story assuming the rest of us won't catch on.
The wiser, slightly self aware Libs do that….They do that because they know they can’t logically defend their twisted positions.
Ask illegal alien advocate / supporter Unkotare to point you to a clean, safe, prosperous community, city or state that has improved as it became predominantly brown…he can’t so he won’t yet he’ll still advocate for illegals, effectively advocating for degradation in America.
Their emotions take over their rational mind and there’s nothing they can do about it.

I'm not asking him anything. He made it to my iggy list last winter so I wouldn't read the answer anyway.

I often question whether libs are inherent liars or they actually believe what they say. Conservatism is pragmatic and leftists seems to be void of common sense. There is no possible way to win a debate against people with truth and logic, so they have to make things up in hopes they can win an argument that way.
I'm not asking him anything. He made it to my iggy list last winter so I wouldn't read the answer anyway.

I often question whether libs are inherent liars or they actually believe what they say. Conservatism is pragmatic and leftists seems to be void of common sense. There is no possible way to win a debate against people with truth and logic, so they have to make things up in hopes they can win an argument that way.
You should really find a leftist lib to tell all this to.
I guess you could call any law that discriminates a "don't feel bad" law.

Restaurants are not allowed to keep Blacks and Indians out. Not because they would starve for lack of other restaurants, but because they would feel bad for being unfairly excluded. We make racism driven crimes more severely punished than greed-driven crimes. Why? Not because a person murdered by a racist is any more dead than a person murdered by a robber, but because when someone kills a person just because they are of a hated race, other members of that race feel bad.

And yes. When a child is told by a teacher that he has an unfair advantage and needs to feel guilty about the crimes of others of his race, that child will feel bad.
History don’t mean jack
It’s a lib diversion from their irresponsible conduct for last 50 years to blame such on 160years ago. Shine the search light there is the cry.
Thinkers see that and don’t buy that
I guess you could call any law that discriminates a "don't feel bad" law.

Restaurants are not allowed to keep Blacks and Indians out. Not because they would starve for lack of other restaurants, but because they would feel bad for being unfairly excluded. We make racism driven crimes more severely punished than greed-driven crimes. Why? Not because a person murdered by a racist is any more dead than a person murdered by a robber, but because when someone kills a person just because they are of a hated race, other members of that race feel bad.

And yes. When a child is told by a teacher that he has an unfair advantage and needs to feel guilty about the crimes of others of his race, that child will feel bad.

Hate crime laws are extra penalties for committing a crime against a likely Democrat voter. That's all it is. It's a constitutional violation of Equal Protection, but anybody dare challenge it will be labeled a racist.
It is crystal clear that people should be very worried that people like you are responsible for teaching our children.
Leaving aside that sad little attempt at personal attack, what is it that you imagine to be clear?
Ours is not the worst history of all time

far from it

and thanks to the brilliance of the founding fathers America is a nation that other nations can look up to

If our history is so awesome, then why not teach ALL of it?

I was watching a video about how history is taught in Japan, and how most Japanese are completely unaware of the horrible things Japan did during World War II. So your average Japanese never learns about the Rape of Nanking or the Bataan Death March or the exploitation of Comfort Women. (i.e. systematic kidnapping, rape and forced prostitution).
Ours is not the worst history of all time

far from it

and thanks to the brilliance of the founding fathers America is a nation that other nations can look up to
How many other nations would like to have their own 2nd amendment? Did any country "look up" to us after the MAGA riot? Our 18 year search for WMDs was deadly, shameful and embarrassing. There`s a lot of things I believed up until the 6th or 7th grade.
Your bias is showing.

Biden was not president. His opinion carried no more wait than any other citizen he couldn’t exactly tamper with the jury. He was a candidate on the campaign. The CHEETO squatting in the White House was the President.

Then there was that business with the Central Park Five…remember that? Your Cheeto ran ads in 1989 calling for bringing back the death penalty after the attack. Like Biden, he did not explicitly name names. Like Biden he wasn’t president at the time. Unlike Biden, when they were exonerated due to a wrongful conviction…he insisted they were guilty.

Innocent until proven otherwise…does that apply to Hunter Biden?

