Florida's Don't Feel Bad Law.

Lowlife white criminals can catch the Black Brain Disease too

meth is as bad as the stuff they serve in the ghetto

I wouldnt be surprised if more whites than blacks are killed by the cops
If you find a 9 minute video of a Black cop torturing and murdering a white guy, feel free to post it. Chauvin instigated those riots and the whole world saw us for what we really are.
If you find a 9 minute video of a Black cop torturing and murdering a white guy, feel free to post it. Chauvin instigated those riots and the whole world saw us for what we really are.

Bullshit. First of all Floyd was complaining he couldn't breathe sitting in the back seat of the patrol car. Secondly, the officer was immediately arrested and then charged with murder. Therefore the riots were not about injustice, they were about opportunity and excuses to behave like animals.
If you find a 9 minute video of a Black cop torturing and murdering a white guy, feel free to post it. Chauvin instigated those riots and the whole world saw us for what we really are.
You found one that the left plays constantly

thats your only hope of maintaining the lie
There is no greatest country in the world. How old are you? I`m guessing 10, maybe 12 years old. I grew up watching the Vietnam War on tv every day and that`s what cured me of patriotism. Remember our 18 year search for WMDs that we knew didn`t exist? I wouldn`t own a flag, no matter where I lived. Can a country love you back?

My country already does with the freedom and opportunity it provides it's citizens. If you don't think this is the greatest country in the world, then find a better one and try to move there for a while. My father has been all over the world when he was in the military. When he got back from the Korean war, he kissed the ground as soon as he got off the boat. I guess for some people, you don't really appreciate what you have until you see how others live.
My country already does with the freedom and opportunity it provides it's citizens. If you don't think this is the greatest country in the world, then find a better one and try to move there for a while. My father has been all over the world when he was in the military. When he got back from the Korean war, he kissed the ground as soon as he got off the boat. I guess for some people, you don't really appreciate what you have until you see how others live.
You can`t get into most schools and sporting events without going through a metal detector. That`s not freedom. Speaking of vets, a returning Civil War vet famously said, "I loved my country and I`ll be damned if I`ll ever love another one. My father and 8 of my uncles served in WW2 but never thought they were anyone special. I give credit to the Korean vets who served in a horrible useless war, came home, got jobs and raised families. They were ignored when they returned just like the Vietnam vets but our Korean vets didn`t spend the rest of their lives bitching about Jane Fonda and hippies ruining their war.
You can`t get into most schools and sporting events without going through a metal detector. That`s not freedom. Speaking of vets, a returning Civil War vet famously said, "I loved my country and I`ll be damned if I`ll ever love another one. My father and 8 of my uncles served in WW2 but never thought they were anyone special. I give credit to the Korean vets who served in a horrible useless war, came home, got jobs and raised families. They were ignored when they returned just like the Vietnam vets but our Korean vets didn`t spend the rest of their lives bitching about Jane Fonda and hippies ruining their war.

My point is they appreciated this country.
That's what makes it difficult to have an honest debate on any subject with leftists. They add and subtract things they want from the story assuming the rest of us won't catch on.

Their view of reality is based on what they see on tv, where people like them almost always have control.

So, they get to do shit like that, ie adding and subtracting shit, and not get called on it.

Then, when they try it, like they see their Thought Leaders on tv do it, and we call them on it, they are unable to gronk it.
Well it seems to me the big phrase here is "Made to feel". I don't know any parents or conservatives who have a problem with kids being taught the facts of history. And they're often not pretty. Fine. It's when schools then undergo all kinds of think sessions and racial reconciliation projects based on that history where they go wrong.
Which schools are those?
It's okay with you that CRT which has it's roots in the communist Soviet Union, teaches little white kids that they are racist? That in itself is RACIST. Can't you understand that?
This bill doesn't want to erase history, but I sure remember a whole bunch of woke leftist trying to do just that by removing statues.
What do you suppose did those statues teach little black kids?
Curriculum that lays at the feet of children some wierd idea of what their responsibility is for 50-160 years ago is well worth prohibiting
It's pretty clear that it has to be proved to be calculated to cause said discomfort based on race. It's an objective test rather than a subjective test.

Nothing wrong with that at all. If we can tell by the language of the teacher that it is intended to make a certain race feel uncomfortable, it's illegal.
It’s pretty clear that you should have to prove that the conditions this bill is supposedly correcting for actually exist. Show us where anything that the posters here allege is actually being done.
just because you dont know doesnt mean others dont

ok lets make it simple

blacks contributed more or less than their population and how?

the woke guilt-ridden lib teachers think its much more to the point that no others history matters

and thats what parents are complaining about
Ole Golfing Gator never answered that question

too tough for him I guess
Pretty amazing, how deep this issue remains in our society and culture.

And, to no surprise, politicians making political hay out of it, stoking the fire.

That's our political/electoral system: Fuck the problem, just play to the base and keep that fundraising going.
The issue runs so deep and the fire kept hot so as to be almost institutional.

Obviously the key is to educate this out of future generations so as to negate this type of corruptive political influence. It’s clear who sees a benefit in that not happening.
Their view of reality is based on what they see on tv, where people like them almost always have control.

So, they get to do shit like that, ie adding and subtracting shit, and not get called on it.

Then, when they try it, like they see their Thought Leaders on tv do it, and we call them on it, they are unable to gronk it.

It's standard leftist brainwashing. They are told what to think, but not why they should be thinking it. It's like when they were whining about Voter-ID making claim it was racist. When we asked what was racist about it, they had no coherent answer. When we posted links that showed a majority of blacks approved Voter-ID, that ended the conversation.
We teach as much as possible goven that history is only one of many subjects that must be taught

and its no good of libs are allowed to only talk about slavery

What do you think is more relevant, some obscure battle or the fact that we have had 400 years of slavery and discrimination in this country?

If you are going to use the time limit, frank. this would go to the top of the pile.
What do you think is more relevant, some obscure battle or the fact that we have had 400 years of slavery and discrimination in this country?

If you are going to use the time limit, frank. this would go to the top of the pile.
In that case give equal time to the whites who freed the slaves when they didnt have to

I think that galls many blacks because they were so helpless and could not free themselves

There is no black George Washington heroically crossing the Delaware River to save his people

I think that bothers blacks more than they realize or care to admit even to themselves
What do you think is more relevant, some obscure battle or the fact that we have had 400 years of slavery and discrimination in this country?

If you are going to use the time limit, frank. this would go to the top of the pile.
Try about 75 years of slavery and AGAIN how are people of today responsible for a dormant occurrence that ended 160 years ago?
Do you think I conducted the studies or just post them? I know you're a leftist therefore hate facts, but facts are facts and can't be disputed. Only a commie would consider facts as racist.

So what are blacks being taught in school that make them feel bad? I await your evidence and credible links. White privilege is not a fact, it's an opinion by your fellow Communists. No data to support it other than whites do better than blacks, just like Asians and Jewish do better than whites. So is there Asian or Jewish privilege too?

Nobody is oppressed therefore no excuse for leading the country in every category of violence per capita. It's just another cheap leftist excuse to validate evil as your God (Satan) dictates.

You know nothing about me. It's the liars that I can't stand. If "facts are facts and can't be disputed", why don't you post some of those facts.
They were SOUTHERN policies, supported by both Republicans and Democrats.

Which southern Republicans supported slavery, Jim Crow, black codes or segregation?

not one Southern Republican voted in favour of the Bill.

List the Southern Republicans that voted against it.

Why don't YOU do your own research and answer your own questions. Too lazy to fact check. As always.

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