:lol: Typical Trumpcult dupe.
Your bias is showing……
BRANDON wasn’t President yet but he was a Presidential Candidate. The case you mentioned was in the late 1880
Your bias is showing.

Biden was not president. His opinion carried no more wait than any other citizen he couldn’t exactly tamper with the jury. He was a candidate on the campaign. The CHEETO squatting in the White House was the President.

Then there was that business with the Central Park Five…remember that? Your Cheeto ran ads in 1989 calling for bringing back the death penalty after the attack. Like Biden, he did not explicitly name names. Like Biden he wasn’t president at the time. Unlike Biden, when they were exonerated due to a wrongful conviction…he insisted they were guilty.

Innocent until proven otherwise…does that apply to Hunter Biden?

:lol: Typical Trumpcult dupe.
Your bias is showing
You say Biden wasn’t President? Wasn’t he a Presidential Candidate when he publicly made those remarks for the whole world including the upcoming Jury to hear? You “ forget “ how he expressed his disappointment to the world that he was not convicted . The case in Central Park happened in 19&9. I didn’t realize Trump was President then
Hunter’s laptop? You mean the one almost everyone admitted really existed but was deliberately kept quiet until now??? Innocent until proven guilty.,,,, does that apply to Trump and the Russian Collusion Hoax?? Typical Liberal Sicko Fan
If our history is so awesome, then why not teach ALL of it?
We teach as much as possible goven that history is only one of many subjects that must be taught

and its no good of libs are allowed to only talk about slavery
How many other nations would like to have their own 2nd amendment? Did any country "look up" to us after the MAGA riot? Our 18 year search for WMDs was deadly, shameful and embarrassing. There`s a lot of things I believed up until the 6th or 7th grade.
And now you are bitter

you should be bitter at the lib teachers who taught you to hate America without appreciating what a wonderful country it really is
How many other nations would like to have their own 2nd amendment? Did any country "look up" to us after the MAGA riot? Our 18 year search for WMDs was deadly, shameful and embarrassing. There`s a lot of things I believed up until the 6th or 7th grade.

Who said America is without faults? Did others look up to us in a nationwide riot in Democrat cities that they allowed to go on for weeks and months without doing anything? Did they look up to us when our now VP was soliciting donations to bail out the criminals so they could go back out and riot some more?

Find me a country without faults please. The fact of the matter is BP is reporting illegals crossing our border from over 150 countries. They are flying to Mexico just to cross into our flawed country. The people that use caravans to get to our border are often raped repeatedly, their children the same, and dead bodies in the same trail to our border.

When I thank God for what I got, the two transcending things are being born to a good family, and being born in the greatest country in the world, the United States of America.
And now you are bitter

you should be bitter at the lib teachers who taught you to hate America without appreciating what a wonderful country it really is
I was taught by nuns in the 60s and they sure as hell weren`t libs. The BLM riots were instigated by a racist murdering cop who is now locked up. If Black cops were killing unarmed white people on a weekly basis you would be okay with that?
If Black cops were killing unarmed white people on a weekly basis you would be okay with that?
Lowlife white criminals can catch the Black Brain Disease too

meth is as bad as the stuff they serve in the ghetto

I wouldnt be surprised if more whites than blacks are killed by the cops
Who said America is without faults? Did others look up to us in a nationwide riot in Democrat cities that they allowed to go on for weeks and months without doing anything? Did they look up to us when our now VP was soliciting donations to bail out the criminals so they could go back out and riot some more?

Find me a country without faults please. The fact of the matter is BP is reporting illegals crossing our border from over 150 countries. They are flying to Mexico just to cross into our flawed country. The people that use caravans to get to our border are often raped repeatedly, their children the same, and dead bodies in the same trail to our border.

When I thank God for what I got, the two transcending things are being born to a good family, and being born in the greatest country in the world, the United States of America.
There is no greatest country in the world. How old are you? I`m guessing 10, maybe 12 years old. I grew up watching the Vietnam War on tv every day and that`s what cured me of patriotism. Remember our 18 year search for WMDs that we knew didn`t exist? I wouldn`t own a flag, no matter where I lived. Can a country love you back?

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